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Posts posted by WillRock

  1. Docnano? What rock did you crawl out of then? this is better than the average newbie work on ocr. In fact, i'd go as far as saying this is one of the best remixes i've ever heard, the arrangement is fantastic and the production is great, the piano and violin both sound perfect to me.

    I've just done a source count, which is the only thing that would stop this from getting passed the panel at ocr. There is well over 50% source by my count, I'm 99% sure this will pass, if not get a DP. Sub it, it deserves the exposer, and you guys deserve a pat on the back for a job well done. Great job!

  2. So, joke is out, here is my real vote:


    I like what you've done here. The sources are both kinda laid back, and you take that just a bit further. There is nothing that's really wowing me throughout the mix, but it's not really intended for that. The arrangement of the two sources is nice, as per your usual.

    Production, for what it is (meaning a mainly chip-tune song) is fine. Everything is clear, sounds balance with each other well, and the sound effects are used to a nice effect. No complaints on that end.

    Overall, it's a nice track to listen to, and you did a good job arranging the sources.


    Awww I almost wish you no'd it right there for epic lulz (no offense halc, ur mix IS good <3)

  3. So it really is on the level of Mermaid, Beast and Aladdin? I have to see it then. Those are the holy trinity of Disney movies as far as I'm concerned. I think only Snow White, Pinocchio and Sleeping Beauty are the other Disney films on the same keel. Maybe Alice in Wonderland.

    The Lion King is the King of disney films for me (no pun intended)

    I gotta say, this film looks pretty funny, might go and see it if I can :)

  4. I think you both have a point. Yes, the OP should be grateful - and he did say he was as well - and OCR should probably get more credit for what they do right. Its very hectic behind the scenes I'd imagine, and they are doing this for free, for fans of VG music. But that doesn't mean that telling us about problems shouldn't happen, or that ocr should just decide "not to release an album" or w/e.

    If you ask me, ocr are bound to make some sort of mistake at some point (like putting in the wrong MP3 of Drowning Blue) but shit happens, and instead of attacking ocr saying they "aren't professional enough" or that they don't have an acceptable degree of quality, people should respect the work that has gone into the release, tell ocr the problem without being a douche about it, and ocr will fix any issues that are wrong on their end.

    Its all about methods of communication. People have the right to tell ocr if something is wrong with the release, but they don't have to bite the hand that feeds them to do it.

  5. Disc 2 Review

    1: WillRock - Champions Horizon

    Not sure what to say about this one that you guys don't already know. As far as length of time to complete comes to mind, I'm pretty sure this one takes the grand prize for the longest for me to finish as it was over a year before it was done from the point I started it. I wanted to capture that grand majestic feel of the original and rock it to shreds later. Wasn't completely happy with my guitar work (I never am) but I did manage to get some good stuff going in this.

    2: Insert Rupee - Precious Metals

    The combination of halc and Ben Briggs has seen to be one of ocrs biggest collab artists, whos tracks have become classics in the community. This track is soon to join them, I love this one. Some interesting use of pokemon crys that i'm not sure quite worked the way they could have done. That said, this is a solid remix that deserves a place on your play list.

    3: WillRock - Slowpoke Shuffle

    Seems like all my tracks are scrunched up together in one spot. Partly my fault as I helped with the tracklist. That said, this was a bit of departure from my usual style, going for world music with some pop music sensibilities. Not sure the production on this one really stands up to how good it is now, and some of the sound choices make me wonder what I was smoking, but this is an OLD track. Like... i'm not even sure, it might predate all my posted mixes in terms of when I made it.

    4: Mattias Häggström Gerdt, GSlicer - Casino Lounge

    A fun fact: I JOINED this project to remix the lucky number theme, and it was already done T_T.

    Kinda a killjoy, but it got quite a cool treatment from these guys. I'm not sure if I like the source more... I reckon I probably do. Not to say this is bad, but I didn't find it grabbed me as much as some of the other tracks on the album.

    5: DragonAvenger, Chrono - Divine Olivine

    This one had just been finished when I joined the project, I remember it being judged for project approval (We had a judging system where everyone would chip in as to whether it was up to standard)

    This one has been a personal favourite for about 2 years now. Nostalgic bliss.

    6: Jiggy Choir - DragonAvenger

    Oh god. This ALMOST didn't make it on the album. I remember when I first heard this, it had been done some time before I joined the project, and I was surfing the WIP forums and found this. DA had done it as a joke and I thought it was one of the funniest and most awesome things i'd ever heard. Responses had been similar so I, along with others pushed to get this on the album. Its a bit of a black sheep, just a jiggysong placed in the middle of the album, but JEEZE, ITS SO GOOD.

