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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. yeah basically why any money is being put towards another devil may cry instead of bayonetta 2 is beyond me
  2. there has been nothing to indicate it is not anything but a reboot there are no returning characters the main character looks entirely different there is no numerical title (devil may cry 3 was a prequel and SURPRISE still had a number attached to it) the presentation has shifted dramatically it is not being developed by any of the same team everyone who has seen the trailer has assumed it is a reboot and nobody has corrected them because it is a reboot don't be an idiot
  3. it's a reboot don't be an idiot
  4. FFXII is the best game that plays like it does, which, unfortunately, is by itself not very good. The game has an interesting setting, great music, and is bound to keep you busy for hours if you fall into it. If you can stand boring mmo gameplay, which I totally understand if you don't. I still play video games on a big chunky TV, and mostly with my Wii. I have no reason to buy a new TV right now, and fact of the matter is that not only is that true for a huge buttload of people, but people want it to continue being true. Sony is marketing to the people who are willing to go out and buy a 5000 dollar TV so they can play 3D Call of Duty 9. Nintendo is marketing to everyone else. It's a no brainer who the more profitable group is.
  5. First thing that comes to my mind is price. The Wii is the cheapest system of this generation, and it's obvious this is largely due to it's lack of physical power. To make the Wii capable of delivering FULL 1080 PROGRESSIVE 3D SUPERFANTASTIC DEFINITION, you'd need to make the system larger, more expensive, and probably less physically reliable; I've seen a 360 tip from standing position to it's side on a carpet, landing with a soft thud. It stopped working. My Wii, on the other hand, has been dropped down a flight of stairs, and still works flawlessly. I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft and Sony have spent multiple times as much money as Nintendo has on repairing and replacing broken systems. Trying to justify making a system expensive for gamers and your company, so games can look better, is ridiculous. The second thing, and the thing that is most obvious, is how graphics do not, and have never, had any impact on how well a game plays. Famitsu is largely the most critical bunch of reviewers when it comes to video games, no? Well, take a look at the games that they've given perfect scores to - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Soulcalibur Vagrant Story The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Nintendogs Final Fantasy XII Super Smash Bros. Brawl Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots 428: Fūsa Sareta Shibuya de Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies Monster Hunter Tri Bayonetta New Super Mario Bros. Wii Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Pokémon Black and White Fifteen games that can agreeably be considered the cream of the crop of their respective genres - and most of them are on Nintendo systems, including the Wii. None of the Nintendo entries can really be called out for their amazing graphics; in fact, the only two on the list that, at the time of their release, can be held above the general standard for graphics are Metal Gear Solid 4 and Bayonetta, and anyone who's actually played it can give you a long list of reasons why Bayonetta was phenomenal that have nothing to do with how it looks. Metal Gear Solid didn't even need the graphics to be that great of a game, and Peace Walker proved it by being on the PSP and looking, mostly, like a PS2 game. Essentially what I'm getting at, and can provide more information to prove, is that graphics have never mattered as far as gaming goes. Sure, having good graphics is nice - but you can never, ever say that having 'sub par graphics' drags a game down if it is good in every other respect without looking like an elitist idiot. If you want to complain about something in a video game, complain about something that matters beyond a precursory glance. --- Also, note: of all the things in Metroid: Other M, do you know what took the most work and received the most focus during development? Making the cutscenes look nice. Look how great that turned out.
  6. are you going to argue that being able to differentiate between pixels somehow makes video games unenjoyable really are you going to try and argue that
  7. anyone who thinks any of the story or characters of the previous games weren't stupid trendy bullshit needs to take their head out of their ass I love dmc1 and dmc3 and kind of liked dmc4 but they were just trying to appeal to teenagers who liked big leather trenchcoats and white hair and girly looking guys this new one is just trying to appeal to a different generation of teenagers who like bulky coats and tight pants and really stupid haircuts and to be quite frank I don't really care who they are trying to appeal to as long as I can still suspend monsters in the air with a stream of endless bullets
  8. apparently spidey and venom won't be in mvc3 because activison owns spidey license I'm so fucking pissed
  9. only Aqua gets Reflect and hers is called Barrier
  10. bladecharge is the only finish that is worth using as an actual attack all of the other ones are better spent dodging attacks
  11. a better question is why does hd matter or why has it ever mattered
  12. it's over, sylux I have the high ground
  13. I don't really agree with this since all they are doing is trying to make games that are more similar to western rpgs if anything japan is getting dragged down by shitty american games that somehow make millions
  14. ghost drive was the best command drive yeah time splicer is also pretty much the best move in the game well that and mega flare
  15. it's not so much to say that tutorials for fun games are fun so much as it is that tutorials for fun games tend to not be boring - a tutorial shouldn't even really leave an impact on you but if play a tutorial and can tell just form that that the game is boring, then 99% of the time the rest of the game is in fact going to be boring
  16. in my experience if the tutorial fight in a game is unenjoyable chances are the rest of the game won't be that great either
  17. ven is the best character because dodge roll is broken tier
  18. for someone who likes passive-aggression you sure are bad at it got my copy preordered
  19. I sure hope not or that be a pretty shitty universe
  20. no I meant that all of those problems are apparent in other mmos that have been out for years it's like people played the beta for this game and just now are starting to realize that mmos have been shitty for the past ten years
  21. if it weren't for the topic title I wouldn't know which mmo you were talking about
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