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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. Yeah, at the conclusion of the competition I'll post em up here if you guys really want em.
  2. I DO trash talk IRL, I usually get a laugh in return, not a mini lecture. Forgive me for not realizing people online are more sensitive.
  3. You do NOT have my kit. You have my old kit I made like more than heif year ago. Public statement tiiiime: The Beat Busters LLC. will not share its pool of resources with wannabe champions such as yourselves.
  4. Correct. I mastered AMT's remix and provided him my own formula DnB kit for the breakdown at 1:19.
  5. The Beat Busters LLC. are in no way affiliated with this product. (No, I'm not using it in my remix.)
  6. This isn't a tournament where you go every time. This is a lot more flexible with schedules since you can go whenever you choose. Comparing this competition to the last is kind of stupid because this one cuts you a lot more slack.
  7. Though I think it's unfair to ask for an extension, I suppose you're right.
  8. I think it's a bit unfair in this competition to ask for extensions. There are three team members to a team, the team should put forth a guy who has time that week. You accepted the challenge. :/
  9. Keep in mind these are two radically different pieces of software. If you go with Reason, you can NOT USE 3rd party/external plug-ins. At all.
  10. Is this even allowed? EDIT: Never mind, i read it wrong. I thought he was substituting, not replacing.
  11. If it's in a major key, lower the 3rd, 6th, and 7th notes of the scale by a half step.
  12. I like to hear when anciently recorded but insanely great melodies are "modernized" and enhanced. Just increases the awesomeness for me.
  13. HAPPY BORKDAY! (sweet, got to say it even in my own birthday thread) Thanks for the birthday wishes and all the warm comments, guys. :3
  14. Stereotypically, yes. Technically speaking, depends on if you want to use Logic Pro and if you feel like paying double for minimal gain that only includes stuff like "stylish" and "stable" (the latter of which is subject to debate because I have had a Pro Tools Mac set up at school crash on me twice before). In terms of computing horsepower, no. They are not superior. If you're not rich but want a powerful workstation, PC gets you the most bang for your buck. 1. It's not the software, it's how you use it. Exported sound files from different DAW's sound almost exactly indistinguishable (though I can think trained audiophiles with expensive gear can tell the difference). OS? 7 is the way to go because XP 64-bit (which you need for more than 3.2 usable GB of ram) is, as I hear it, complete garbage. Do not quote me on that, though. That's just what I've heard around here. As far as computers go, there's this really insane king of PC building here named prophetik. He can build you a quality machine for much less than what a retailer like Dell or HP would make you pay for em. 2. For acoustic drums, I've heard good stuff from Addictive Drums. Other good ones are Steven Slate and Storm Drum 2. If you want electronic drums, hit me up in a PM and I can send you some free packs that I've collected over the past year. As far as synths, you'll want to get your hands on the free Zebra 2 demo. It's arguably one of the most versatile out there and it gives insane results (and it's apparently the favorite of Hans Zimmer) if you play around with it long enough. You can export songs with it, but having it open for more than 15 minutes will cause glitches in the reading of the MIDI (because the demo times out). If you save and reopen the project, it'll be just fine on reopening. 3. The Fruity Juice Pack by Image-Line has great effects in it for a low price, but if you're going to buy something you might as well go big and get something like Izotope Ozone Suite or Waves Bundle. If you go with FL Studio as your choice music software, the juice pack is built into it, so you don't have to worry. 4. Popular DAW's (doesn't mean you need them for good quality sound): Logic Pro Tools Cubase Sequel (a simpler Cubase by the same people, Steinberg) Ableton Live Cakewalk Sonar FL Studio (my fav) REAPER Reason (you can not use any external plug ins with this guy. Only what's included)
  15. Just a tip about dubstep/aggressive-in-general basses for FL Studio users who don't have Massive. Use Harmless. (or Harmor if you're rich) Seriously. I use it for EVERYTHING.
  16. I can't give you Ableton advice, but general synth techniques you should use are detuning, unison, and LFO on the filter (changing the LFO speed changes the speed of the wubs. lowering the frequency knob and upping the resonance will increase the intensity of the wubs). Tune it down low and use saws at your leisure.
  17. Here's a much more complicated (but much simpler than the apparent interpretations of the rules) version of the system. I have three remixers on my team. Everyone has to go once before someone can go twice. Everyone has to go twice before someone can go thrice and so on and so forth. It doesn't matter the order since there is a three week rotation. Everyone will get their fair share of remixing, equal to their team members no matter what order. For instance, I can go, then AMT can go, then Jewbei can go. That's the first three weeks. Then AMT can go, then Jewbei can go, then I can go. That's the second three weeks, etc.
  18. Was never. There's a hint in there. "guys". It's the plural form of guy. Plovianx isn't a "guys".
  19. You pick a team of three. You each go once in a three week rotation. What is so hard about this, guys?
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