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Posts posted by WillRock

  1. Why the hell would anyone want to submit a track to you now?

    Much respect to Danimal Cannon and k-wix, but this is the most condescending public message on a game music submission I've ever seen. If you've already made your choice (and anyone with experience in the freelance market knows you pretty much have) and told the rest of us we don't come close to the choice you're going to make anyway, why the hell would you invite us to DO IT AGAIN?

    How are we even supposed to know the benchmark for quality anyway? Clarvoyance? Should we message DC and K-wix to hear the track so we can try to cheat them out of the $500 prize they've earned? What kind of bullshit is that?

    I'm not angsty about missing the prize, btw. When someone offers big bucks for a relatively simple task on a board full of spirited non-professionals and hobbyists, you know there's going to be some bullshit - that's why I only offered stuff I already did, I knew anything else was a waste of time. I'm just appalled at your submission response. It's not only pretty disrespectfully written, but the invitation to keep wasting time submitting more music, dangling the fucking carrot somehow, expecting us to know what Danimal Cannon's and k-wix's submissions sound like and emulate it to cheat them out of what they've earned, is nothing short of a ***damn slap in the face.

    Yeah, I'm ranting pretty good here, but honest to God, where do you indie development teams get off treating amateurs like that? If you wanted something that professional, why didn't you just hire a professional? Why come here? Do you think we're so fucking desperate to get our names in the credits of a game that we'll just hopelessly shit out music and pray you use it? What other possible reason would you STILL invite people to submit to you AFTER YOU TOLD US WE SUCK? $500 isn't chump change, I realize that, but dignity is worth a shitload more than that. I'd rather build music for free and still get rejected if it meant I got a much more respectful rejection response than that.

    Man, that felt good to get out finally.

    Meteo, relax. I agree that perhaps naming the 2 who they are considering is perhaps not in their best interest, but it doesn't warrant a response like that. They did not say they had made their choice, but that danimal and k-wix had put forward the most suitable track for their game so far. If they didn't want any more submissions they would have said so in the same post. You're getting borderline offensive in both your language and the way you're posting, which there really isn't a call for. Try to keep things civil.

  2. I have to say, I enjoyed this one. Guitars were a bit iffy, and the mixing was a tad messy overall, plus the drums were as basic as basic can be, but its 80's SO I FORGIVE ALL.

    Yes it has its little issues but the feel is there and the source works better here than it ever did in its original context. You also have an epic moment during that breakdown, I love the attention to detail, and the use of reverb really sort of gives this a spacious feel at that point. Typical 80's butt-rock, could have been better with tweaking and a real guitar, and fadeout was a slight copout, but its pretty good as it is, cause 80's is good. Consider me a happy chappy!

  3. I'd be sad not to try to make something for this project. Is everybody allowed to ask for a track?

    We do ask for auditions from people who don't have an OCR artist profile... so yeah send an audition of a track you've done in the past and we'll see if you're appropriate for the project :)

  4. If you're trying to get this on OCR, then I'd suggest that you don't sample from the original song. Sampling from the original source is basically a no-no :P

    Ok so going down the chiptune route is pretty cool. Drum and 8-bit :P

    Its hard to tell the exact feel you're going for with this, mainly because the drums lack any sort of bass content. I can't tell if this is suppose to sound like pendulum crossed with chiptune or if you're going for something a little more on the softer, yet still energetic side of things. Either way, you need a bit more of a bass presence than what you've got. Boost the level of the kick a little. The arrangement is actually pretty cool because you've managed to add some sweet variations but this does sound like its close to sampled from the original based on the instrumentation you used. You can certainly afford to personalize the track a little more and still keep it sounding close to the source, but there are some really cool personalized bits throughout that I really like.

    I'd focus just a tad more on personalization with the more conservative bits, with instrumentation if nothing else, and boost the kick a tad, then message me back and i'll have another look at what you've done :)

    Oh btw, Youtube isn't a good source to put your music on for critique. Post it on tindeck!

  5. I can tell you right off the bat that this wouldn't pass the judges due to sample issues. The synths aren't great sounding but they work well enough. The drums however lack the punch they need, the bass seems to get buried under the pads and when I can hear it, it sounds more treble heavy than it should do. The piano and guitar samples are also not exactly great either. You need better samples than that.

