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Everything posted by Abadoss

  1. So, what becomes of I though III? Are they on the album too? (Yes, I know I and II were posted on OCR.)
  2. You're on MC version 1.4.5, right?
  3. Here you go: http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/terra-branford-1293119/ Okay. You're on the whitelist. Make sure to read the /rules when you first log in cause you'll be held to them even if you didn't read them. We work on a claim system, which basically means that you don't build in someone else's area without their permission and we make sure that you get an area to work in for yourself.
  4. Depending on where you put it, it might be in someone else's claim. We'll have to find you a more permanent spot. {edit} - I checked out where you ended up. It's a little close to my expansion and to Hoopydude, but you're not in anyone's way at the moment.
  5. Gollgagh, could you paste this in on the front page so that people can see the steps? Thanks.
  6. Dinnerbone just posted a link to this minecart rollercoaster video that's just amazing. I love the way that the track uses tons of misdirection. Check it out: http://youtu.be/i7YrO6Fc82M
  7. 5-tan could be the one that no one ever sees. Occasionally mentioned, but otherwise absent. Or a twin of 4-tan.
  8. Okay. Write, produce, and publish an original album (take two).
  9. I paid the remaining £37.58 tonight. The server will endure...
  10. I moved a PayPal donation Drew Gourley made of $19.12 sometime in June over to the ClanPay. That makes £31.53 raised so far. Oh, I should point out that while you do need a Multiplay account to contribute to the ClanPay, you aren't required to buy a server or any such nonsense to create the account. It's completely free from what I remember.
  11. Currently, they are one and the same. :/
  12. Yes. Thanks for updating the thread with it.
  13. The server has been updated to 1.4.5. If you already updated to 1.4.6, here's how to get back to 1.4.5: Step 1 - Download a clean Minecraft 1.4.5 Jar file from Mojang: http://assets.minecraft.net/1_4_5/minecraft.jar Step 2 - Type %appdata% into the start menu Step 3 - Open .minecraft folder Step 4 - Open the bin folder Step 5 - Delete (or make a backup of) the current Minecraft.jar file Step 6 - Paste in the Minecraft 1.4.5 jar file Having a profile manager for the various versions is pretty helpful at this point. Especially since Mojang is already doing a pre-release for 1.4.7.
  14. The new invoice is £69.11 (~$111.60).
  15. And if you have a tight budget, do not pay for the hotel with debit. They will charge all the incidentals (essentially what they would charge you for breaking shit) upfront and, if you don't have any extra money, you'll have to use up the incidentals on hotel food by putting your meals on your hotel account. Always pay with credit if you can.
  16. I'll take you up on that. My flight leaves on Monday, so I'll have all day Sunday to hang out. I still need to figure out where I'm crashing Sunday night, though.
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