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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. The issue with these posters is that they're walls of text. Nobody is going to stop and sit there and read line by line what you're writing, you know? This is an example of what a DJ event poster typically looks like. Small little phrases, and essential information. Don't write speeches on your posters, because it guarantees that nobody will read em. The general rule of thumb is that a poster is not something you read. It's something you look at. For instance, for your MGS poster, use only that first transmission, make it bigger, and put it at the bottom of the poster, saying in BIG text "Snake, your target location is Lakeland Community College, at the Athletic Center. Be there at 2000 hours (or 8PM)." For the rest of the poster, forget the MGS transmissions. Just have big text saying stuff like "FREE VGM CONCERT" "DJ YOSHIBLADE", maybe on the side, just a line broken list saying "NES, Gameboy, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Genesis, Dreamcast... and more!" Use your Power Glove picture, maybe various other pictures of popular game characters to fill in the space. One solid poster will outclass a bunch of not so solid ones, and makes it easier to spread the word on social media and stuff, too, since there's only one image to be passed around.
  2. And I do hate raisins. I didn't enjoy ZX as much as Zero, because Zero had a pretty killer story for a Mega Man game. ZX was just like "ah whatever, save the world I guess, also OMEGA ZERO LIVES IN THIS ROOM BECAUSE CALLBACKS". Zero's story wasn't that great of a story on its own, but it compellingly drove the gameplay, so it was pretty successful, and actually touched on an interesting emotional character theme with the whole "this is your original body" thing. As far as viability, 2D platformers are just not viable for big market AAA anymore. Nintendo can do it because it's first party for their own console which has found its way into many homes. NSMB is fun and light-hearted, and also extremely multi-player oriented. No Mega Man game has demonstrated the ability to match that feel at the same level, so it would be a risk to try and do so, and I doubt Capcom is interested in trying for a "family friendly living room" Mega Man game for the Wii U.
  3. This game is so clearly styled after Mega Man Zero and ZX. WHY DON"T PEOPLE RECOGNIZE THE ZERO/ZX SERIES?!
  4. I feel like this is an old age complaint that isn't actually true anymore. The gaming market will always be saturated with a certain selection of genres at a time, but it is still very diverse and there's something for everyone. I'm going to call hasty analysis on your part. Capcom would be inclined to continue doing what brings them money, as is the law of their business decisions. If Mega Man 2 is in 38th place on their bestseller list, I sincerely doubt Mighty No. 9 can top that. Or maybe it can, because of the way the market works now. But think about this, will it rival the sales of Street Fighter, or Resident Evil? In business you need to analyze and project a reception before you go pouring resources into a product. Even if Mighty Number 9 sells well, it's targeted at a relatively small subset of people compared to something like Resident Evil which has a bigger audience and makes more money. It can sell well for its own section of the market, but is Capcom even interested in exploring that section when they have bigger and better returns to opt for elsewhere? Companies can't do everything they please, is the problem. You can't just say "they can hire some more people to do it while they still do Resident Evil" or "they must have enough people for it if they're so big" because that's not how managing a company works. You can't just say "okay, some people want this, let's take a small bunch of our employees and stick them on it". Corporation decisions are made by people who want the most buck for the bang, and they'll delegate all of their resources to the projects with the highest return. In other words, they'd take resources they could put on a Mega Man game and put it on something that makes more money. If Capcom has such a long history of doing exactly as I described (not making Mega Man because of poor relative income potential), then unless they have a serious change in management and/or mission philosophy, it's not gonna happen even if Mighty Number 9 does "well". Mighty Number 9 would have to rival the sales of AAA franchises for the current Capcom to say "okay, people like jump and shoot platformers again, let's go make one." tl;dr Capcom's current management has no apparent interest in Mega Man, and you can understand why if you view it from the perspective of making money. It's not about making their customers/fanbase happy. That's not what drives their decisions. That's what drives some other companies' decisions, maybe, but Capcom specifically, no. And Mighty Number 9 can not and will never sell at the kind of numbers that big franchises do. EDIT: All this "money-driven" corporation stuff is why Inafune left in the first place, which confirms what I'm saying. Basically, the people (employees of Capcom) over there are more focused on their own jobs and salaries than they are with creating pleasing games for fanbases. Given what Inafune has said, I'd be very surprised if my analysis on Capcom's financial motivations missed the mark. EDIT 2: Also, everyone who has touched on "what kind of Mega Man game should they even make" hit a valid point.
  5. It is quite a hot topic on the internet. Best to avoid it. They're straight from Capcom, though. :/ I don't think that applies. Pirates and emulations don't make a company money. If we're talking about Bestsellers, non-sold copies are not a valid statistic. (exposure don't pay bills...) You're right, and they are supporting it peripherally. So it's not like Mega Man is scrap (I feel like people imply it is). They're still respecting the IP, somewhat. It's an entertaining show.
