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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. I had refused to watch it already because I cannot in good conscience support racism
  2. badwater is not a map it is a state of being
  3. oh so what you were actually saying was that the iterations of music players that apple released several years ago are somehow comparable to the iterations of video game handhelds that nintendo has released the much better processor so I can call people and play terrible apps based around fart jokes at the same time 1. I do have a serious problem with my eyes 2. arguing about pixel resolutions is a dumb nerd argument that is only relevant to terrible people
  4. if anyone can give me one non-fucktard reason as to why I should even think to compare any apple products to any nintendo ones I will be very surprised
  5. the new iphone makes a resolution improvement that is impossible for retinas to process, the camera adds ~zooming~, the thing adds in a gyroscope sensor for all of the gimmicky bullshit that you could ever ask for, and a slightly more powerful processor that works wonders on all the things that don't fucking matter because it's a god damn phone
  6. no map is fun to play for 30 minutes except maybe Garbage Day
  7. also when nintendo releases a revision it has a multitude of changes and upgrades whereas when apple releases a revision they change NOTHING
  8. somebody make a plugin that permabans anyone who votes for dustbowl
  9. guys it is very important that I own a real version of a thing that isn't real
  10. you just made yet another one of those posts where I can respond to it by quoting the post that I made that you were responding to I hope you're happy
  11. when they said key themes they basically meant leitmotifs that accompanied various facets of the series odds are that they aren't going to re-use every single song from the original three games just because some fans tend to think that they're good
  12. no underwater levels actually makes me happy
  13. the trick to being a good engineer is to not turtle
  15. can you say neeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrds
  16. the best kirby game is Kirby's Dream Course
  17. if I wanted a camera I wouldn't buy it from Nintendo
  18. since fireslash has deemed this not worth his time I think everyone else should discuss this
  19. I wonder how many made up words that are homonyms of actual, normal words Grace will use in its story
  20. maybe you should stop posting now
  21. keep in mind that the idea that having a villain in a video game other than the established recurring somehow makes that game bad is patently retarded
  22. maybe you should stop posting now
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