    Based on this, i'm not sure you're at a point where you could get on OCR, you need to up your production game for that. Granted tho, you have some neat arrangement ideas (altho that piano had some rather iffy timing issues and even went dissonant at one point). Sorry i'm being so harsh, I know its hard, but you'll get there!

    I'd attempt trying to layer your drum sounds, try and make that kick have more presence and give the snare a more crisp tone to it if you can. Other than that, I can't say too much more than "get better samples" because thats one of the issues thats holding you back imo. Your production isn't great, but better samples would help your music quite a bit I reckon.

    If you can't do that, then focus on synth content. Your samples are mostly iffy when you're trying to emulate organic instrumentation like the piano and guitar, if that is holding back your music, then use synths because you could make much more convincing sounds that way.

  6. I have to say, I quite enjoyed the take on this. Its a daring direction which works, and I can see alot of people grooving to it.

    Like Rozo said, the source is used well, maybe its due to unfamiliarity with the source but I had more trouble than Rozo picking out the source. That said, I did hear it and if Rozo says its there, its probably there so i'll leave that side alone for now. With an adaption like this, I think all you've got to do is make sure the track has 50% source at least. The adaption will serve as variation but some lead differences wouldn't go amiss.

    Now, for the issues, which granted weren't too many imo. I do agree with rozovian about dynamics. The quieter parts could be softer, but you don't need to boost the loudness of any sections.

    The sequencing is mechanical, most notably the piano. If you fix the piano i'm sure you could get away with the others, could just be me tho. Also, that guitar lead is notably fake. You might want to either change up that instrument or get someone on OCR to record guitar for you.

    One thing I will say, is that I actually don't find the hihats too loud - granted they are louder than what would be deemed "normal" in terms of general music levels but I've heard jazz tracks with that same sort of leveling and I think you could get away with that as a stylistic choice myself.

    Structure like rozo said was a little lacking in dynamics. You could throw in a breakdown somewhere, which i'm positive you can pull off.

    I'm basically inclined to agree with rozo with most of what he said minus over compression issues he pulled out of thin air :P

    Fix the mechanical sequencing, that guitar lead, the dynamics and don't be afraid to experiment with the structure of your track to give it a little more variety. Its a cool base, carry on!


    Ok, so this is pretty good. Production seemed ok to me, altho I found the bass little overpowering overall, particularly on that kick. If anything, fix the kick because its serving to muddy up your soundscape. Also, I couldn't help but feel that the vocals sound slightly tinny overall, could have been the recording, but thats the only production crits I have for you.

    There is a potential obstacle at 2:24, the vocal melodies seem off somehow, I believe its dissonance but I can't place it. However, there is dissonance in your guitar solo after, which is very jarring, you're playing an Eb over a D major chord during that downward 3 note pattern you play over again, which the judges will pick up on and penalize you for. That could be deal breaking, i've known them to NO otherwise good mixes based on dissonance before.

    EDIT: Did some critical listening and worked out that you've got the same dissonance in the vocal parts as in the guitar, It sounds like you're singing in F sharp major, when the tonic chord is F sharp minor. You need to fix that if you want to see this posted on OCR.

    I'd say the boomy slightly over compressed production, coupled with that dissonance at the end will prompt judges to NO this. It needs a bit of work, mostly at the end, but keep at it, cause this is close.

  8. Current News

    The mixing stage for the Final Round has begun! Check the bracket images for matchups. Competitors have two weeks to create a remix using their source tune and their opponent's source tune. Remixes are due on Sunday, May 6, 2012, at 12PM EDT. Go for broke!

    Seems very much unabandoned to me, we should get the tracks by tomorrow i'd say :)

  9. Haven't done much in terms of remixes recently but i'd be happy to lend a hand... will there be the possibility of multiple remixes of the same sources accepted for the mod? Not because I want to do more than 1 of the same source, but I don't want to remix any songs that are already claimed if you guys won't use more than one :)

    Also, you guys do realize you're going to have to put simon belmont in this mod now right? RIGHT???? :P

  10. This is a sweet mix. Very delicate vibe to it that I can dig.

    I like it, but can't we please add a new rule? "No more Aquatic Ambience please"? I'd like to see other games now.

    You mad bro? There's only... 7 remixes of aquatic ambience? SOOOOO MANY! I SEE WHAT YOU MEAN NOW! We must stop remixing this song! IT HAS HAD TOO MUCH EXPOSURE! Lock up your daughters, cut off your ears,OR AQUATIC AMBIANCE WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLDDDDD

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