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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. and replaced them with replaced with really straightforward dungeons a girl with a swordgun an old man instead yeah they've never done that before boring real-time combat stupid fucking cutscenes in general (I actually found them similar to Tales cutscenes in that 40% or more of them were just tedious explanations of all the extraneous concepts that the game invented to make the plot work)
  2. I think what you don't understand is that the people who complained about previous Final Fantasies were people who didn't like Final Fantasy as such when a game comes out that is basically a Final Fantasy except without all the things that made the last bunch good it is not really funny or ironic at all that these same people are going to dislike the game also if FFXIII was their attempt at not having a JRPG then wow just wow
  3. find me a jrpg that isn't all about the battle system (which despite fans will tell you is always always bland and tedious) and I will eat my hat Hard Mode: No Persona
  4. yeah this seems to be the case - especially combos that start off with crouching attack -> standing attack, I just can't seem to get them unless I'm HAMMERING THE BUTTONS as fast as I can which is just ridiculous
  5. I am having a lot of trouble doing Cody and Guy trials for some reason
  6. for the briefest moment I considered how amazing it would be if they had Bayonetta in this game then I realized Bayonetta is Sega not Capcom and now I want to cry
  7. this is a very cleverly disguised favorites thread
  8. I actually don't really have that much trouble against her, especially with Hakan - I just think she's irritating/boring to fight.
  9. and so does natascha and the ambassador
  10. tf2 has always been about fucking over players who want to rely on skill and this is what always made it great; it was about bro'ing up with your team to accomplish goals instead of being personal glory fortress 2 if you need some kind of srs bsns shoot time go play counter-strike or something
  11. if ssf4 is anything like sf4 (derp) I will not be able to do any links at all online EVER
  12. I find this move tends to hit a lot more of the time then I thought it would - I hit someone with it once when they were just walking towards me.
  13. Actually, and maybe I'm just johnsing here, several times I've used his Oil Rocket (the one where the grab animation looks like a big hug) at the closest possible range and his arms have basically gone through my opponent, doing nothing except setting me up for failure. I mean, I love this game and all, but Hakan seems really wonky with hit detection and Juri hits me through all of my blocks with every fucking attack and araghrahghaghrhgahgr
  14. is there like a glitch where frogg is completely invisible to everyone but me or is he somehow mind controlling everyone to think that he is not a threat I ubered two people yesterday and both of them just sort of waltzed by him and tried to kill scouts!
  15. I will make my triumphant return as Axle The Red
  16. holy shit it looks exactly the same as the last three
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