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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. maybe if everyone justs posts this picture it'll turn out all right
  2. so instead of giving me a sentence, you gave me a bunch of dodgy questions you lose, jack
  3. a better question is if you can't explain your point in one concise sentence then what kind of fuck, exactly, am I supposed to give about what you think like here is a challenge right here right now tell me what it is that you are arguing in one sentence no 'read the thread' no 'you're not the boss of me' if you cannot make a post that is one sentence that accurately describes what exactly you are trying to communicate here, you should not be posting at all can you do that, jack can you do it
  4. also words into posts on this forum
  5. if jackkieser is in college now then he is probably of an age where he was less than ten years old when games were supposedly less expensive
  6. maybe it's just because there are literally no arcades where I live but I couldn't give two halves of a fuck about the arcade version somebody let me know when I can pay for extra characters on my xbox
  7. a music theory major can maybe sit behind a piano and play a little tune for his pals at least
  8. people didn't want to pay 1 cent so they pirated it I don't understand where I'm wrong here I reiterate - people pirate games because they do not want to pay for them ^
  9. people pirate games because they do not want to pay for them I think it is high time that people began to accept that
  10. if I recall correctly every time there was a 'talk' about resetting stats it was basically like everybody saying please reset stats and then it doesn't happen
  11. somebody start a petition to get Vile as DLC
  12. no no no no I swear to fucking god if they ruin OoT with stupid motion bullshit
  13. Warrior of Light has a new costume in Dissidia 2 that makes him look like a Fighter from FF1.
  14. and the gba and the gb and the every other system ever made
  15. arek was talking about her art in Dissidia compared to art of the other characters when I responded and said 'in the whole game' it was talking about the same game maybe try reading posts before responding to them okay
  16. none of these characters are in dissidia you morons
  17. tifa has the best character design in the whole game because it isn't absolutely ridiculous the only other characters with clothing that aren't batshit insane are cloud and zidane, maaaybe tidus
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