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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude now i'm not so sure you're cool
  2. DS EDIT: OCR's official room that we pimp out on Twitter and Facebook is http://turntable.fm/ocremix. Ok, so Drewgourley introduced me to turntable.fm today, which is a site where you can listen to music in different "rooms". You can join an existing room or create your own, and listen to music people put on in said room, or DJ, which means you control what is played in that room. You can do this by either uploading something from your computer or choosing from turntables extensive library of music. Now, Drewgourley made an OC Remix room here: http://turntable.fm/overclocked_remix. How to join: if you have a facebook account, and are friends with someone on facebook who uses turntable.fm - in this case, me, Brandon Strader and Drew Gourley, you can join the site, no sign up required. If anyone wants to join up who isn't a friend of either of us, just add me as a friend on facebook, which is linked from my profile, I'll add you. We've been messing around with it, and we could use this site to help put ocrs musics out there for more people to hear. So come along, DJ, promote yours and others OC Remix music, and kick some ass. One last thing - its better not to use Safari 3, I tried it and got no sound from the site on that browser, Firefox was a-ok tho. See you there! WillRock.
  3. For the record my fine saucy young trollops, I think I must utter this most important phrase... ahem... PROTO MUST DIEEEEEEEEEEEEE That is all. Cheerio chums.
  4. And thats why you should GO AWAY AND NEVER COME BACK. seriously tho, this is a good question. I tend to use itunes (sound check feature) but that really sucks, I wouldn't recommend it, all it does is quieten everything and stuff still isn't at the same volume If anyone knows of anything better, i'm listening also
  5. happy birthday you crazy mofo
  6. I wouldn't have thought so because they win regardless, so voting is pointless. Darke just forgot to say in the unchallenged threads that voting is closed most likely.
  7. Might it be an idea not to post "predictions"? Seems to me all thats going to do is cause heated debate but I guess its up to darke. Personally, i'd just wait and see how things pan out.
  8. I find it kind of funny and sad that whenever someone sees a bad song on the internet they have to make a post and tell everyone about it. Good songs don't even get the same kind of exposure anymore. Something is very very wrong here.
  9. ARGH what have you done to your beautiful avatar now it looks all slimy and jam covered and bleh I leik it really

  10. Splash Woman Used Splash. Nothing happened!

  12. Txai won the GMRB and he doesn't have a posted mix. Anyone can win this compo, posted or not.
  13. oh for the record, I will have a finished remix handed in by tomorrow at 4GMT darke so you'll have at least 2 mixes...
  14. proto! Get on msn or facebook or something! :P

  15. when its this close gario, anything can happen. Don't count yourself out yet
  16. This. Pretty much sums up what I reckon happened here. From what you said, Prophetik, those guitars aren't midi, but I must confess, I thought they WERE Fail on my part if not, but at the same time, gotta work on your guitar tone imo... something I didn't put in the vote
  17. One thing I think I should mention is that in the final of the GMRB, I went up against txai, who despite having worse production than me by a considerable amount beat me. I wouldn't say that people go with the more polished tracks generally, since I managed to get the third round of the original GRMRB despite having worse production than all my opponents in that compo
  18. Prophetik, your a cool guy and I respect you as a musician, but you're right, you do sound pretty harsh Just let things run their course and leave well enough alone, it looks more like you're just trying to get more votes because you feel your arrangement is better :/ Also, Rozo and Sir_NutS voted for Draconiator, they aren't lurkers and are posted remixers. It probably isn't my place to say this but you basically said everyone who votes against you is wrong and that draconiators mix isn't even a remix at one point. If I was him I would be offended at your post. Its probably not my place to say this and I apologise for making this rather accusatory post, but I feel this needs to be said. EDIT: Don't get me wrong, I do understand what your point is, I just think the way you've put it across is kinda unfair on draconiator.
  19. You're currently two ahead from what I can count, but its been shifting from one lead to another... its a CLOSE one
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