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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. I'm not going to give more details, but I will say that while I understand why you might be disappointed, you get the same extension as me so it works equally in your favor. If I didn't ask for the extension, I'd have given in an unfinished mix which would have disappointed everyone involved. Usually I wouldn't have said anything and given in an unfinished mix, which i've done before, but this is the last round and I want to give people GOOD MUSIC, which is what this competition is about at the end of the day. The question is, would you rather have an extremely disappointing finale to this competition now, or wait 24 hours and have one thats worthy of all the music this compo has had so far? I wouldn't have asked if it wasn't necessary. Notice i've been in every single GRMRB contest so far and done no less than 4 for each, this is the first time i've ever asked for an extension. Please try not to see it as a disappointment because really, this is only going to give people a better quality finale to a great compo.
  2. ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED. Well took you guys long enough. Now convince turntable to unban us brits so I can start playing some MUSIK
  3. I recently did an original album of music which was make to play with scenes from the 1950's alice in wonderland animation film, but I released it as an album without that context anyway... and you know what? People dig it all the same afaik, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. Besides, you don't have to tell people the context you see your music in if you don't want. Ignorance is bliss. As far as i'm concerned, you should make music for yourself, and do it in your own way, and if you like your own music the way it is and the way you make it, then screw everyone else. If they like it then great... if they don't then they aren't worth it.
  4. Tbh, I think the question should be why WOULDN'T she make another song... anyone who can get over 100 million hits or whatever on one fucking song, negative press or not, is worth following up in my book. I know i'd do it.
  5. You wanted people to make mega man remixes? yah like there aren't enough already You should have got people doing remixes from a game series you like thats seldom remixed. Like Chrono Trigger.
  6. Very nice arrangement here, I'm fairly sure this would pass the panel on arrangement alone. Digging the feel of this, its really quite an interesting sound you have here. Production has some quirks tho. Generally its pretty good, but it suffers from having rather weak/bland drum samples, and there is a tad too much reverb/delay on various instrumentation which makes this sound too saturated. This is most noticeable in the intro with the guitar harmonics and the harp at 0:07. For the record, I did also hear the piercing at 0:49. I don't think it would affect your vote but a little polish can go a long way As far as I can tell your samples are fine. Things get ever so slightly muddy near the end when it climaxes but generally mixing is pretty good. I'll get Emunator to look this one over and see what he says, he'll probably love this I think its VERY close, but like I said, i'll get Emunator in here so we can wrap this up
  7. Looking forward to seeing the film but as a result will be staying away from this thread... i'd like to go in with an open mind, but I have read the books. In response to Dynes post about not reading the books till much later because he thought it wasn't cool, I do think its a shame, because one of the biggest factors of the book series was that it basically "grew up" with its audience - the first three books are childrens books, and meant to be so, but the other books are for more mature audiences. I was one of those that read the books when they came out and as a result, its a very big part of my childhood and that impact the books had on so many others who read them when they came out is lost on anyone now that didn't read the books at that time, because they can read them all at once.
  8. Tbh, I think part of the reason for the backlash from sonic retro is because of the name of the site. We are called OverClocked ReMix after all, so most people who aren't clued up with what ocr are about would probably assume that OCR do faithful to the original "covers" rather than rearrangements. Now as far as ocr albums go, usually there are a few very faithful tracks that are like updated versions of the originals, but with this album, its more cohesively creative with the sources than alot of ocr albums in the past. PC had quite a few faithful covers, like snapplemans mixes and housethegrates. One of the comments at sonic retro even stated that he thought OCR did remixes, not rearrangements, which might be ignorant but I feel like thats the misconception most people have about ocr. The tracks on this album are alot more creative with the source material as a general perspective and I think it left quite a few people alienated. Seems more like a misunderstanding or a disagreement with the general direction from them, which is fine, OCR doesn't appeal to everyone.
  9. Best game achievement i've done is probably beating all 5 stages of silver surfer (NES) in one run, once upon a time when I had too much of it on my hands.
  10. Just bumping this to say a special thanks to those who have donated, it really is appreciated For anyone who hasn't downloaded it yet, do so! Its still free!
  11. Neblix pretty much hit all the key points here for me. Yes you have to humanise them but there is alot more to it than that. You have to put into account pick noise, string vibration, vibrato, harmonics... its extremely difficult to pull off because its an extremely expressive instrument and programming all that in, and doing it convincingly will probably take alot of work no matter how good your sequencing skills might be. That said, acoustic guitars are ok generally, but stiffness of seqeuncing makes chord writing with acoustic guitars VERY hard. Strumming is a bitch to pull off, i've never succeeded doing that realistically with reason. If you want my honest opinion... if you REALLY want to emulate the sound of a guitar, for rhythms, go and get impact soundwork shreddage. For leads, you'll need to find something a little more expensive, and have the skills to sequence them realistically, which means you need some knowledge of guitar playing most likely to do it convincingly and even then, you might have some trouble. Want my advice? Get a guitarist to do the recordings for you. Its easier in the long run to get the real thing, and there are alot of guitarists in the world. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule, but thats my advice from a general perceptive where getting realistic sounding guitars is concerned, particularly where reason is involved.
  12. Well i've made it to the semi's. And I have no intentions of losing now. Stepping it up a notch. Neblix, prepare to die.
  13. His body clock is completely fucked up, like everyone elses who uses the internet too much. You know how it is boy.
  15. Nah you're misunderstanding me there. I've noticed a few people not voting on all the matches in each round, presumably with the intentions of voting later, but they forget. When I suggested people couldn't vote on all the match ups, I was being sarcastic, and I suppose its quite a fair assumption to assume i'm being a little unreasonable there, but like I said before, it doesn't hurt to remind those that haven't voted on all the matches to do so.
  16. maybe, but its been shown that some people forget... reminding them does no harm.
  17. Considering the how past matches have gone, I actually think its necessary to remind people this round, as one match up in each round was decided by technicalities because people didn't vote on all the match ups.
  18. I've noticed this has been a problem throughout the compo which is looking to repeat itself for the 3rd/4th time. Whats the deal people? Can't vote on all the matches?
  19. hah I always find without a shadow of a doubt in my mind that trying to sequence guitars in a realistic manner is kind of futile. If you want real guitars, get a guitarist to record them for you imho. There are too many different variables to consider when emulating a guitar sound because there are too many factors in an acoustic guitars sound, and getting a good distortion out of the scream 4 module can be tricky. Personally, as someone uses reason, what I try to do is make synth guitars... synth sounds that have guitar like characteristics. Over the years I've come up with some pretty neat techniques, I'll edit this post at some point and post some reason patches for people to use Btw, you should rename this thread to "guitars in reason" or something that will make people who are interested in this topic read the thread.
  20. Blind voting in this compo is a great idea. Someone should contact him. ... what you looking at me like that for? >_>
  21. Fair enough I guess, altho I find it curious you said you had to flip a coin to decide if you actually didn't... "I finally just gave up and had to flip a freakin' coin" says to me you used that as a means to decide, so you understand my point. Didn't mean to make an example of you but i've seen it with various people in passed compos and I felt it needed saying. No hard feelings. @Main Finger - I always vote for myself as a rule because i'm confident in my abilities. You can cancel out my vote with yours like you did in the match up so its square. Besides, I'm very competitive, I won't resort to dirty tactics but I will vote for myself if it keeps me ahead - or gives me a chance
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