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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. I think people being terrible engies is incredibly irritating but in almost every case where I think something is irritating people tell me PEOPLE DO WHAT THEY WANT DEAL WITH IT BLECK so I think it's kind of dumb to suddenly make an oppressive exception in his case
  2. stop lying to me brushfire stop it
  3. I was idling on the same one you are ;C
  4. been idling for eight hours and I haven't gotten anything thanks for the increased drop rate valve also yeah irjustman 'admin' on the ocr servers typically tends to mean 'people can and will use the slay command'
  5. http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/engineer_photos/
  6. also anyone could have guessed no new buildings they hinted as much in a blog update
  7. why aren't they telling us what the wrench does for fuck's sake
  8. I can honestly say that of all the classes I play I die to spies the least when I'm an engineer
  9. there was supposed to be a borealis level in half life 2 how dare valve sell me an incomplete game
  10. they cut planned content by that logic 95% of video games are incomplete
  11. that is literally exactly what I wanted
  12. this is stupid in the context of the story it makes sense for flynn to not be a playable character and to say that the entirety of the 360 version is incomplete because it didn't have moe pirate girl is fucking retarded
  13. sometimes I like to pretend that flacs sound different than mp3s and it makes me feel like a big man
  14. integrated graphics tends to mean that the 'video card' is built into the motherboard iirc also if sc2 is anything like sc1 it'll be another glorified game of rock-paper-scissors
  15. white sokka and white katara in a village of eskimos talking to their eskimo grandma
  16. the producers actually called for 'Caucasian actors' when looking for the leads
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