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Status Updates posted by WillRock

  1. I have a message from emunator - GET IN UR WIP 4 DKC3 U NUB.

    Altho he said it nicer :P

  2. couldn't have done it without you man

  3. its ur birfday. OMFG.

  4. omfg epic avatar.

  5. Nope, still not fixed, you've been using it at least an extra 5 years.

  6. your about me section is out of date. You've been using FL for at least 10 years :P

  7. Happy Birthday man! :D

  8. sall good man, send it me sometime, i'm interested to hear it :)

  9. Hey dude did you ever use that guitar part I gave you for your seasons track? :P

  10. haha its cool dude :P

  11. awwww lack of visitor messages makes me :(

    therefore, you may have a visitor message :P

    and sup

  12. Got you added everywhere else so I figured what the hell :P

  13. Come on AIMMMM

  14. come on msn dude, got something for you

  15. hey dude could you send me your heroes vs villians track?

    thanks :)

  16. Ah yes, Oracle of Seasons... just one of the Gazillion projects i'm currently on :)

    Well I hope I end up doing it justice for you :D

  17. That question was directed at halc, not at you, hence the post on his wall :P but it looks like no one is going to tell me anyway :P

  18. AHHHH!!!! you are no longer J64H?

    The world has gone INSANE.


  19. Can someone tell me what emunator means. I don't get it :P

  20. And you may have one back :P

  21. ARGH a new avatar???? Has the world gone insane? I'm not going to recognize you in the forums now. Avatar is still cool tho :P

  22. Happy Birthday man :)

  23. yeah projects.... blaaaaaaaah

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