  6. Loaded questions aren't valid. "Where is the common sense in not doing something with your most successful character?" is a question that assumes Capcom is lacking common sense for not doing something with their apparently most successful character. I merely gave an answer (with a link to back it up) that used the same type of language he did, so I'm confused why you're pointing fingers here. If it was a legitimate question, it would have been phrased like "Why isn't Capcom doing something with their most popular character?" "Is Capcom doing all right? Last I checked, they weren't." is not a question, it's a statement, and an unverified one (and so is "company is going down the toilet").
  7. As of a month ago: http://vgsales.wikia.com/wiki/Best_selling_Capcom_games Examine that the first Mega Man game (Mega Man 2) appears at the 38th place. The next Mega Man game, Mega Man X, did much worse at 55th. That's where your common sense is. "Most successful character", sure. Most successful franchise? Absolutely not. You could look it up or ask someone to do the research if you don't like perusing financial reports instead of casually saying "well, it seems like they're doing terrible, but I read that from a place that I think was biased, but I don't know anything about capcom, so" which contributes nothing to the discussion even if you were right. Yeah, for me, I value the Zero series more than the others. It sort of deviated from the "kill boss, copy power, fight other boss" formula. It was still there, but it was more subtle, and the gameplay had a lot more interesting mechanics to it than jump and shoot. X was a little closer to normal Mega Man, but with more fluid mechanics like dashing and such, so I also like X series. I didn't really like original Mega Man (I enjoyed playing it but not as much as the other franchises) and I didn't really like Battle Network. Loved Star Force, though. I think I beat ZX and liked it, it played like Zero basically but with a different setting.
  8. Why do we *need* more Megaman? We have lots of similarly styled platformers coming up these days. Does the actual IP branding actually matter to people that much?
  9. You indeed are *not* aware. OCReMix has been breeding professionals for a little while now, and it's important to recognize that people are now building their support networks here through discussion in response to events like this. It's not just a site of "amateurs" anymore.
  10. I mean, the problem is also that people will use the decisions of any department or division of Capcom to generalize the attitude of the whole company ("corporations are people!") and use that to fuel the hate. I think you're reading into it too much, especially considering you're committing blatant fallacy by assuming the fan requests you may have seen may have crowned R. mika as a majority. I mean, could you have made a weaker statement of a statistic by starting it with "I think"?
  11. Bought some sandwich supplies! -pound of turkey lunch meat -pound of chicken lunch meat -two tomatoes -big box of spinach leaves -american cheese slices Just with rough calculations, I figure I can shoot for a ~60-70g protein lunch if I put enough of the lunch meat into two sandwiches (1/5 pound of meat each), and it'll come out to about 450-500 calories per sandwich. Not bad for a moderately tasty (it's not amazing, but it's palatable) toasted lunch. Maybe I'll put some extra seasonings, sauces, or peppers. A bagel with cream cheese should put breakfast and lunch at maybe 1400 calories? My TDEE is 2100 I believe (haven't been checking my weight), but that still leaves some wiggle room at dinner time if I want to maintain (I could even do a food truck gyro). I'm also gonna do pasta. I think I'm at a comfortable weight, trying to maintain but don't mind if it gets nudged up a little. My new goal is to get rid of my stomach and make my chest look broader/defined, and when I begin working out with those goals in mind, I'll start alternating cutting and bulking. I had to do a double-take when you sat next to me at the remix panel. I was like "damn, he looks really good".
  12. Again, such questions were welcome, and I was more than ready to answer them, since the purpose of the panel was Q&A. Don't be afraid to raise your hand in a Q&A panel.
  13. First of all, flattered that I was the object of exaggerated comparison with Eddie Van Halen. Music is not a step-by-step process, is the thing. There's no learning value in explaining every little thing I do, especially because a lot of the little things I do in the DAW are mistakes that I need to then erase or correct. If I explain an arrangement as "I do this, then I do this," then I'm like, "wait, I don't like any of this, forget all of that", it ends up being more confusing than informative. Letting me silo in and focus on the music let me have more free-roam and random trial and error moments to see what I liked (impossible if I'm presenting every mouse action I do as correct), and then I could say "yeah, I'm ready to show something" when I pull something together. Other than that, the panel did do a good job of asking me what was going on in every instrument, so it's not like the arrangement went unexplained. I think just in general, people asking what they want to know is a better format than people being told what OCR thinks they want to know. If you had questions about certain steps, I would've been happy to answer them. Unlike Eddie Van Halen, I can stop in the middle of a solo to talk, since mixing isn't really a timing crucial process. This is how composer streams like Zircon's usually works. He's off and away creating music in FL and then periodically checks the livestream chat to answer questions.
  14. Precisely. You don't know why they didn't do that. So you are ill-informed to whine about it.
  15. Started working out again after a 4 week hiatus (damn winter break and food comas...)
  16. Perhaps you should have then asked that question instead of asking other questions. The simple answer is yes, but the glow won't function if you plug it into your DDJ-ERGO by auxiliary jack, you'll only have the sound. If you want the glow, you'll need to use the wireless functionality with your laptop itself. If you want the glow, then no, it won't work.
  17. Writing good sheet music is a difficult art on its own, I don't think Andy's too interested in transcribing it, it would take days/weeks. Scoring in general just means composing/arranging, though, yeah.
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