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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. obviously they had to cut the last guardian so they could have enough space to fit in three extra trailers for killzone 3
  2. newsflash: something being done before doesn't mean that it is automatically bad; sometimes things can be good enough to warrant sequels that aren't complete overhauls I'm getting kind of sick of all these half-cynic idiots talking about 'Nintendo rehash' while they get all giddy about Gears of fucking War 3 or another god damn Halo or one of the infinite rip-offs of Halo floating around and don't even get me fucking started on god damn fucking Call of Duty
  3. if you can give me a good reason why either of these games need to deviate from their original molds then maybe I won't assume you're an idiot
  4. I am paralyzed with excitement for everything that happened
  5. to be honest this applies to pretty much any time signature that isn't 2/4, 4/4, 3/4, 6/8, 5/4 or 7/8
  6. I don't think the controller is any different save for being gloss and all black, unfortunately
  7. is there anything in that list that everyone who has ever played an xbox did not immediately glean from the pictures I mean the only things you can't tell just by looking at it are built in wifi and bigger hard drive well except the chipset I guess but I am convinced that everyone is just pretending to care about that
  8. you're right let's talk about the hardware revision that nobody needed or the motion control shovelware that nobody cares about or the infinite amount of rehashed space marine army shooter sequels that have no business being rehashed because unlike nintendo rehashes they were never actually good I'm sure everyone wants to get a word in about how much they loved all of that
  9. [9:36:25 PM] Bleck: I really want reggie fils aime to just [9:36:26 PM] Bleck: walk out [9:36:29 PM] Bleck: and look at the audience [9:36:31 PM] Bleck: for five minutes [9:36:34 PM] Bleck: like michael jackson [9:36:38 PM] Bleck: and everyone is just screaming and fainting [9:36:41 PM] Bleck: and then he just says [9:36:42 PM] Bleck: new zelda [9:36:43 PM] Bleck: and walks off stage [9:36:46 PM] Bleck: and the new trailer plays [9:36:50 PM] Bleck: and nintendo wins E3
  10. macs have had two button mouse functionality for over six years and anyone still make that joke needs to be kicked in the face
  11. atmuh don't tempt me I swear I will blow up the whole internet
  12. you should have known it would be shit; nintendo conference will have new zelda and therefore everyone else is terrible forever in comparison
  13. if by ruins the scene you mean made infinitely better then yes I can't find any confirmation of such a price
  14. or maybe we could just get an admin to kick irritating assholes
  15. black and white never comes to america because nintendo lawyers are afraid the beatles will sue them
  16. the starters are a pig, a snake and an otter the female protagonist wears daisy dukes something that looks similar to the golden gate bridge is featured in the game everything points to america
  17. every community sucks the more people band together around something, the more likely it is that a sizeable portion of them are idiots
  18. it is a fantastic thing
  19. the entire soundtrack is daft punk
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