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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. You know that takes way too long? Holding down the right mouse button to delete notes is much much faster. To me the only "gross and dumb piano roll" is the one in Reason. It's really tedious to get things done as fast as you need to, plus it doesn't offer as much control for as little time.
  2. YAY FOR REFOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORM i kinda liked your old website, though.
  3. Uh, i have no problem with the rest of your post, but this bit I do. I'm not sure how efficient/workflowing the arrangement window is, but the piano roll in Reason is pure crap. Mainly because you have to hold a button just to draw notes. But I guess that's more a thing for mouse musicians, because I don't record and edit input from a MIDI keyboard, I just draw my notes and humanize manually. I just find it tedious that I have to select notes to and hit a key to delete notes rather than just click the right mouse button and sweep over notes that I don't want any more. Especially with the new 9.7 version lasso and zoom improvements, I think FL Studio has the best and easiest to use piano roll out there, and I've tried Reason, REAPER, Cubase (own it), and Garageband. I'll be delving into Pro Tools in my music production class soon, but I don't have high expectations for its piano roll if it's anything like the other "industry standard" DAWs like Cubase. For mouse musicians, I'd recommend a Reason ReWire into FL Studio rather than using Reason as a primary system. FL Studio's piano roll has kickass control types and sending the sequenced MIDI to Reason would yield the ultimate synth melodies. That's just my two cents on Reason's "MIDI sequencer".
  4. I'm still a little disheartened that I seem to be the only one here within your suggested "poll range" to stand up for his own thoughts on past vs. present games. Going back to what Gario said, it makes me more of an exception than a "rule", which I guess means that all teenagers are call of duty loving freaks who spend all their time bashing the graphics of older games and sinking money to play death match on XBL. Consoles are pretty much covering everything discussed in this thread (mostly I've seen is SNES vs. Xbox 360) I think the handheld market is really reaching to not only little kids but to old people as well, and I see guys at school bring in gameboy colors and play the original pokemon games. I think that the handheld market is a little less of a generation gap. PC Gaming is an iffy term. Technically it's been around for a very long time, but the generation gap wouldn't be in what games the different generations are interested in, but rather what they define as "PC Gaming". I define it as playing MMO's and games like Team Fortress 2. This might lump me into a rule that teens only like online PC gaming, but whatever. (and I play Shatter and Droplitz, if that's worth anything. Previously I've enjoyed games like Civ IV, Portal, Jedi Knight 2 & 3, Torchlight, etc.) Also, interesting fact: Some girl in my biology class mentioned she was getting Black Ops for christmas, which I thought was neat and scary at the same time.
  5. Oh, okay. I see then. I still disagree that the multiple mixer methods are faster than just selecting what other tracks to route to, but that's just me.
  6. Okay, well, all I'm saying is that I think it's funny people say Reason is the "easiest" for doing this kind of stuff, when you have to create two mixers and do all this wiring stuff when in FL Studio you just click a button.
  8. To be quite honest, no. Why? I'm 15. I love Ocarina of Time. There. In all seriousness, though, no again. Because there are guys like me that enjoy Halo but understand the appeal and fun and appreciate the design, concepts and music that go into and play games like Ocarina of Time and Sonic 3 (i hate sonic 4. hate it hate it hate it) I disagree with your potshots at Halo and Uncharted. Halo I can see being considered being rebooted, but the fact that every game has a different storyline I can play through makes me not care as much. That doesn't mean I prefer it over older games, it just means I like Halo, and I'm allowed to like it without having my opinion be considered "immature".However, the Uncharted games aren't at all feeling like they are the same with a different story. The concepts and even the style of the chapters are different in both games, and i have high hopes for Uncharted 3. My main point? There ARE guys like me that enjoy both eras.
  9. I am attempting to figure out how to get one instrument route to that mixer track and have that mixer track to route to another. EXAMPLE: I have one mixer track for one kick and one snare each. I have different effects on both tracks, now I want to run the kick through the first one and then through the second one. NOT simultaneously. To do this in FL Studio, I would deselect the master track from the kick's track's chain and instead send it to mixer track 2 (the snare). This means it goes through the mixer track one effects, and THEN, without sending to the master, goes through to effects in track 2, which then gets sent to the master track.
