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Everything posted by Abadoss

  1. Yes. Just take my money already, damn you!
  2. At this last MAGFest, I had an extremely limited budget, as rent had just been taken out and I was paying for all these things like airfare and the hotel deposit, etc. I tend to pay most things with debit if I can. So, when I got to the hotel, they asked if I wanted to pay with debit or credit. Naturally, I said debit. What they do is withdraw the full price of the hotel AND any potential collateral (or incidentals) during the stay. Pretty much wiped out my entire bank account down to about six dollars. The only way I could eat was to use up the incidentals that I had already paid for by buying from the hotel restaurants and the in room menus which are infinitely more expensive. They do return any of the incidentals you don't use, but not until after. And by that time, the return was rather small and I still had about a couple weeks until my next paycheck. With credit, they don't actually do that. So, go credit. Definitely credit.
  3. Oh, and word of advice to anyone paying for the room: Never, I mean NEVER, pay for the room with debit. You will regret it.
  4. Stevo: Thanks for adding me to the first post. Could you copy/paste my roommate request to looking for people to join my room. I'd say 3 slots max plus me. I'm basically just looking for an even split of the costs, unless I need to fork over extra to secure a bed. (Or do I need to have a room reserved before I do that?)
  5. It's not fat! It's just cuddly. Actually, I'm pretty certain that's just the angle the screenshot is taken at. It's a huge ship and it's plenty long.
  6. Thanks Drew! Here's an update on the ship: You can see what I'm basing it on here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sail_plan
  7. Just a little something I'm working on for Spawntown: In case you're curious, it currently has 72 cannons. The cannon design is Halcyon's.
  8. I want to go, but I'm going to have to be super frugal this year. That said, the number one cost of last year was definitely the room. I'd be willing to share a room and split the costs with low-key, fairly quiet people.
  9. And if you're not able to donate, just come play on the server.
  10. Okay. Submitted the payment. With your contributions, I ended up only having to pay $71.12 from my bank account. Which means I'll have food for the weekend. Yay! Feel free to continue donating. It'll go toward paying the next invoice in 6 months. Plus, you get fun privileges and doting from the admins. Totally worth it.
  11. Huzzah! It's back up. Sorry Halcyon. (Side note: Whoever worked on the server managed to complete wipe the whitelist. I reloaded an old backup, but, if you can't log in, please let me know.)
  12. No worries. Anything helps. Besides, my intent is to spread it out a little bit so that it's easier for all of us.
  13. Just as a heads up, apparently there's a problem with the SSD on the machine we're hosted on. So, the machine is down while they fix the issues and so is our server. I wonder if they'll credit us the days. Probably not. I'll let you know as soon as I know when it's back up. In the meantime, please consider donating so that the server will still be there when the SSD is fixed. Thanks. (Oh, we've also received a donation of £20, so the total remaining is now $66.31, roughly.)
  14. Bloody hell. I finally got to see the finale. I am quite impressed.
  15. Yeah. It is. It doesn't help that I also have the 1 gb memory so that it actually functions.
  16. Okay. So here's the tally. £81.60 - Invoice for the next six months $127.15 - US Dollar equivalent $30 - Total contributions since the last invoice 7 days until payment is required... To donate, there are two options: PayPal or directly to the invoice... https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=N8MTT67WSETHS I'll obviously cover the difference, but I could really use the help. Thanks guys!
  17. Yay! My First Biome Fixing Request! (And thanks for the donation too!)
  18. Omega: Hopefully we can get online at the same time and figure it out. Just as a note to everyone else, the server's subscription is to be renewed in about two weeks. Any donations will seriously help. Also, I have a creative map set up (you can reach it by typing /warp Creative). It's currently not locked, but it will eventually be donators only. A small thank you for your help.
  19. One thing I learned today was to avoid this thread before watching the show. You East Coasters, spoiling everything! Luckily, all I saw was "Zuko's son" before I closed the page and the surprise was definitely not spoiled. Overall, nice to see the kids getting some butt kicking in (or, in Melo's case, kicking with butt). I think they're setting up a betrayal for Asami rather hamfistedly. I really hope they don't do it. That'd be kind of annoying, actually.
  20. Awesome! The tricky part is figuring out where it would even go. We'll need to coordinate all that. Oh, and you are now a Donator.
  21. Just watched today's episode. The one thing I kept saying was, "Dude! Your girlfriend is right there!"
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