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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. anything and everything from donkey kong country 1-3 and 64 is owned by nintendo they were created by rare but they fall under the donkey kong license which is obviously owned by nintendo
  2. yeah the psp nub never really had a problem with how it felt it was just that once you actually put your hands in the position that you needed them to be in to play the game you realized that it was in the worst position and then after about an hour of playing your thumb is permanently cocked sideways
  3. DKC3 music gets a bad rap because of that first level song if you listen to the rest of the soundtrack there are some real gems in there with probably the best sounding drum samples of the entire snes library
  4. I already have an australian friend but I guess I can squeeze you in

  5. that's because sonic was never good
  6. 1. toy story 3 was absolutely flawless 2. hum4n after all wouldn't know a good movie if it bit him in the dick
  7. no no I meant who actually cares about the 3D image viewing thing I mean if you took away the 3D screen and just had the bigger screen and better graphics and analog nub it would still be a fantastic system worth putting money into, you know?
  8. yeah I mean kirby has been round and pink in every game I mean what is up with that
  9. it has been confirmed that it doesn't use head tracking for a few days now and has been confirmed to be using some crazy screen effect for at least two months now I mean I would have assumed that when all the people pointed out that look at the screen from angles kind of blurred the 3d effect that logically it meant that it wasn't using head tracking but I guess people are just bad at assuming
  10. if it turns out that having awful vision and being colourblind will prevent me from enjoying the 3D effect... ...it won't really bother me at all because I will be too busy enjoying the hell out of starfox
  11. Kirby Super Star is the quintessential Kirby game - it was better than every previous title and every subsequent title was nowhere near as good
  12. easy != for kids there is a winnie the pooh platforming game for the n64 and I remember renting it for my younger brother and then beating the whole thing (and enjoying it) because it was tough as fuck
  13. maybe sakurai finally realized that those two gameplay mechanics were sort of counter-conducive to a game being challenging
  14. show of hands, who actually cares about the 3D
  15. yeah it was pretty unbearable tonight there were at least five, maybe six times where the entire server just froze for twenty seconds during dustbowl
  16. are are you serious do you only have one, really fat finger or something
  17. if DKCR doesn't have music by David Wise I will blow up the moon
  18. shadow dragon crashed because the story is awful and the characters are bland and boring
  19. I am glad I'm not the only one who noticed this
  20. that's because sony still is a bunch of amateurs
  21. 'but if I buy one now, a better one might come out later' you know this would probably be an important issue if it didn't apply to LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE PRODUCT YOU HAVE EVER OR WILL EVER PURCHASE IN THE ENTIRETY OF YOUR LIFETIME
  22. also it has buttons you guys buttons are important
  23. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Mighty_Mouse FIVE YEARS AGO
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