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Everything posted by Abadoss

  1. You couldn't have waited a little bit?
  2. To be honest, I'm really surprised at how up in arms we're getting over this. I actually can tell the difference between the bitrates and I, personally, don't care what bitrate they come out with. While I can tell the difference, it's not important enough of a topic to be worth the fuss. Just vote as you would like to see it and enjoy the music at whatever bitrate the populous ultimately votes for.
  3. Option 4, please... {Edit} - Sorry, responded before the poll was up...
  4. What about a "report link" function on the person's profile?
  5. Is there anyway to have it verified before the icon appears?
  6. I doubt it. It really depends on the winner of this round.
  7. CMC: Conceptual Music Competition This competition is based on the rules of the classic TOMC (Thematic Original Music Competition). The CMC (Conceptual Music Competition) is designed so that each participant enters a piece of music based on a set theme. The participants take the theme and interpret it as they will to come up with something that fits. Any style can work, as long as it portrays a sense of what the theme is. Feel free to be imaginative! Each successive theme will be chosen by the winner of the previous competition. For example, say the theme of the last competition, CMC 25, was "Execution" and the winner, Taylor, submitted a piece that knocked the socks off of everyone, so he won. Taylor then gets to decide the theme for CMC 26. This competition is open to registered members of the forums of OverClocked ReMix, VGMix, VGMusic, Gaming World, Young Composers, and GameDev. CMC 24: Ultimate Showdown "This is it: the moment of fate, when all creation holds its breath and watches. Hero and villain come face-to-face at last, and this time, there will be no escapes, no negotiations, no second chances. This time there will be a reckoning, an epic clash between two awesome warriors as the whole world hangs in the balance. This is the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny." -Maquis Results!: Text results and critiques There are 5 entries for this round... HoboKa - "Kung Fu Finale" "Before there was cable TV - there was Kung-Fu; before Steven Seagal became "famous" - there was Kung-Fu; before Michael Jackson went bonkers - there was Kung-Fu. SUPPLISED?? Anyhow: Kung-Fu Joe faces off with the world's most proficient Kung-Fu legend: G. Handi. The reward? A life time's supply of beer and porn. To any man, that's worth the world, ten times over. Let the poor choreographed fight BEGIN!!" Cryora - "Fate of the Prodigy" "The Prodigy, a hero born with psychic abilities, have come face to face with the source of corruption that has plagued the world around him. This song signifies the futuristic final battle in which the galaxy is purified of evil." Steven Kelly - "Ultimate Battle" "It's written in a cinematic sort of style in that it goes through different moods and things, but there's no set scene I had in mind for writing it - just generally an epic battle, following the description of the competition." Bak.R - "The Battle for a New World" "The begining of the song is the time when the hero sees the villan and talks with him. After a short discussion, it's Time to Battle. This is the moment when the guitar appears. After a great battle, it's time for the last skill. This is the part when the piano begins. It's not long, but the last skill needs time to prepare. Like Songoku when he makes a Genkidama. The end of the song is calm because this is the time when we discover who is still alive." xRisingForce - "Full Throttle into the Starry Abyss" "Use your imaginations. :p" Voting Rules!: Voters will be allowed to pick one first place (3 points) and any number of honorary mentions (1 point). Only one set of votes from any one voter will be accepted and a person cannot vote for any one piece more than once. Corrections to votes, from the original voter only, will be accepted, but corrections will void the previous votes. Basically, a voter can vote and correct the vote, but only the final form of that vote will be counted. Send all votes to Abadoss by PM. Please include any and all constructive critiques (not to be confused with bashing) about them with your votes as well, so that there's always a sense of growth in the artform. If you wish to remain anonymous, just state so in your PM. To be eligible to vote, you must be a registered member of at least one of the participating forums, prior to the beginning of the voting period. In your PM or e-mail, please indicate which forum you are a member of and your username. The voting period will last from the moment the entries are posted in the thread to the Saturday of that week. The voting period for this round ends December 13, so be sure to spend some time really listening to the pieces. Any participant in the competition can vote, but not for their own pieces. However, in an effort to encourage voting among participants, any participant who votes will have 2 points added to his/her voting score (unless the participant chooses to be anonymous). Official Rules!: Each piece must be originally composed for this competition. Arrangements and remixes will not be accepted. (Pieces composed by the participant prior to the competition will not be accepted.) Each piece must be 2:00 or longer and match the competition theme. Only one entry per person. Collaborations will be allowed, but each collaborator may not submit any other pieces. (This also means that a person cannot collaborate on two or more different pieces at the same time.) A link to the entry piece must be e-mailed or PMed to Abadoss prior to the deadline set for each competition. DO NOT POST THE LINK IN THE THREAD! However, feel free to post in the WIP:Other forum. Important: Each file must be labeled accordingly: Composer_Name_-_Composition_Title_CMC#.mp3 (For example, if Valorie Moyer submits a piece called "Hammer in the Morning Star" to CMC 28, then her filename would be: Valorie_Moyer_-_Hammer_in_the_Morning_Star_CMC28.mp3) MP3 file format is required. Know that even OGG will need to be converted into MP3. (If someone is unable to do so themselves, Abadoss would be willing and able to do it for them.) Entries should be accompanied by a description and/or story to help listeners understand what the piece is about. (Not required, though.) All entries must be submitted by Saturday, December 6, 2008 at 11:59 PM - PST, GMT-8. You can find the competition threads for each forum listed below: OverClocked ReMix: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=19475 VGMix: http://www.vgmix.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1537 VGMusic: http://www.vgmusic.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11434 Gaming World: http://www.gamingw.net/forums/index.php?topic=76220.0 Young Composers: http://www.youngcomposers.com/forum/conceptual-music-competition-24-ultimate-showdown-17255.html GameDev: http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=514984 Good luck and have fun! Previous CMCs: http://www.abadoss.net/CMC.htm
  8. The next round is posted! Here's the link: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=19475
  9. I'm not slacking. I'm deliberately procrastinating... Actually, it's just been a busy week...
  10. The next theme will be up probably around Saturday. In the meantime, a bonus entry has been posted. Stay tuned!
  11. It may be tricky, but I wouldn't mind working on Illusionary World with you...
  12. I am working on one, but it's certainly not anywhere near ready to buy... sorry.
  13. They're going a little late this time around. Probably by tonight.
  14. Um... technically speaking, she just used a piece of copyrighted material*, without crediting, in a political advertisement... and she wanted to be a judge?!?! Personally, I'm surprised she won. This is a really boring video, with the exception of the music. I'm more inclined to believe the music was added on later by someone else... * - The copyrights belong to the game makers, we have only arranged them, which is why OCR can't sell it's music without being in copyright infringement...
  15. I have bought Pirates of the Caribbean elsewhere. I found it for a relatively good deal, so I decided to jump on it. You may scratch that from my want list...
  16. I think I'm going to need to update the voting rules... Particularly in regards to the identity and forum affiliation of the voter... And who qualifies as a voter. I don't think I've made that distinction yet...
  17. Because three letters are missing...
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