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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. The best thing about the trailer was the awesome Ridley's theme remix.
  2. What, I'm just saying I don't think Microsoft intended for you guys to just use upgrade installations on computers that never had Windows before. Regardless of what actually works, the main idea is that it's an "upgrade", so don't get mad if it don't work.
  3. GEE I WONDER WHAT MICROSOFT COULD'VE SAID IN THE PAST THAT WOULD FORESHADOW THAT Sounds to me like Nutritious just got unlucky and the upgrade software actually did what it was supposed to and prevent full installations without previous windows versions.
  4. Clap sound is HORRIBLY thin. I can barely even tell it's there. Needs more mid range frequencies, and it needs to stretch a little more. Right now it sounds like 2 peanuts hitting the floor. Synth lead is pretty bland. Also, one of the synths needs some EQ, there's a bad frequency resonance somewhere with one of those sine synths. And there's no chords
  5. Aha, I already gave him a second, but just for good measure I'll give him a THIRD. HaPPy BiRthDAy!
  6. I find this funny because I tried to kill lots of high level guys with Jakobs guns and none of them one shotted.
  7. Seeya around, brush. It's sad to see you go, but it's pleasing to know you'll be more not red lantern-ish all the time when you return.
  8. So when I build a new computer in a few years I can buy the edu discount Windows 7 Pro upgrade for $30 and it'll WORK?!
  9. No, you've been eyeing that cake you were so excited about...
  10. My question is, why doesn't booting from CD ask for a license of a previous OS, whether it be a previous Windows 7, Vista, or XP (or back X_X )? There seems to be absolutely no point whatsoever in buying a full version of Windows 7, if what you say is true. (not saying it's not, but i had to end the sentence somehow)
  12. That doesn't make sense? Why would Microsoft make that possible?
  13. You will need it to install Windows 7 Upgrade (which is cheaper). If you don't have it, you need to buy the full Windows 7. EDIT: Unless XP is already on your computer, then you don't need your CD.
  14. AKG K240's are (i hear) really good. Make sure you purchase the FL Studio Signature Bundle at the student discount, because it's $180. This is basically the entire FL Studio Producer edition suite (with all wav slicing, recording, effects, and demo's of Image Line synths and stuff) and it includes Sytrus, Maximus, and Soundfont player. I can personally vouch for Sytrus, it has one of the easiest to use and coolest synth interfaces I've used (once you get used to it, and it's not hard to learn) and it has a ton of options. Also with a ton of options is the Maximus compressor. I've used the demo, and I liked all the controls I had. Soundfont Player is good for getting your not-as-industry-standard patches and sounds into the mix. If you bought a computer at a flat $1000, (and assuming you get those headphones i included in the very beginning) that leaves you about $1140 if you had a $3000 budget. That's room to squeeze in East West Composer's Collection. If you want it, make sure you have a huge hard drive, because Komplete is 90 GB and East West is like two times more. If you decide not to bother, get a nice 61-Key MIDI Keyboard. The Axiom 61 is (again by talking to people around here) a very good choice (but it's like 400-500 dollar D: ). It's weighted, so it feels like a real piano. If you don't want that, the price gets cut in half (more than, depends where you buy it) and you can go for the Oxygen 61, which is like $149. If you want a more expensive keyboard with onboard sounds, Zircon uses the Korg x50 (as revealed in his youtube studio mini-tour ). I looked at the video review for that one, it has really nice patches. (it's $600) As for your computer, contact the prophet about PC part recommendations if you want to build your own (which should be "industry-standard" in and of itself. If you can't build it yourself, he can, and he'll ship it to you for a fee.)
  15. I think he means he's afraid the drive is going to be refurbished and then sold to another guy who's buying said refurbished drive and that guy who bought said refurbished drive is going to access all the data that he copied on there because it was refurbished. (notice anything odd here?) lolz
  16. Oh okay, i thought this included the actual iconic Mortal Kombat theme. EDIT: Unless the game didn't include that... In which case it's a very bad game...
