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Everything posted by Therapsid

  1. Sounds really cool, but Tindeck is a better site to host and share music
  2. Last track was really cool. A very interesting remix of Hot-Head-Bop theme. Good job
  3. Industrial is one of my favourite kind of music Your stuff is always appreciated by me, you know
  4. It does really sound like a Castlevania level. Good job and good choice, Wario Castle is such a fewly considered track and would deserve more attention. I hope it may be "yessed". CastleWaria wouldn't sound bad as song title, would it?
  5. That would be kind. Thanks. I really like that mix
  6. Sorry if I necropost, but I would really like to hear again this track. Personally i think it sounded very cool, with such a good ambience (intro with clocktower is just awesome). May you repost the file link? Either have you got a your own website where to download?
  7. So am I. I was listening this WIP several times yesterday and sounds cool. Just timely modifcations needed. Keep up the nice work
  8. If you wanna better share, you could use Tindeck.com service. Very easy to use
  9. It's really epic indeed. Close to Audix's skills
  10. Hey, I was wondering what's new about Crocodile Chaos DKC2 OLRemix project... Nice album btw. I look forward for other tracks.
  11. Better using Tindeck to host mp3 files next time
  12. I'm always glad to hear some new stuff from you, Diseased. And also this one rocks
  13. You're right. It is a really interesting tune. I like it
  14. I wonder when OCRemix will decide to YES this remix
  15. Well, a DKC3 remix is just ...rare ware here. If it's Blue Magic's, it's just awesome. Keep up the good work. We wish it submitted and yessed.
  16. I find your music very cool, but haven't you got a website with all your works and WIPs?
  17. Have you got a website with all your stuff? I remember this thing was yours. You can send me the link via PM if you don't want here.
  18. Sorry, I dunno if this is the right place to post this. Otherwise feel free too move it elsewhere. Once I downloaded here in Non-Remixes subforum, I think, a track named "We Need More Arabian Techno". I'm almost sure the track was here and probably the topic has been deleted by the author due to zero feedback. I've performed another complete search both in Internet both in OCRemix forums but I found nothing. If the author has still the that track, please re-post it here in the subforum or else in the topic. Surely I would give my feedback and eventually I would like to contact him/her for a project proposal. Thank you for the attention.
  19. I'm necroposting a bit, but this is really cool. Intro reminds me POD Youth of the Nation but then it evolves towards cool industrial ambience. I like it
  20. Oh. ... Just64Helpin? I don't think so. Anyway It was posted in Non-Remixes section but I found nothing. I'm browsing again "Non-Remixes" section, cos it was posted recently. I hope this phantomatic guy has not deleted the POST seeing no feedback
  21. You should re-load it. I didn't find that there
  22. I've tried. He seems "vanished"...
  23. Sorry, I dunno if this is the right place to post this. Otherwise feel free too move it elsewhere. Once I downloaded in Non-Remixes subforum, I think, a track named "We Need More Arabian Techno" probably (I underline the uncertainity) made by JustChris or somebody else. I've lost that track. I've performed a search both in Internet both in OCRemix forums but I found nothing. May anybody help me?
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