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Posts posted by WillRock

  1. If anything, limitations force you to be more creative with what you have; and that is so incredibly true with chiptune I don't know where to begin. You can squeeze more harmonic creativity out of those three channels than a jazz pianist has fingers.

    But, at the end of the day, I can see the why chiptune would be discouraged and I'm happy to lay back and take it.

    Protodome has basically hit my thoughts on this whole thing exactly here.

    However, it has always seemed to me to be a production issue, rather than an arrangement issue. OCR has production standards as well, and most chiptune music just doesn't cut the mustard where production is concerned. Limitations of instrumentation, regardless of how creative people are with said limitations, has very little to do with it from my standpoint. I'd like to see someone submit a mix with limitations similar to chiptunes forcing some form of creativity as far as sequencing goes without reverting to pure waveforms, because I feel that is where the line is drawn to pass and rejection. Limited instrumentation with good production will warrant the pass assuming its done well. Correct me if i'm wrong judges.

  2. I'm finding this the best of OA's current trilogy of PW mixes, and that synth solo is awesome, altho calling me out was a mistake. A BIG mistake. PREPARE TO DIE.

    If I have one critique for this mix, is that the ending doesn't seem to fit. I like turnabout sisters theme, but I don't feel the source translated quite well here. Its a shame because it feels like a rather strange ending for such a great mix.

    Still, awesome stuff, I dig it!

  3. How? X_X

    It's not like they paid to enter.

    So you're suggesting that its ok to start a competition, see it through to the final and then not bother to count up votes and announce a winner? REALLY???? :P

    Imagine this was a bigger competition. Remember that Assassins Creed Competition. Imagine if they had got all the tracks in, let people vote for the top 20 and left it in the air. Sure there isn't a prize to be had here, but its nice to know who won at least, and for it to be offical and everything.

    Also, everything prophetik said :P

  4. Most anticlimactic compo ever :P

    I reckon Darke will eventually get around to it. In the first GRMRB, after Zircon won the main compo, and the revenge rounds carried on, he spent about 2 months between updating both the votes and starting new rounds, and it took forever to finish, at which point no one gave a shit by the time it ended, and zircon didn't even give in a track for his final round against me. That said, he DID update eventually, and thats my point, but he did take his time for whatever reason. Looks like something of the sort has happened again here.

    1 Month and about 10 pages later after the finish, I have to say, whatever the reason for the delay Darke, don't leave us hanging like this! :P Give this compo some closure, you owe it to everyone who's participated :)

  5. We could always get Will super drunk, then get him to record a solo whilst in that state. Then after he wakes up, remembering nothing that he did the night of recording tell him that he has to compete with a secret challenger and make a solo against the same track.

    Bam. Willrock having a competition with himself. It would be epic. 8-)

    Or.. you know... I could have a synth solo competition against someone else as good as me...

    You guys are fucking nuts XD

  6. Depends on the country I guess, but i'm 95% sure that it wouldn't be a problem in the UK because names and titles aren't deemed unique or important enough to consider copyright. Can't say about it for other countries, but it seems a bit stupid tbh, I bet you could make names and titles out of any combination of words these days. You could always google it if you weren't sure.

  7. I'm doing a remix of Kakariko village and need vocals. Its basically song format, and if there is anyone good at lyrics writing as well, get in touch with me also.

    The WIP is here: http://tindeck.com/listen/wjgn

    Anyone who is interested, send me a PM with a link to a track with your vocals in (can be over the WIP linked here if you wish, but i'm really not fussed). Just make sure it shows off all (or most) of your vocal range!

    Due to the style i'm going for, i'm looking for a male vocalist, not a female. Sorry girls!

    Look forward to hearing from you!


  8. I'm liking the arrangement, but sample quality and panning are bothering me right now. The panning really is all over the place. With panning, its a good idea to keep things fairly centered, unless you are going for a specific aesthetic. Less is more is the idea with panning, not saying remove it completely, but tone it down a little :)

    As for the samples, the drums lack energy right now, they feel thin and lifeless overall. Try laying drum samples together to fill them out more. 5 kicks sounds better than 1 ;) I'm finding the drum patterns a little boring as well, don't be afraid to vary up your patterns and add some nice ornamentations and fills to spice them up some. I'm hearing very little bass overall in this. you could def boost up the bass a little, the bass itself is almost inaudible. The Guitar sound is also a little too distorted for the style imo... and its a rather grating distortion, which doesn't suit the sound of the mix particularly. There is alot of stuff to do production wise, but i'm liking the arrangement, very creative. Cool!

    Keep working at it.

  9. Being told i'm source deaf by rozo has warranted me to take another look and better back up my statements.

    I've listened to the source to the point I know it inside out, listening to the remix now.

    I feel like I can hear references to the source with those "twinkles" as you refer to them, but I'm not hearing anything concrete there, it sounds like there is very wet delay, which is interfering with me recognizing the source. I THINK its there but i'm having to try very hard to make the connection. That instrument is the only source related thing I can hear for the most part of the track.

    Then at 2:33, things get more obvious. I can definitely roll with that as source usuage. Basically, it becomes more obvious near the end of the mix. This is why I think it would be borderline - some of it is obviously there, but up until 2:33, its not obvious enough... I almost feel like i'm hearing references because i'm looking for them, not because they are there. OCR source guidelines call for 50% clear source usuage. I wouldn't call the twinkles clear source usuage, and there are other bits you mentioned (like at 2:08 ) that I feel might be there, but I can't make the solid connection and definitely wouldn't count if you didn't say they were there. It probably adds up to something like 30-35% for me... other judges might be kinder and count other parts I didn't but i'm not hearing enough for OCR myself. I wouldn't be sold on this for that reason.

  10. Oh, I totally already got it. It is pretty sweet. I wasn't necessarily thinking that it was going to be one of the flood tracks, but I was just thinking that it probably should be linked to the album whenever the track is posted.

    Actually, the OCR version is different to the GMRB and album version... think of it as the equivalent of a "single".

  11. I still find this extremely hard to understand. The bells/twinklies are exactly the same lead from the original, note for note.

    Hmm, I'll take my chances with the source content, but what about the mixing & stuff?

    For the record, I will say that quite a few of the mods who looked at your track in the album eval didn't hear the source in your remix, one or two of them judges, its not just me.

    Listening to your mix with the breakdown, quite a few bits i'm just not hearing at all source wise, even with what you've put in the breakdown. I'm hearing a little bit of the source here and there, but generally i'd argue many of the references are too liberal to be reasonably connected to the source. I'd call this a borderline call at best, and thats being very kind. If you want to submit this, I'd consider making this less liberal myself.

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