  17. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=30380
  18. Native Instruments has free versions of their amazing samplers. Kore 2 Player: http://www.native-instruments.com/#/en/products/producer/kore-player/ Kontakt 4 Player: http://www.native-instruments.com/#/en/products/producer/kontakt-player/ (or you can buy the full Kontakt with hundreds of great samples for $400) The free kontakt has nice free bass stuff, and Kore has some neat soundscape synths. Not sure if the "Ragtime Piano" sample in Kontakt is any good, but I can tell you that you're better off finding someone to play acoustic guitar for you than to sequence one yourself. A good handful of people here would do it for free, too, just go to the Recruitment forum and post a thread along the lines of "I need an acoustic guitarist!" And I'm afraid neither Kore or Kontakt contain jungle/nature sounds, but the soundscape synths in Kore are pretty cool for ambience. If you want to expand your sample libraries but stay with these VSTi's, you can buy instrument packs and effects for them at: www.nativeinstruments.com/ EDIT: You might have a hard time finding what's for Kore and what's for Kontakt (because their site is surprisingly organized in a weird way), so here: http://www.native-instruments.com/#/en/products/?search=koresoundpacks <- Kore Stuff (there is a free pack there already, so you should download that too) http://www.native-instruments.com/#/en/products/?search=allkontakt <- These are the ones powered by Kontakt. Hope that helps! EDIT 2: Additionally, in the future and if you have money, if you just want basically everything Native Instruments including their synths, samples (not everything is included, but a lot of their packs are), and FX, you can buy Komplete 7 for like five or six hundred when it comes out in September. If you just want free stuff, stick with it. There's lots of great free stuff.
  19. Sephfire I am eternally cursed to always hear you say your forum posts in the goofy high pitched voice.
  20. Zircon really nailed it. But I would personally go for PC just because you have more freedom for upgrades and part selection, and if you want that on a Mac you have to pay $2500 for a Mac Pro even at the lowest configuration offered, and that's just the tower. Unlike other Macs, the Mac Pro isn't an all-in-one with a monitor attached to the computer. And also, FL Studio is really powerful (so even though Fishy said it was cheap, that doesn't sacrifice its power at all), so if you prefer that (or another Windows only) DAW, getting a Mac for it is useless because it's a Windows program, and without OSX a Macbook Pro's/Mac's hardware isn't any better than a regular PC with same specs (What I'm saying is that if you buy a Mac and replace OSX with Windows it's just an overpriced PC with a shiny case and glossy monitor.) I'd only get a Mac if you absolutely just want Logic Studio (or other DAW's with OSX versions) Main point is don't get a Mac unless you want your entire production suite inside of OSX (which isn't bad, but expect to dish out a lot of money and to get used to a different operating system)
  21. Arrangement sounds good. Song of Storms at the end wasn't random, but it was unexpected. It's a nice touch, and the transition to serenade of water was beast. Now just record this with a good microphone.
  22. The lead guitar needs to be more center and louder. Other than that it just gets repetitive. I've never heard the source, but I know Sonic music so I can tell you're just quoting the source directly with a little interpretation. It sounds more like a rock cover than a remix, but if that's what you were going for, then put the rhythm guitars panned on both sides (i think that's what you're supposed to do, not sure) and have the lead guitar louder.
  23. This whole thing is mixed waaaaaaaaay too quiet. And this isn't Ridley's theme. This is Magmoor Caverns. EDIT: NVM I didn't read. But still, the levels in this thing are very weird. The drums are fine, but then the rest of it sounds like it's 80 miles away. Then what's weirder is when you get to Ridley's theme, the orchestral bits are good levels but then your drums are 80 miles away... The track's nice and everyone's commenting on the music but no one seems to be taking issue with the mixing/mastering of this thing, which is blasphemy because you really need to fix the volumes.
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