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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. What DAW are you using? It can't be FL Studio, because FL Studio's entire system is pattern based. Ur probly just doin it wrong. I've never heard of doing the entire song in one pattern. That takes away the point of patterns in the first place. You also misunderstand the workflow; FL Studio is the easiest DAW for creating variations and copypasta. Don't make your song in one pattern, make each part go in a separate one. I don't mean one pattern per instrument either, I mean one for every section of your song and every instrument. Or, if it just repeats for 4 bars (or something), make it one bar long and paint it over 4. Hit the top left button of one of them and hit make unique. Voila, that specific clip is now its own pattern which will not affect the original others, only the clips that get stuff from that pattern. You can change it whereas the other 3 remain the same and linked to each other. You can do this on the two others, too, to just make four different patterns plain and simple. It's not as fast as cloning in the pattern blocks viewer, but it allows for more flexibility. If you did it right with lots of variations your song should end up over 50 patterns. I think clips is just a better system in general. It takes elements from ye olde pattern blocks and the traditional DAW playlist and makes a unique system that is unmatchable in flexibility and unlimitability (is that a word?) if the time was taken to learn it. The whole idea of FL Studio is that you can organize your stuff however you want. Can't organize yourself? Don't use FL Studio. Don't ask for it to be exactly like the others, or you will make a lot of people angry.
  2. Pssht. Everyone KNOWS DJ Hero is the way of the future...
  3. This doesn't apply for lots of stuff though. As the whole drama before said, if you were to squish rock/metal songs into one channel, the double tracked stereo guitars would muddy up everything else. Stereo is required for some mixing techniques. You can't mix a rock song in mono to make sure everything doesn't overlap on each other, because then you can't do double tracked guitars to make room for stuff in the middle. Why? BECAUSE IT'S IN MONO. Rock songs like that aren't ever able to sound good "no matter how it's played" if they have double tracked guitars, and they can't do anything to change it unless they reworked the balancing and/or composition of the piece.
  4. It's too late notice for now, but I might come next year if I can work around the school thing.
  5. YSBAT... You should be able to pull save files of other characters from other PS3 profiles. For instance: In Borderlands, I had to make my character on Shariq's profile to play co op with him. Now I can't move my character, because an error message pops up saying something like "This character was made on a different profile, please make a new character." I'm robbed of my million and one PSN trophies I could've gotten in Borderlands.
  6. Feels like it's been forever, but we've only been friends one and a half years. :P

  7. ... off topic? I was talking about FL Studio's MIDI editor because it pertains to the topic at hand (that is, an alternative to sequencing MIDI in Pro Tools). I was explaining that Cubase isn't the best on the block for MIDI editing and that I prefer FL studio's piano roll.
  8. I disagree, but I'm not gonna argue. All I can say is that I own Cubase LE 4 and if I try to write something it takes exceptionally longer than in FL Studio.
  9. Give up and release the music as a $10 album. Or, you can contact your friends and tell them they need to get a move on. If they're slacking and not doing their job while you're doing yours, then just leave and go find some other project to work on.
  10. As far as MIDI writing in a piano roll goes, Cubase also isn't so great. The fastest piano roll that takes the least getting acquainted to is FL Studio. However, since that's not an option, I would suggest writing your MIDI tracks in Cubase and exporting THE MIDI and import into Pro Tools. Load up Kontakt 4 and channel the MIDI accordingly in Pro Tools. That way it won't be a finite render and you can edit realtime without having to go back into Cubase and rerender every change.
  11. I basically took drum hits from a Pendulum zip file I found somewhere (it doesn't REALLY sound like pendulum) and then did an hour or so of effects processing. Compressing, EQ, etc. The ones in my pack are one drum hit per wav. There's a kick, a snare, some open hats, and then some modified amen slices.
  12. If you want to play games/ run emulators on your phone, you're gonna want something with a real TANGIBLE keyboard. Not a touch screen keyboard. You'll also want a nice big screen, but not too big and bulky so it will be awkward to keep in your pocket. Something with smooth visuals is a must, so you'll definitely want a phone more recent. I'm also not a phone pro, so that's about my two cents.
  13. HENCE THE "(not talking to you, but to the OP)"
  14. Still, (not talking to you, but to the OP) that doesn't mean that FL Studio is a bad or weak DAW. It's actually very powerful, so don't discount it for its sales numbers.
  15. Win. If your keyboard has USB cord, use that. If not, like Ghetto said, you can grab a MIDI interface by USB (or Firewire if you can). Good DAW's are not a good way to put it. It depends how much of what style you want or how you like to work. Do you like flexible and modular with no guides as to how to organize your stuff? FL Studio is your best bet, because it offers so many different ways of workflow other than the traditional track system in most DAW's. The flipside is it might take a couple years to learn how to organize your own work, but it pays off. If you wanna get something more simple and linear and easy to record, get Cubase or Pro Tools or something. I've tried both, don't really have a preference (FL to me is infinitely better than both of them ) but get whatever is cheaper. Or, you can get Reason. No outside plug ins to worry about, you use what you get inside. A nice and cozy little DAW. What else do you need? Time. Lots and lots of time. (to practice)
  16. Unprocessed can be found here: http://drumnbassproduction.com/drumandbass/2009/01/pendulum-kit-samples.html Processed: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15510436/File%20Sharing/Neblix%20DnB%20Kit.zip If you ever take credit for this drum kit I will end you. (maybe not , but if people ask please give me SOME credit)
  17. I disagree. Panning is a good way to enhance your mixing. It adds neat effects when used the right way, too.
  18. Just on the WiP boards: -People lack punch in their drums. -They mix everything muddy. -The synths lack complexity, they sound like FL Studio's 3xOsc without any mixer track effects. -Lack of humanization in acoustic instruments. -Lack of substantial arrangement. Usually I see a 2 minute cover without any sort of completely original territory.
  19. I made a DnB Kit. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15510436/File%20Sharing/DnB%20Kit.mp3 The first measures are the downloaded samples from the internet, and the next ones are with my effects processing. Any thoughts? If not, does any one want? If enough people want, I can render these as hits and give you a .rar of wavs.
  20. The portable hard drive you can't open up and stick inside of your desktop.
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