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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. traded the crates to powerlord for safe'n'sound thanks dudeguy
  2. I will trade someone all of my festive crates for one hat that's four crates, people
  3. it's because of people like you that "troll" doesn't mean anything anymore
  4. I like when people argue that your thoughts about a thing are a product of counter culture "bleck it is absolutely impossible that you think ff13 wasn't good because I think it is good and therefore you are just trying to be cool by hating good things" derrit how about you pick up your sippy cup and sit down beside your PS3 and just hold UP until you're at the final boss of ff13 and then press x about one hundred times to win instead of wasting precious internet space with your rambling nonsense also etc
  5. person: FF12 was mediocre, FF13 and FF14 are pretty bad relyance: JEEZ SURE IS JADED AND CYNICAL JACKASSES IN HERE GUYS PAY ATTENTION TO ME
  6. it's always funny when people say things like this
  7. I really hope this game is shitty, because for most people it will be the last straw and everyone will finally realize how awful Square has been the past few years and they will have to kick it back into gear and stop making awful games again.
  8. so let's talk about some alternatives to oxygen
  9. sounds like somebody doesn't like ocarina of time you guys know what that means time for a good old fashioned tar 'n featherin'
  10. no guys see Aragorn works because he is the hero and Boromir works because replace the ring with Soul Edge and his motivations can stay exactly the same everyone else is much too extraneous
  11. when I say 'lord of the rings characters' I think it'd be pretty much aragorn and boromir anyone else would be silly
  12. okay as ludicrous as that sounds it would be pretty fucking amazing
  13. shitty game company sues other shitty game company over a shitty game company breaking away from one shitty company to another shitty company to make shitty games
  14. I found five christmas crates over the past day I used my key to open one and it was the terrible heavy toupee beforehand I decided to try my luck and fuse my fedora and my brigade hat and got the soldier's stash I hate this game
  15. that's because you're not super pro ultra pro soldierman
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