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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. I wanted to try and get Platinum this season, but Gold IV is still a step-up from last Season's Silver I. Season rewards!
  2. For what reason do you think we have multiple judges voting on every mix instead of just one?
  3. The point is that it is as I originally said before you chimed in. Telling the developers to change their output is not an effective way to enact societal change. Not sure what you planned to get out of proving my point in some needlessly antagonistic manner. Not sure why, I'm not really insecure on my opinions about media and I'm not going to give it more thought unless you have something substantial to counter with. Try human conversation, please.
  4. First of all, your analogy fails insofar that poorly executed media (bad ending, plotholes, meaningless story mechanics) is not the same as media which has upsetting material (racist portrayals, misogynistic portrayals, careless or non-empathetic violence [see the game where you murder innocents as the premise]) in it. Secondly, as awful as the analogy is, it still favors my point. Yes, you can dislike the ending, but no one really gives a fuck if you want developers to change it. It's their game, not yours.
  5. The societal acceptance of women's portrayal, I'll say again, is a problem deeper rooted in the cultural mindset. If you want to fix it, you can't try to tell game devs not to do what they want. If you want the unequal sexual objectification between sexes to stop, you have to change the culture, the prevalent consumer attitude that accepts it, and that is incredibly difficult, if not impossible. It's not a games problem, it's a world/nation culture problem. At that point, you can only see it as a problem if you believe you have a higher moral standard than what is currently employed in the real world, which is often the case of activists. However, it allows people who argue that sexual objectification is fine some credibility because they're hiding behind this "It's the way things are, and people like it, so what's the problem?" mentality. If you want to change it, you have to eliminate that. "Don't fix what isn't broken" is really hard to disprove, simply because it's good advice in certain cases and bad advice in others, but that's pretty much the challenge of trying to convince someone that objectification is wrong.
  6. Well, it's not really the same. It's a port designed to hold that kind of bandwidth, so the total input capability isn't listed dishonestly. In order to actually use that port, though, I need to have a device that connects to it like that, and they just happen to sell such multi-in rack devices. It's kinda like saying "That sucks that you have to buy another graphics card to SLI them". Well... yes, but if that's what you want, the capability is there.
  7. I made a mistake, it's an 18i8. I'm future proofing. Also, I have more stuff than just my mic and piano, it's at parent's home. I didn't count it in the list because it's not really essential, but I do have it. Also, most of the ins are only available through buying an additional extension, so the actual ins I have available are closer to the amount of gear I have.
  8. Current space. Really cramped, uncomfortable, and I have a roommate (really bad for personal reasons), and honestly, being able to fit my piano in here was a miracle. But the important part is I have everything. Everything: -Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 -Bose Companion 2 Series III Speakers (Don't have room for real ones) -AKG k240 Headphones -MXL-990 Condenser Microphone -Casio Privia Pro PX-5S 88 key Digital Stage Piano -Killer desktop (2011): Core i7-2600 8GB 1333MHz DDR3 RAM 240GB Kingston HyperX SATA III SSD 640GB WD Caviar Black HDD EVGA GTX 460 1GB -Software: FL Studio 11 Native Instruments Komplete 8 EastWest Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra Gold Edition Miroslav Philharmonik ISW Celestia, Juggarnaut, Forest Frame Drums, Resonance: Emotional Mallets MusicLab RealGuitar 3 8Dio Steinway 1969 Legacy Grand, Orange Tree Samples CoreBass Pear Miscellaneous Kontakt Libraries Alchemy: Planet Earth Library Various Free or Demo Synthesizers Lots of oneshots, drumloops, soundscapes, etc. I remember when I was a little kid (circa 2005) and I didn't own zilch. I borrowed Shariq's laptop and used the installed FruityLoops 6 to make really bad sound. I didn't even know what notes were at the time! How the sucky have risen. C:
  9. I use the seated row machine on Tuesdays. Right now I do 70 lbs, 3 sets of 10.
  10. Not really a thought experiment, it's more of an actual depiction. I would be interested in reading this, but not actually participating. Haven't really figured out my stance on it yet. But I will say this: the problem of unequal objectification isn't really something about fault towards developers. It's a problem with the societal mindset. Developers just play to the expectations of their audience, they cater. It's not their fault that catering has this really imbalanced aspect to it. The consumers define the output of the medium in popular/hardcore games. I would never ask developers to start making games that are completely equal and progressive; there would be so much consumer backlash and it wouldn't really solve the problem. The problem is deeper and more subconscious, the problem is that people *want* games like this, and that's a problem I'm not sure can actually be solved except over a huge amount of time and cultural reconditioning that happens through our children and their children propagating better and better standards.
  11. A comic is a thought-provoking scenario, sometimes even a thought experiment. A "worksheet" just makes you look like you want to be a schoolteacher. It has no natural flow for passive consumption. Additionally, you formatted it with left and right justification, making it extremely confusing for the eyes.
  12. Sorry to cut you off, here, but this is not a productive way of communicating on the forums. Say what you mean and don't obfuscate your point, otherwise I get nothing out of your poorly formatted worksheet.
  13. I started doing more stuff! Basic bench press, squats, and shoulder press.
  14. There's no way of doing so without paying someone or asking someone to write a script for you. You could just download all 3000, then delete the duplicates before 1900.
  15. I have 1.5 lb wrist rings for Kung Fu training, and 6 of them, so maybe that'll help.
  16. My gym doesn't have 15lb dumbbells. Trying to step from 10 to 20 and it's proving a little difficult. I'm getting there, though.
  17. http://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/orchestral-cinematic/session-horns-pro/tutorial-video/ Looks like you can customize the sections by clicking on the instrument picture and changing the instruments.
  18. Right now, to start, I'm mimicking half of a friend's workout. The other half he spends lifting on weekends, but I just haven't been in Philly to go with him (until this weekend). I'm really too lazy to try and format the workout here, so let me just link my last tracked thing. https://www.fitocracy.com/entry/36038202/
  19. I'm no longer in super hurt mode after a workout (this is my 3rd week). I think I need to step it up.
  20. I don't think it's fair to say that their reactions are her fault. You're talking about dealing with a very toxic "nerd" culture that has been developing these attitudes and behaviors long before Anita became popular. Yes, it's easy to predict reactions like these. But to continue anyway shows that you're not willing to let shooting threat letters that are written like a bad DnD campaign stop your grander agenda and, at least for me, earns my respect. By bringing these reactions out, it just further casts light on the real problem: the internet "nerd" culture has tons of really bratty, immature people who aren't afraid of throwing away human decency when they don't get what they want. They've been festering in the darkest corners of the digital realm and the recent mainstream movements to have video games now be a thing for everyone has caused them to move from the dark, harmless squatting to full on war waging in the public sector. Here's a good point about it.
  21. I just began the path to being fit ON MY WAY TO NOT BEING UGLY (or weak) ANYMORE
  22. Seriously, look at my PM and let me explain stuff to you. I've tutored Calculus before. Anyways, let's stop talking about Calculus now.
  23. There's practically no memorization in Calc... just sounds like you have a bad teacher (or you're not attempting to learn). Calculus is just algebra with limits. :/ It's not obfuscated or poorly defined just because you don't understand it (Mathematics is rigidly defined, and you'd know this if you bothered looking up proofs and derivations for the things you apparently "memorize"), and you'll learn that same principle will apply to DAW's as well. You have to have the ability to independently learn, or none of these DAW's are going to help you and you're not going to understand any of them. There's nothing that "just goes" without sacrificing control. Music production tools take time to learn. There's no "easy mode", and nothing is designed for easy interpretation by your specific brain. It takes effort and thinking just like any non-trivial discipline out there.
  24. To get the pitch of a drum sound, run it through a guitar tuner.
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