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Everything posted by Abadoss

  1. I feel very honored that my lyrics were used in the trailer. I feel very honored to be a part of this project. And I'm super excited to see it release tomorrow. Yay!
  2. You're welcome! Didn't know about it being one of your favorites, but I saw that and couldn't pass it up.
  3. Also, now that the server is running 1.0.1, you are free to move about the country side. Just know that any newly generated terrain on the main map will create some pretty jagged lines. We wanted to wait until now, so that there would only be one jagged line while the biome code was being updated from 1.7 to 1.8 to 1.0. Anyway, if you don't want to wander out to the edges, we've loaded a 1.0 map that you can reach via a portal at Spawn. I've also reset* the nether so that the new features are generated. Have fun. * - And by "I", I mean that I made Itch do it.
  4. From what I understand, they're usually banned from entering. Not sure how often it's happened, though.
  5. Okay. OCR server is now 1.0.1. Feel free to update if you've been waiting. Yay! Some of the plugins are not configured properly yet and so there might be some missing functionality. We'll get it sorted out.
  6. It does tend to get filmed most years. Although, I think MAG 7 the camera was stolen or something like that? I wonder if djp ever got it back...
  7. Personally, I'm rather enjoying the game despite the annoyances. Although, that piece of shit !SPOILERS! harp mini-game in the Lumpy Pumpkin !SPOILERS!. Grr! I hate that bit!
  8. The ones we get over here are more expensive than the airfare. >;( (More crowded, too.)
  9. Got my SS present(s) today: http://www.abadoss.net/photos/OCRSecretSanta2011.jpg Thank you!
  10. Okay. Should be there in 3-5 business days... (Mine is also in two parts and could arrive seperately.)
  11. I'm not sure I want to know, but I have a feeling I'm going to find out at MAG.
  12. Okay. I've purchased my tickets. Now I just need to nail down a room.
  13. Here's my annual wishlist: http://abadoss.livejournal.com/275883.html (Kinda just copy/pasted from last year. Added some new stuff and took off stuff that I already have.)
  14. It finally came! I now own Skyward Sword! SPOILER!: Where the hell is my bird?!
  15. There's a book called Musicophilia by Oliver Sacks. Might be worth your read.
  16. Despite the fanboy hate that everyone seems to have for it, I'm going to say Twilight Princess. I definitely agree with Majora's Mask, Chrono Trigger, FFIV, FFVII, and FFIX. I'll also put out there Link's Awakening.
  17. Hey Halcyon! Haven't seen you on in a while. Not burned out, I hope.

  18. Okay, so I'm working on building up the town around spawn. If you want to help out, let me know, and I'll get you set up with general goals and guidelines.
  19. Yup. That would be me. Still would like your help on it. I have no idea what to put on the inside of those buildings.

  20. Sorry to hear about that Ronyn. It always sucks having to hawk instruments. It performed its duties well.
  21. Yo, Lemon! Haven't seen you on the server for a while. We miss you. :P

  22. Sorry for being a turd. I'm a little stalled at the moment trying to polish up. Working on it, though.
  23. It seems whatever was causing the problem logging on to the OCR server has been resolved.
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