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Posts posted by WillRock

  1. Rexy, I'd hold that thought for a second :P

    One thing I will say is that there is no proof that they didn't listen to the tracks first and make an honest opinion. However, its highly likely. Push comes to shove guys, you could just discount the votes for rexy that we know for a fact come from Radio Sega.

    I do see where you are coming from, and measures should be taken to prevent this, say for example, you must have been registered on the forums for 3 months to vote. Would mean its kept within the community where there is less bias for one mixer. Atm, if some famous youtuber like Pokeremixstudio joined a compo, all he'd have to do is post a link to the youtube vid of his remix and all his subscribers would flock in and vote for him. Similar idea here, altho rexy to be fair had nothing to do with it herself and i don't think she should suffer resignation or disqualification for it.

  2. Wait, he changed his name to willtechno?

    Son of a bitch, I just got this engraved for him, and now it's fucking useless.

    Happy birthday, you name changing bastard. :<

    Relax bros, my name is still Rawk.

    WillTechno. Pah.

    So my birthday was pretty good, I am now a proud owner of abelton live 8!

    Plus the most awesome cake in the world - observe:


    Anyhow, also going to pimp album release here, do have a look: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=40488

    Thanks very much for the birthday wishes everyone! :D

  3. Guys, people are going to predict stuff. It always happens, no need to get butthurt about it :P

    Every compo i've seen, people have predicted outcomes. I remember the second GRMRB, there were alot of people predicting PrototypeRaptor was going to win the whole thing. I don't remember butthurt replies then, and what happened? He was knocked out in the second round. Point is, no one can be sure who is going to win or lose, and people are going to make silly predictions, but they don't mean anything. Its not going to affect the final outcome, so its really not worth losing sleep over.

  4. The Edgebee Studios Collection


    I am happy to announce the release of my second bandcamp album: The Edgebee Studios Collection. The album is free/pay what you want.

    For anyone who is unaware, Edgebee Studios is a company that makes flash games, and I have been making the music for their games since their 2nd release. There are 3 games represented on this album: Critter Forge, Swords & Potions, and Card Monsters. With extended tracks and an unreleased Card Monsters theme, there will be something new for those who have played the games and heard all the music before.

    I hope you all enjoy this album!


  5. Ok, so this is awesome. I feel like when this starts, the balance is ok... could be more bass but w/e. This does feel liberal, considering I know the sources but I can hear them in there, so I suppose its alreet :P

    Ok, Dubstep bit comes in and i'm feeling unfulfilled. Both the bass and the drums lack the punch necessary for the dubstep, altho the drums are by far the worse of the two... you really need to make them kick you in the arse and back again :D. Then the high end suddenly comes in like you had a low pass filter on the track during the dubstep section, and it hurts my ears basically. Its strange, its like you automated the master EQ at different parts of your mix and its just making the production very inconsistant. You need to really focus on making your mix less treble heavy after the dubstep part, and boost the bass so the dubstep part has the punch it needs. The sudden drops during the double time dubstep bit at the end throws me off... good idea, not great execution.

    Seems like i'm being hard on this, but this is good. Got my foot tapping and my spidey senses tingling... maybe. But yeah, this need some TLC to the frequency response of your mix before you sub this :)

    Good luck bro.

  6. Dude, take your thread off mod review when you go back to work on it, you don't get to hog the mods for weekly updates. :P

    Bleh, its not like he's killing us with overload right :P

    This needs some mix work. Very loud guitars, I can hardly hear anything drums wise cept for crashes and that snare. This needs much more bass atm, this sounds tinny as a result of lack of bass, and I have bass heavy headphones.

    Guitars seem fake, but they seem to be seqeuenced well from what I can tell. Needs a production overhaul to make this pass the bar tho before you tackle any potential arrangement concerns - boost the bass, re-level stuff so you can hear the kick, hihats and the bass (altho be careful not to overdo the bass overall, since I know i'm saying it alot)

    Keep working at it bro!

  7. Wilbert, I always seem to get critiques on the treble of my mixes. I never seem to hear what's wrong with the treble myself, so clearly I'm missing something. Could you point out specific points in the mix where you think the treble is an issue and exactly what I need to do to fix it? Would be a good learning opportunity for me. I'm tired of hearing how crappily my high end is balanced :D

    Wilbert? lol ok.

    There is piercing at 0:55 which is caused by that lead sine like thing you've got. You need to bring down the 1-1.5khz range, which often is slightly accented in those frequencies for sine type instruments.

    That lead at 1:31 also needs bringing down around the same area i'd say. Your crash cymbal is also slightly piercing. Hard to tell if its specific instruments or if the problem is caused by the master, but if you bring down the highs in those parts, it should make this sound alot better :)

  8. Underground is so awesome what are you I don't even

    And god, now that we're talking about it, I'm sooooo tired of Hill Top. I got several wtf-were-you-thinking's while I did my last track in Indy

    EDIT: Matt, you've got 3 Hill Top Zone remixes now... can I switch if I move on? :P

    You guys are complaining at 3? I had to remix flash man 6 times! :P

  9. I'm personally having trouble digging out any source before the 1:30 point. Dunno if i'm not listening properly or what :P

    There is alot of reverb and delay at the begining imo. A little too much, it serves to muddy things up. As for the treble comments, they still stand, stuff is very piercing generally. You need to be careful with your treble parts. You also need to throw sources around more. When dealing with mutiple sources, judges don't like the "Source A, Source B, Source C, Source A" approach much. You've gotta meld them together, or at least intertwine them a little. Cool glitching effects! Its not pass worthy yet, but you've got some good things going here. Fix up the treble issues, focus on arrangement expansion and you'll be a little closer :D

  10. Ok i've given this some thought and spoken to some people. Its become apparent to me that there are people who are definitely not ok with me participating due to fairness issues, and it is a highly unorthodox situation I've been put in. I'm not particularly caring about winning this if I was to join, and if I did join and by chance knock out some people, i'd feel like an ass. I considered other options where I wouldn't affect the outcome of the compo if I did a round, but that just complicated things. Anyone who either lost before the 2nd round or were beaten by me would say foul play, even if you don't think you would. I've got no desire to be that guy, so I will not be participating for that reason. I apologize to brandon but its just not fair to anyone involved.

    I will consider joining if you decide to do another compo, but I can't in good conscience participate in this if people don't want me to.

  11. Ok i've just had to consider my situation right now. Doing these compos is rather time consuming, and i'm currently busy doing other things, altho i'm not terribly busy. However, i'm waiting for an email regarding a job interview I went for, I'm hoping I will get it, but if I do, its full time and I will not have time to do this compo if I get it. I will let you guys know in a few days if I decide to do this, and that is assuming that a: brandon wins and b: you guys all approve of my participation.

    Thats my stance on this, you guys talk amongst yourselves. My view on the matter if anyone is concerned, is that these compos are about the music. If brandon has to forfeit, that means one less track if he wins. If I take his place, that equals more music, so its a good situation really.

  12. I'm dropping out of this competition, I haven't asked him but I would really appreciate it if Willrock could take my spot for the next round if I were to progress.

    There was a family tragedy that came out of nowhere and I need to be away from the internet for a while, both for family and for myself

    Sorry for your loss :(

    I'm not sure about this, doing another compo really wasn't on my things to do list atm. If people want me to, I will give it some thought, but its really up to superiorX, seeing as he is the competition organizer.

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