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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. I discovered my first glitch in Twilight Princess water temple. I did something with the spinning staircase where I would hookshot to the chandelier while directly under the staircase while it was spinning. The result? Link was swimming in midair. I could move a small distance before actually falling to the water much lower.
  2. I do record, and I have remixes with electric guitar in it. FL Studio has a very easy recording system, no one bothers learning how to press the record button. Which is weird, because it's like, the same as like, like, like, EVERY OTHER DAW THAT HAS RECORDING. YOU PRESS DA RECORD BUTTON DE-DERP! Haven't been reading this thread, huh? I can get as low as 6ms latency on my audio interface and my computer can still run a LOT of samples, synths, and effects crap. I don't even use the monitoring on mine, I just listen through the DAW because I don't even notice the latency.
  3. My friends say they're really good, and zircon includes them in his posts a lot so I would assume so. I think the Studio versions are the same thing with less meaningless features, and they're $80 on Amazon. Not bad for monitoring headphones.
  4. 1. Starting with original works teaches you how to write better music without using someone else's artwork. Remixing is like redrawing a painting with differences, it doesn't really teach you how to make your own painting from scratch. 2. Programming from an initial patch is a very great skill, but a lot of people just find a preset they like and tune it (tweak the parameters) to their liking. That's perfectly fine; presets are there to be used, either exactly as created or as a template for a new sound. 3. Everyone's different. A lot of artists who make rock or similar genre music in DAW's like Cubase write out basic parts for their songs and then fill it in with more instruments and produce it better later on. People like me tend to make the song in a pure linear fashion, once you make the beginning, it's done and polished, and you move on the next part, produce/polish it, move on to next part, etc. I can say as someone who started out with the latter it's pretty hard for me to just write a track unless I'm really getting good inspiration (because I won't know what the next part is when I'm done the current one). Outlining your track can make it easier to stay with it and not get bored of it.
  5. I don't encounter lag. REAPER is a perfectly and fully functional DAW. A lot of people use it. You don't need a $350 interface. a $100 USB one gets the job done with good latency.
  6. This isn't a "bare minimum" at all. This is a pretty pricy, luxurious set up. He said bare minimum meaning it gets the job done and he's not interested in the expensive stuff. Bare minimum would be a guitar to USB adapter and a DAW like REAPER. And way to recommend $500 guitar effects when you can get good software ones for like $200. As far as listening equipment AKG 240s are $80. This not-bare-as-can-be configuration runs you $300. Yours runs like $1900-2000. You could get even more bare than that if you don't even play guitar, then all you need are decent headphones.
  7. Some of my friends use AKG 240s and they swear by them for mixing.
  8. I am pretty sure that was definitely a reverse cymbal hit. There wasn't any cymbal rolling at all.
  9. Take a cymbal (as an audio clip), go into the channel settings (click on it in the step sequencer) and hit reverse. Put the reversed one to end when the normal one hits. You'll need to clone the cymbal to have both the normal one and the reversed one.
  10. Hmm, that went a lot better than I expected. Faced off with zircon yesterday and he thoroughly kicked my Gen's can with his Rufus and Guile. But not with his Hakan. My Gen beat the crap out of him. rofl@Jhawk
  11. FL Studio is easy to pick up, but hard to master. AND IT'S NOT "ONLY GOOD FOR COPY PASTE MUSIC" inb4Strader
  12. You forgot I'm a plug, electricity don't affect me...
  13. I told you I would make sure Main Finger vs. Prophetik wouldn't happen...
  14. You know guys he HAS voted against me in the past...
  15. If he votes for Pixel then he'll cause a tie and then he'll have to figure out what to do with my match-up. Not saying he won't, but it'll be interesting if he does. @Orlouge my mom doesn't even know that I make music. Also he always votes after the deadline. He votes LAST.
  16. Looks like no one stepped up to answer. Which is fine with me.
  17. There are way too many dynamics in electric guitar lead playing for you to lump it in as requiring the same skill as other lead instruments. "You make sweeping, opinionated, generalisations that you assert as fact. I completely disagree."
  18. Just wanted to post as I'm sort of a guitarist myself: There are too many things that MIDI guitars/sample libraries don't account for, and they're also near impossible to humanize. You can never fool a trained ear, and getting someone to play guitar isn't as hard as you were making it out to be. Also, they don't take "less time to program and mix". They take exponentially longer than real guitars because you have to humanize them which takes a while for something like lead guitar. Rhythm guitar is easier to sequence, it's not an accurate depiction of what it's like trying to sequence a lead guitar. It's REALLY HARD even with the expensive sample libraries, because there's just too much to account for with someone playing guitar. You're also tied to the fingering and strumming style of whoever played the samples for the library.
  19. I don't agree with Moseph, I keep interface gain around 1/2 to 3/4. All the way is just too much. EDIT: Oops I misread his post as put it to the highest.
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