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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. I've always loved this to bits. Still do. The instrumentation and production is a little rough around the edges, but the vibe is KILLER.
  2. I am visitor 7500. I own your profile page.

  3. I suppose the issue here is that names are subjective in meaning. People here looking for references to the games trademark of speed find that (which is what was intended) and people who are looking for a reference to the general speed/tempo of the album tracks would as well (not intended). That said, I always thought the album title was pretty witty, didn't think there was anything deceiving about it. Does that mean people should be more careful what they call their albums/tracks to avoid confusion? Perhaps... However, say one person finds an album title misleading. There is bound to be a slight disappointment at first, but eventually people should accept the title, man up and enjoy the album for what it is. Anyone who gets hung up over a title probably wouldn't have liked the album in the first place.
  4. I actually originally thought this question was asking how long it takes for an average remix to get accepted... zircon pretty much nailed that tho. As for me, I got posted exactly a year to the day I signed up on ocr. That track got accepted a few months before that but couldn't tell you when exactly. I'd make a guess at anything between 2-4 months before it was posted.
  5. Guys guys GUYS, this is a SONIC THE HEDGEHOG REMIX ALBUM, how in the name of hell does the album title not fit? Not to mention the Green Hill Zone Remix has the title Sound of Speed... plenty of albums take that approach.
  6. Knock it off. If you can't post something useful then don't post anything at all.
  7. Darkesword has hijacked my first post. I AM INCREDIBLY PISSED.
  8. Dear that guy,

    NO U

    Yours sincerely,


  9. Ok, so I'm liking the style adaption, it works very well as an upbeat melody The production has some issues that need addressing however. There are some mixing issues, such as the delay on the opening synth, which doesn't need as much feedback or wetness as it has. I'd bring those down. Some of the other synths are clashing frequencies in the background as well, i'd mess around with EQ to give all the different sounds their own space. It feels some of the sounds, most notiably the lead is over processed. In regards to the sound design its probably ok, the drums need some humanisation work however, i'd work on velocities with those drums. Finally, the panning on the lead is a little disorientating atm, I'd get rid of that. To put it bluntly, i'm fairly certain the Judges would NO this, but keep on working at it, its a promising mix for sure.
  10. Hah wow. This is pretty cool. I'm digging the feel here. Like Level 99 said, the main theme is very hard to pick out because the original itself seems to be more atmosphere than music. Very interesting use of effects and SFX to increase the feel of "creepy as fuck". My worry is that there is too much original material amoungst the source, which I fear quite a few people on the judges panel might have trouble finding. I love it and I wish you luck, but don't expect this to get yes'd for certain, and if it doesn't, its really not anything you've done wrong per-say - I find you've nailed the feel you're going for here. Good luck! Btw, source Back Hall is one of the most beautiful sources of music i've ever heard from a video game. Fantastic find
  11. Ok, as far as stuff goes, the arrangment is pretty neat. There are some pretty cool variations on the themes in question, but there are some weird dissonant sections that I think I heard in the original but they seemed less jarring there. Arrangement is pretty cool overall, but I feel this needs a lot of work in the production department to pass. Sample quality isn't as high as it needs to be, many of the sounds seem really newbish to me and too generic. The drums sound extremely weak (i'd consider either pumping up the drums with more sample layering, or trying to get better samples). Many of the synth sounds have a very very similar string type timbre going on, which makes this feel very airy overall, with the exception of that lead sound, which is pretty cool. I feel this needs a more interesting overall sound to it, don't be afraid to try out different types of sounds to make some more interesting timbres in your mix. At points i'm failing to pick up any bass at all, which makes the soundscape feel empty, so needs some bass in there . To wrap things up, I like the arrangement but this is going to need a complete production overhaul to make it passed the judges imo. Keep at it tho man
  12. For me, I'd have liked to have seen more gario, Draconiator and particularly more devastus, a great remixer who has been in two of these compos and we've seen a grand total of one track. Makes me As for the hardest votes... I'd have to say either Gario vs GTH and Rozovian vs Main Finger. Ridiculously hard, both of them.
  13. Arrangement seems pretty good to me. Its got variation, but source is obvious and the new mood is pretty cool. The production, while ok, has some minor issues that hold this one back. It seems like the mids are a little too strong in this, there is a weird percussion element (at first I thought it was the bass, its hard to tell) that keeps bothering me, its too loud and slightly piercing. The mixing is ever so slightly muddy as well, I'd say the piano has a touch too much delay, i'd considering bringing down the Decay. The SFX seems to have a low pass filter on them, which doesn't sound right to me. I think bringing up the bass and bringing down some of the other backing instrumentation (there is too much to specifically name) might help balance this out. It seems a little too busy for the laid back style. Alot of this stuff is nitpicking, but I feel it all adds up to make this less likely to pass. So to recap: Bring down the mids, try and balance out the mixing, and I think you might get a passable mix. Good luck
  14. If I'm allowed to put in my input here, I think it would be a better idea for you guys to keep things in one thread. If you guys make another thread for voting, it will only get messier. If push comes to shove, you could always try to get a social group going like the GRMRB groups, but I dunno how successful you'd be there, without trying to deter you from that path. If you want my advice, I say forget the voting (leave that official stuff for the actual compo) and use this thread just to give opinions on the mixes and help everyone improve. As a WIP thread, which is what this is, that seems like the best idea to me. You guys do what you want tho
  15. Big Giant Pappy Hirtherday EDIT: Usually i'd correct typos like this, but daym...
  16. I wish you a rockin birthday DJP sir.
  17. Seems to me more like he said that you are one of the best mixers on the site and you underperformed in his opinion in this compo. He's already apologized for his tone and for saying you got on only by name recognition. I'm not defending what he said before, but he has apologized, and lets be honest here, people got pissed off with you for suggesting - harshly - that draconators mix wasn't even a remix when you went up against him. I'm not trying to bring up old wounds here but I'm just saying that no one is perfect, and there is no need to keep hard feelings against drew if he's apologized to you for his outburst imo. There has been a fuckton of drama in this compo already, why can't we all just get along?
  18. Ah, but my avatar is elec man, who is my Robot Master in the GRMRB! So it IS cool.


    So there.

  19. Your name!!!! what happen?? It used to be cool, now its all caps-y and hyphen-y and lame.

  20. Sent Darke my mix. The final can now get underway I guess
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