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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. agreed cheap as hell fighting game bosses are a fad that needs done away with
  2. what the fuck are you talking about this would be the greatest game ever MEGA MAN, HULK, DONALD DUCK
  3. because you don't count an initial form as an evolution, since they haven't evolved yet Totodile - Initial Croconaw - Evolution 1 Feraligatr - Evolution 2 this is all assuming that we're on the right track of course
  4. my first is going to be hakan and my second is going to be hakan
  5. knowing whedon though it will be filled with heavy FEMINIST OVERTONES
  6. in before the entire movie is about black widow
  7. so what you're saying is that they need to be just as mature as they have been being good I'm glad we agree
  8. newsflash: pokemon is a kid game for kids it doesn't need to be more 'mature'
  9. garian where are you garian I never see you garian I am so sad
  10. if you played sonic games before I made the challenge you are ineligible by default
  11. what's is that guys even his problem???
  12. well yes since would imply that she likes Sonic Adventure, which would mean she has bad taste anyways perhaps I should revise the challenge to 'anyone who hasn't played Sonic and also actually likes good video games' but then again that would make it almost impossible to win now wouldn't it
  13. he is arguing about whether or not games should be balanced for competitive or public play He's saying that games should be balanced for competitive play because a lot of what pubs think is overpowered is simply them not knowing what the hell it is. I think that making a game not fun until you're good at it is always a terrible design choice, and I think that zircon agrees, as he goes on to say that the balance fixes should not be nerfs or buffs, but instead things that make it easier to get good at the game without having to play it for a million billion hours.
  14. No. All dinosaurs must be fossil mons. They do look cool, though.
  15. I don't think I have to say anything else guys please stop responding to me with such silliness it isn't doing anyone any good!
  16. This is how I feel about Final Fantasy XIII. This is a really dumb question.
  17. so because I think they are bad doesn't make them bad but because you think they are good makes them good oh shit sounds like I forgot to ignore an being able to have fun with your friends while playing it doesn't really make it good though I mean you can have fun playing almost any game with friends
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