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Posts posted by WillRock

  1. Really? I'd figured that it was case of fair use - like Weird Al Yankovic. And we're not even selling it.

    Anyways, I haven't gotten a chance to look through too many remixes yet unfortunately, been busy developing and all. I'll talk to the team and we'll try and find some remixes to look into using. We're mostly looking for new songs on stages that we've replaced.. At least for the time being. :<

    A few of the songs we're looking at haven't seem to be fairly old though. Hopefully it's possible to talk to people who submitted remixes last decade.

    Edit: Either way, I'm talking to the team a bit more on this one, so we should soon actually have an exact idea of what we're looking for! Thanks for all the support you guys have already shown, this is is awesome. Hopefully we can make Brawl's frighteningly-huge soundtrack even better.

    Just dropping in to say if you want to use any of my remixes, you have my permission. Good job with this and keep it up!

  2. This is a pretty neat concept for sure. I'm surprised it works as well as it does. I feel like everything is fine up until 1 minute in. The samples aren't quite cutting it after the drop, because the wub bass and the drums aren't quite taking up enough of the frequency range. Generally, i'm hearing alot of bass, but not enough crispness to the samples at 1:00 onwards... i'd focus on trying to layer down more samples but focus a little more on treble content. Listen to other music from dubstep producers like shrillex and use them as comparisons with the production of your own music.

    For the most part, the mixing sounds clear, but there is a bit too much release on that bell like synth at 2:00 which serves to muddy up your soundscape somewhat. I'd either eq that to clear up some space or remove the release.

    Generally this is pretty strong stuff, keep working at it and you could see a front page mix :)

  3. Mod Review

    hey this is pretty cool. loving the style adaption as I said before. I'm a little concerned the production would be a deal breaker here tho, the drums sound a little muffled and the things are a little overcompressed, the kick particularly so. Add on minor mixing issues - the drums get lost in busy sections, the lead at 1:00 is too loud and too dry. That guitar is sweet tho (ironically, a little too wet in reverb, but its mildly so)

    Its not quite there I think, but its close. Keep working at it and you'll get front page i'm sure :)

  4. I messaged The Damned about claiming Tetris. For everybody, though, here's a WIP/demo/sketch: http://soundcloud.com/nintendude794/tetris-fur-elise

    I don't understand why this rough sketch seems to be one of my more popular SoundCloud tracks... :-?:<:-D

    Thoughts, constructive criticism? It's only a quick draft, and if I'm allowed if not encouraged to take Tetris, my next WIP will be much better.

    You shouldn't post WIPs on the forums. That stuff should be private :P

    This is pretty cool, altho use of fur elise kinda makes me a little unsure overall, depends on damned tho. As far as performance/production goes, this is def cool, I love the take :D.

  5. We all have ideas, and most of us fall short of realizing them the way they are in our heads.

    To build on this point of rozovians further, your limitations with software and hardware, or your lack of experience, can be a blessing in disguise. Confused? Well, sure Rozovian is right, we have ideas, and we do fall short of how they sound in our heads, but that doesn't mean that they sound worse than it sounded in our heads. You might end up making something more unique or interesting due to your own limitations in equipment and sound design.

    Don't think about what you don't have - think about what you do have and how you can maximize the potential of what you're using.

    Just listen to this:

    Now, this was made for the NES as you can see, same sound capabilities, as the music for super mario bros, and the first 2 zelda games, i'm sure you know the soundtracks. Yet here, the composer decided to try and break the limitations of what he was using and it sounds incredible in its own right. Limitations force creativity - use that to your advantage.

  6. Ok, as a guy who larry has named as getting rejected a large amount of times before getting posted, I thought I might make a post about the process of how I got to the point of having 25 mixposts on OCR (and more coming! :D) It might help you guys figure out how to help yourselves here...

    Ok, so I got to OCR after some success on youtube with my remixes, my subscribers had told me to come here and get mixes posted. So first thing I did, I submitted this:

    . Now, I waited 5 months for a response, thinking that the site just didn't function with the judges panel for a while, when I finally got a rejection, which basically said everything was wrong with my remix.

    Now, first things first... don't do what I did, don't submit to the judges panel blindly. The standards are a little specific and even if you're an experienced musician with good production skills, that doesn't guarantee you to get past the arrangement standards. Unless you're a talented guy with good production skills and a lucky arranging style that fits with the criteria of OCR, you're going to get rejected first time.