  10. Okay, maybe I'm just blind. I've checked that already. And there are no places to connect one mixer track to another. Where is it?
  11. I'd like for you to show me, cuz I looked the back of that mixer over and over and there's no plugs for putting mixer tracks into each other.
  12. I disagree with that. I find the mixer very poor because there's no obvious way to chain mixer tracks, making sidechaining very complicated. Willrock told me himself that it's hard and he's been using Reason for a while now. I like the FL Mixer because it's simple and chaining a mixer track to another is as simple as clicking a button (which it actually is) Reason's mixer has no support by itself for routing mixer tracks into others.
  13. How does this frikkin work? EDIT: nvm I figured it out.
  14. Wow, this is a lot simpler than I thought it would be. Bypass the mixer. To do this: Route each instrument (just one wire, not two for left and right) to a different output pair on the Audio I/O thing above the mixer. If you just do one wire, FL will spread it across the stereo. Then go into ReWired VST and check the "Multi Output Support" box.
  15. You select the stereo input in the FL Studio mixer
  16. Terrible idea. He shouldn't be mastering a badly (no offense to OP, sowwie) mixed song, EQ of all things. EQ on a master doesn't do anything to help balancing and if someone uses EQ to attempt to balance it's gonna sound fugly. EDIT: Unless you meant EQ'ing the individual instruments.
  17. This would be better suited and would get better answers in the Recruit and Collaboration forum.
  18. Have you tried making sure they were 32 bit? I think FL Studio has some problem between 32 and 64 bit.
  19. Fixed. I tried Reason demo and I can see the appeal, but if it doesn't have FL Studio's super workflow optimized piano roll then I don't like it. Also, to anyone saying FL Studio is hard to record complex music, that just confuses the hell out of me. They only say that because they don't know how to use it properly.
  20. What I'm shaking my head at is that people keep saying "Don't count it" because they think he means as a job. He never specified "as a job/profession". He just wanted to know if he as a human being can do both, and the answer is yes because I and a lot of other people are proof. EDIT: So the title says "game music composer" which could mean as a profession. But really, who ever gets EMPLOYED as a composer? I thought being a composer meant you freelance and compose music for whatever you're asked for. He can get a programming job and compose music for people that ask him (like a certain someone)
  21. For mastering purposes having it sound aged for a stylistic purpose doesn't mean it's not "high quality". High quality in the submission terms, at least what I gather from posted remixes and reading around the forums, just means that it has to be mixed well so you can hear everything clearly and the sequencing needs to not be mechanic and scream "COMPUTER GENERATED". If the whole mix is like that, you have to make the mix loud enough that it can stand on its own without needing clear pristine stuff to bring the mix up. Right now this mix is just really really quiet. Also, your sequencing sounds very stiff and the redead stuff is really just more annoying than it is adding to the music. Also, quick note, distortion has nothing to do with sounding "aged". It has to do with EQ, compressors, clipping and the like. Distortion is just going to make it sound really aggressive unless it's so light that you can barely tell there is any. A friend of mine was contemplating running his album through an old tape reel or something like that and sending it back to his computer to get a vintage sound to it. The details are probably inaccurate in this example, but the point is to try and be creative with the mastering.
  22. I think it's ridiculous that people are STILL complaining about patterns vs. clips and the "upsetting change in workflow". I learned FL clips long before IL said pattern blocks were going away, so I don't care much for it. But to the people who are angry: they should've prepared for it. Anyways, love the new GUI facelifts. The rounded oval notes make writing anything in the piano roll uber fun and being able to vertically resize and switch back to the normal piano roll is a plus. I do wish we could get note properties and vertical resizing for the original piano roll, though. Great update, only problem is I've made cool stuff that might not be compatible with FL 10 according to the beta license agreement. xD
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