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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. I hardly call this "hard rock" but whatever. Some weird key change thing going on at :02, might wanna check that. There's three instruments. The one synth, the guitar, and the drums. Because of this your soundscape sounds really dry and empty. When you get into the main melody the rhythm guitar doesn't match the main melody (in terms of chords, the melody is going places and the guitar isn't supporting it, so it feels really bland). There's not a lot of low mids in your instruments, there's no instrument for a bassline and there's too little reverb. Everything sounds really dry, and there's nothing playing definitive chords either. If your guitar is supposed to be doing that, then you need to make that guitar tone BIGGER and PHATTER. EDIT: I can just barely hear the bassline. Make it more, you know, THERE. I'm on bass emphasis headphones. Your entire mix is REALLY LACKING low mids. Another thing, try adding some delay echo to your synth lead.
  2. I'm not saying this guy's track is bad but the quality of this track is not nearly as good as bLiNd's JENOVA mix. Both by production and the filling of the sonic space.
  3. I'll look into this in the future then. I don't agree that amp sims are terrible (you can get great tones with any of them) but I am willing to believe hardware amps are better. I only use Guitar Rig 4 Pro because I got it with a free $200 product voucher. xD How are Line 6's amps, more specifically the "Spider IV"?
  4. Out of curiosity, how many amp sims have you tried?
  5. I don't have any way to put cash online
  6. I would be all over this but I don't have any method to pay you back. D:
  7. You can use any music that you find by me, not sure if my stuff fits the bill but just let me know when you do.
  8. I foresee that this is the end of my run, and rightfully so. Good job, Willrock, if you win. It's highly likely. The bright side of me losing, if I do, is that I'll have more free time to do other music.
  10. What's the source? Also, it doesn't sound like a game remix, so it goes here: http://ocremix.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=19 Game remixes is for game remixes. :3 About the actual track: it doesn't to seem to have a lot of bass. you need to phatten the low end up by boosting your kick and bassline sounds' bass frequencies, but not by too much. Also, the drums sound very machine gun-ny. That's what happens if you have a fast repetition of sounds but the velocity of each hit is the exact same. It doesn't sound natural, so another thing you could try is varying the velocities. If you have a kick drum and another kick drum hit right next to it, lower the volume of the next hit by a little bit.
  11. Hmm, started my remix like two days earlier than usual. Looks like I'll have more than 2 minutes, people!
  12. Can you really complain that the judging queue is less than two weeks behind current, when a few months ago it was like half a year?
  13. All of those statements are worthless advice. The best Macs aren't even as powerful as PC's can be, and at double the price. And none of that perfection stability crap, I've had my Pro Tools-Mac setup the first semester of 10th grade (music production "class") crash on more than one occasion moving an audio file.
  14. Did it not occur to you that he would only swear by Pro Tools because he WORKED FOR AVID?
  15. When was the last time you used a USB interface? And to be fair I did say that for a FEW inputs/outputs, USB is golden. If you really need more than that (like 4 mics for your drumset or something) then I guess firewire would be better. If you want more info, mine is the Native Instruments Audio Kontrol 1. For inputs, it has one phantom powered neutrik input, one Line In input, one MIDI input. For outputs, two pairs of stereo outputs (so 1 and 2 are left and right and 3 and 4 are a different left and right), one headphone jack (receives the monitoring audio if you turn on direct monitoring in addition to also listening in on one of your stereo output pairs), a MIDI output, and finally the USB connector. I would've gone for something cheaper but it came with a free Guitar Rig 4 Pro and that amp sim is capable of some delicious tones out of the box. Also, "Professionals" don't use USB for the same reason "professionals" don't use PC's and for the same reason "professionals" don't use anything other than Pro Tools. You hear an echoing, comforting voice of wisdom...
  16. Buffer? Same is true for ALL DAW's, man. FL doesn't record via audio tracks in the playlist, it actually just records what's being spat out of a track in the mixer, which is actually better for CPU since you save the entire audio thing (not just the unamped guitar and have it be amped in real time) so you can disable your amp or what have you. In order: maybe, people with crappy $20 interfaces, and I agree.
  17. This is probably the only part of your post that catches my attention (aka isn't meaningless wikipedia babble), and I can say you don't have a clue because my USB interface does 192khz. You gave some cool facts, but none of that applies to practical real world experience: you won't notice any performance difference between a good firewire and a good USB interface if you're a one man studio. Like I said before, USB is plenty fast enough for two inputs and two outputs. Lessee here, sing and play guitar at the same time, have it go through headphones and monitors. How much more can a single human being do? You can throw numbers at me all you want, doesn't change the fact that my USB interface has really low latency (i.e. performs pretty well) and there isn't any sort of hold up at all. I won't notice any difference if I switch to fire wire because I am physically incapable of noticing maybe 3 or 4 milliseconds of latency difference. So why would I get a $300 interface at all when I could get a $200 one that doesn't really perform that differently? You're reading into numbers too much, man, and not looking at the big picture of reality. ("oh gosh, the GTX 93582 has 320 more points in 3DMark than the Radeon 9480692 so I should get that even though it's $100 more!" when you won't really notice any difference while gaming)
  18. I agree with Mak. Too many people don't give USB a second thought because other people tell them firewire is the bestest best thing in the whole wide world. Hmm... :
  19. I was too afraid to leave Kokiri forest years ago. That counts as I couldn't do it.
  20. Why is Firewire "better" than USB? Looking at data throughput numbers doesn't tell you a darned thing if you realize that for a SINGLE PERSON, USB is fast enough to carry two or three inputs and outputs. You'll only notice that firewire is better when you have a lot of inputs (like say 8 or something). Also, I think you just went braindead for a second there. Your firewire interface is $100 MORE than mine, not less.
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