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Posts posted by WillRock

  1. Before I comment on arrangement, you need to provide a source link so this will be a production/structure critique only.

    The production is very clean - well done - but this does have some issues. Over compression is the biggest issue here. It feels like you've limited this a little too strong. The side-chaining is done well but with the added limiting compression, this sounds too squashed right now. The intro seems to have some minor pad timing issues, and there is unwanted dissonance in the pad at 2:07 but other than that, performance is good imo. I agree this gets a little repetitive, but the structure is very clear.

    I, unlike Rozo, think this would hit the panel (not holding much basis on the arrangement) but I do think that this would be a fairly quick NO due to repetitive ideas, overcompression and the shortness of your remix. Also, 2 minutes of silence is a bit of a no no as well :P

    Not a bad start, but if you can find the Ableton file, then fix the compression, expand and variate, and link the source tune and see how it goes. It has potential, would be cool to see this passed in some form.

  2. I'm going to use every single source I've ever remixed in darkes mega man compos:

    Flash man, Spiral Pegacian, Elec Man, Cut Man, Bubble Man, Ground Man - you name it.

    Magnet Man, Metal Man, Tornado Man, Metal Shark Player, Infinity Mijinion, Armored Armadillo, The List goes on!

    Wood Man, Sheep Man, Napalm Man, Plug Man, Spring Man, Air Man, Wily Castle 5, Wily Castle 9-2, Cossack Fortress 4-2, Blade Man, Napalm Man, THERE IS MORE!

    Killer Studio Chops Man, Nice Work Man, Shtjdgfgt Man, DJP Man, All-Your-Base Man, Bad-Tuna Man, Cock-bee Man, Sidebar Man and Unmod Man!!!!

    All of these and more will be making an appearance in my remix! GET HYPE.... RIGHT NOW

    May or may not actaully use all these sources in remix

  3. My view of the matter is that what remix albums are being released/been released on OCR is irrelevant when doing a remix album. if someone wants to do a remix album of a soundtrack, then hell, they should do it regardless of if its been done before. I've considered doing a links awakening album of my own in the past, because I didn't totally feel threshold of a dreams concept.

    Also, Solo projects - should be up to the director if its made public, its their business. When its a community album, its the communities business and should be made public for people.

    However, If people want to do a private album, then while I appreciate that there might be an outcry from the community, its up to the director how he does it.

    If I got a few of my remixing friends together from the community, as well as a few musician friends from outside OCR, and had it released on OCR without telling the WHOLE COMMUNITY which has over 2500 members, would you guys be butthurt over it? Sometimes the director doesn't want full community involvement. And there is no stopping someone starting an album of the same soundtrack with community involvement, if it gets on OCR or not.

  4. Not sure how much participation you'd get. Tekken doesn't really have the draw of Mega Man.

    Meh, you don't need 32 (or even 16) people to do a tekken compo. Mega Man has had plenty of compos, we don't need another 20 remixes from the same series. I say do something new. However I won't be participating in any further compos, mega man or not, they are simply too time consuming.

    One thing I will say - if you do this, try and make it so people don't end up with the same theme each time... with something like tekken, people have the opportunity to do the same character theme from different games (when applicable) if you do this.

  5. There is no rules against doing a mod review, but it is important you read the forum rules before you post it as such.

    Flex hit the main issue - the panned kick. As a general rule, The kick and bass should be centered in the mix, its what drives the rhythm of a track and with the kick being so strong, it gets taxing on my right ear. Two other main issues for are the lack of textural change and the rather generic (yet good sound design) synth lead. The production seems to be mostly there minus that kick issue, and I need a source link to mod review this properly.

    Midi rips don't get on OCR, you need to arrange the track yourself and give it your own spin on the source material. I'll change the thread prefix to WIP, but feel free to move it to finish if you feel this is done.

  6. Rexy, how dare you interrupt my MAGFest with incessant bitching.

    Shut the hell up, please.

    For future reference, this is the internet, if you don't want your statements be taken seriously, YOU MUST USE SMILEYS!!

    If you are in fact serious, then how dare you interrupt this thread with your rude and thoughtless posting. Shut the hell up please, get out of the internet, go on back to magfest and play games and drink loads of beer :P The rest of us are getting on fine without you party hearty magfest people :D

  7. Well, I know that some people do change their minds throughout the week and wait til the last minute, which is understandable. But I thought it was strange to be well over 10 points ahead by last night and lose it all at the blink of an eye. But I'll put up with it, however possible.

    Also, you left out the Concrete Men on the tally :razz:

    [EDIT: Nope, found them. My eyes failed me again.]

    One thing to note is never assume you've won or lost based on voting before its finished. So many times i've seen things happen in these compos that defies what you'd expect based on what happened in the first few days. In the original GRMRB I got a ten vote lead against gecko, which was a hell of a lot. I lost by 6 votes.

  8. I'm really anxious to see what everyone thinks of my piece this week, it's kind of a milestone for me; made all my synths myself, and returned to a style that I very much enjoy, as far as ethnic stuff goes. Also, disclaimer, I didn't sequence ALL the percussion this time... sorry :( I don't know how to sequence ethnic percussion amazingly yet, so I used a couple loopz... kinda feels like cheating, but hey, it sounds good, so I can't complain

    Pro Tip - if you feel you've "cheated" in a mix in some way, don't tell anyone ;)


    For sure the bass could be beefier, and the highs are a little piercing but overall this is pretty good. However, it seems like many of the issues that flex stated are still here, didn't realise you'd updated at first from his crits... Better post the issues that are still there: Leads are still a little bit high end, don't seem as bad as flex said so I'm assuming you've fixed, but not enough.

    It seems to me that you've got one of those crappy (with frequencies) leads that is piercing over a huge amount of the frequency range, and while you've got rid of some of that content to the point that its almost inaudible in those frequencies, there are others that are still coming through piercing. It seems to me you've gone too narrow and too strong in your attempt to fix the problem. Nice idea on fixing the leads with EQ but work a little more on that. If you want more specifics, I can try and point it out for you :)

    Some of your panning automation on those arps is a little iffy at times, the automation is a little disorientating, I'd bring that down slightly, the panning is cool but its a tad strong.

    There are points there there seems to be volume automation as well thats bothersome. At one 1:38, that chord synth is a little loud and a little too off center for example.

    The arrangement seems cool I dig the way you used Magnet man.

    Seems to me the core is here. Just give some TLC to the production and sub :D

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