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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. what does that have to do with tf2
  2. the advance and ds games are worse than the originals
  3. story doesn't matter it's pokemon blah blah deal w/ it actually what destroyed the sonic franchise is the constant attempts to make the new games similar to the original games to appease the legion of fans that are incapable of processing the idea that the original games aren't really that great to begin with
  4. the judges don't actually accept anything all of the remixes are done by the wingless under an infinite number of aliases
  5. Personally, I think that sequels aren't really a bad thing so much as that other companies making sequels is a bad thing. I don't mind seeing more Mario or Donkey Kong or Halo or Mega Man because those are series that have been, for the most part, phenomenal. What I do tire of is other developers getting away with goddamn Call of Duty or Gears of War or [insert mostly brown game here] sequels that aren't even any bloody different than the first installments, purely because adolescent boys currently wouldn't know what a good game was if it bit them in the ass. Also Sonic needs to stop getting sequels. People just don't seem to get it.
  6. this is what Bonk! should have done in the first place
  7. because nerds can't fathom being beaten by a girl
  8. the supposedly better ones just constantly spout off infinite variations of the sentences 'oh that was nice' and 'he'll have a hard time getting out of this one'
  9. I don't really think a medic soldier combo should have trouble taking down a minisentry, wrangled or no maybe try uh listening to powerlord and killing the engineers???
  10. yeah the new items aren't really overpowered so much as they just make it easier for engies to work together a good team of engies has always been nigh unstoppable
  11. I think it's fine people are just frustrated that they can be punished now for blowing up sentries
  12. if anyone should be added in, it's
  13. fuck the equalizer fuck the equalizer until valve figures out a way to do lag compensation that doesn't magically extend the equalizers range to ten feet
  14. being difficult to play doesn't really mean something isn't overpowered fox in smash bros melee is a good example of this
  15. you realize those achievements were released two years after the game was released probably long past the point where anyone had any hope of rebalancing the demoman without having a million short-sighted people cry about how they've RUNIED THE GAEM 4EVER also it is possible for something to be versatile without it being generally better than everything else
  16. Which is why it should have been the way the weapon works from the start. Now, instead, Demoman have the most powerful and effective weapon in the game, turning what was supposed to be a long range, area denial class into Super Soldier the Revenge. Yes, I do still believe Demomen are overpowered.
  17. the scottish resistance is how the original sticky launcher should always have worked
  18. people need to stop trying to wrangle with minisentries
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