    So I submitted blindly again, and got an instant rejection in the form of an email. Now I got a little annoyed at this, and one thing thats very important is that if you want to become an OCRemixer... getting a grudge against the judges is not the way to do it. Don't ask me why, but anyone who does, just doesn't improve their craft in the same way as others... maybe thats why they get disillusioned (its not easy to get posted folks) but blaming the judges for doing their job really isn't the way to go :)

    So I decided to head to what is now the Workshop forum, to post my remixes there for quick feedback, which is what ALL of you should do from the start because its not only a good place to learn, but its a good place to find out what the judges look for without waiting 5 months for a response. Now, I updated a fair few of my older remixes, but they just weren't cutting the mustard apparently so I started one from scratch, getting feedback as I went along, and I came up with my first mixpost, Mountain Of Dreams. Now, this is what I started with: http://tindeck.com/listen/qwwj. The WIP forum helped me get it to the point of the OCRemix version.

    So through them I got my first OCRemix. Its the way forward folks, the WIP forum. Now, once you've got your first mixpost, don't get cocky, you'll get rejected again for sure. Chances are your first mixpost was a fluke (like mine) and you'll get about 5 or so rejections at least before you start to do stuff constantly over the bar. You'll get there tho, with practice.

    Use the knowledge available here to you, I joined OCR at the same time I joined university and I learnt more here than I did there. Not kidding. Its a gold mine of music technology teaching basically, and if you use it well, you'll go above and beyond OCRs calling :D

  7. Well done everyone! Knew block rockman beats would do well, but never expected to actually win! Thanks to halc and nutritious for helping out with this, and of course, great tracks from everyone!

    Some great tracks from this competition, some of the ones I particularly enjoyed were Dubious Brother, Far From Home and Shadows of Wily to name a few :)

  8. I can't help feeling he's abandoned this tbh. The SF compo, which honestly he shouldn't have started before closing out this one, has been in progress for a few weeks now, and he still hasn't updated votes here. He can prove me wrong and post the votes, but clearly, he's not that bothered about this, and deems doing the SF compo more important than finishing this right now. Its a shame really.

  9. This is probably the dogs bollocks of all zircons remixes. Its got a rather cheeky mischievous tone to it, similar to the plants vs zombie soundtrack, but it uses that as a foundation to build up to some fantastically epic climatic moments, for example, 1:20 and 2:13. Dynamics are the focus here, and no one has quite mastered that art in the same way as zircon has, and he excelled at that strength here. The treatment of the source tune is pro as well, changing the meter to compound time (3 measures in each beat... swing feel) was inspired, and compliments the infectious groove. And as always, it has zircons seal of production. The only real weakness this remix has is the ending, particularly when you had such a great potential ending to expand and finish at 3:10, it decides to reintroduce the beat and fade out. Confusing decision based on what you had to work with but its a minor gripe.

    Its got groove, its got orchestral, its got rock, its got EVERYTHING... If you were only to download a select few remixes off the site, then this should be one of them... its clearly one of the best the site has to offer. Oh yeah, he did it in 3 hours or something... :P

    Fantastic work zircon, I applaud your effort here.

  10. This for me, is really a standard for how orchestral arrangements should sound, everything fits together so gracefully, and the arrangement is great. As someone who doesn't know the original source, it sounds a lot like something John Williams would do, which is about as high praise as I can give. Even if you don't like orchestral music, give this a chance, because its worth it.

    Fantastic stuff.

  11. So today is TheGuitahHeroe's Birthday.

    It is a day of celebration. A day of happiness. A day of foursomes on the golf course. And of course, a day of beating him at guitar hero. If you can.

    Have a great day Jamison, now you just gotta go out and play at a 19 hole golf course.

  12. In other news, WillRock wants some likes: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Willrock/98839364682

    <3 u baha

    My stance on this is that its a good idea, but execution is poor. Facebook is a powerful tool, but 3000 likes before release is too much imo. I'd have drawn the line at 25000 likes overall myself. I just feel like this is going to unnecessarily push back release by quite a margin, maybe 2-3 weeks perhaps. Still, I haven't seen how many people are liking the page since it went up, I hear its more than usual, but i'd say its the same sort of idea as a youtube video... at first you'll get alot of likes, but then they'll slow down... to a crawl. Not optimistic about you guys hitting the 27000 before too long, but good luck regardless.

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