    7: Protodome - Home Is Where the Luvdisc Is...

    Its Protodome again! He dances! (I think) He sings! He EVEN PLAYS THE SAX.

    Seems like protodome has a bag full of tricks, and this is a short but sweet track from The master of jazz/chiptune. Might be a bit too short, but there is alot of reply value here. Can't say I know the source but that doesn't really matter. Great stuff, a bit too short to be a highlight tho, it comes and goes. Also proves proto is the worlds worst at pun titles :P

    8: halc - My friend Mudkip

    So I herd u leik ths remixez. U do? Of course you do, and I do too. Genesis drums, and chiptune stuff. I think it comes off as a bit "safe" but there is nothing wrong or remotely bad with this remix. If you like halcs standard chips, eat your heart out. Good stuff.

    9. The Orichalcon - Argent Vexemon

    Industrial stuff from an old face - the Orichalcon, He had some remixes posted before my time, and lots of them. Pretty interesting stuff. The source is slightly miss with me. Has a nice riff but the arpeggios don't quite fit with me, which I would have fixed. Generally, this is a pretty good remix. If you like the style, you'll love it to bits, but its not for everyone.

    10: Protodome - May I Have This Swords Dance

    You might have noticed by now, but protodome pretty much owns this whole album.

    He's done some chiptunes, sang, played sax, done some jazz, and all this climaxes with this remix, which is my personal favourite of protodomes, and probably my favorite on the album.

    The sax playing is this is fantastic, really soulful and expressive, and its just a pleasure to listen to. Put in some rather keyboardy piano sound, really cool jazzy chords played on a synthisizer, some glitchy drums, and you have yourself a masterful remix. Its everything thats good about protodome in one remix. Get this one, its essential.

    11: Fishy, Andy Jane - Super Effective

    If I remember correctly, Andy Jane did this arrangement and fishy spiced it up with guitars, bass and drums. Good Collab strategy. Fishy also proves he can shred like a manic in his one, with some fantastic legato playing.

    12: halc, Protodome, WillRock - Bullet for My Piloswine

    Haha! The title and intro were both protodomes idea. He gets full credit for EVERYTHING. With that out of the way, I had the idea of doing a 3 way collab, and asked protodome and halc if we should collab. It became apparent quick that we all liked Route 225 so we decided to remix it. The idea at the end was for everyone to do certain parts of the instrumentation, but protodome and halc got kinda bored with it and left me to finish it off. I think it was still good regardless however, and they brought more than enough to the table to leave their mark on this rather breakthrough mix for me.

    13: pu_freak - Journey's end

    I made a track called journeys end as well. Pu Freak, stop stealing my titles. I love the way this goes from bullet to journeys end, its just so fitting, and a perfect way to end the album. This is another nostalgia blast, and a great way to end a fantastic 2 disc set.

    Well, thats my thoughts on all the tracks here. As a remixer on this album, I hope you guys enjoyed this album, my tracks included :P

  6. ....

    This is a kill me now moment. I'm sorry anything that in any way even unintentionally backs 4kids entertainment's diasterous anime butchering ticks me off. I'm not going to download this. I do not play the games i do not watch the show. I'm doing my best to not flame OCR because of its incredible standards and how its maintained them for so long but I can do nothing but *headdesk* when i see this. I do not mean for this to turn into a completely different conversation but seriously OCR? Did this have to be done?

    You DO realise that the anime came second to the games right? The games came first, they have NOTHING whatsoever to do with 4kids, and you sir, are an asshat :<

  7. Review Time!

    Going to go through them one at a time, post personal thoughts etc

    Track 01: Fishy - Game On

    Hah I remember the first time I heard this. Thought it was amazing then. Still do. 20 Seconds of pure awesome, and folks, a little tip for you - THIS is how you start off a remix album in style 8)

    Track 02: Level 99 - The Mighty Mighty Pokemon

    I've never really thought the Pokemon main theme was iconic of sorts, it doesn't stick in my brain when I hear it on the gameboy. That said, this rendition is pretty rockin, and level 99 really did justice to this theme. Also, the tempo change was a pretty neat idea and really gave that added OMPH when it was needed. Nice work man :)

    Track 3: halc - Shades of Red

    Three guesses what this tune is from the first 5 seconds. I wasn't sure how halcs stuff would sit with me at first regarding the first two gameboy games in the series, because remixing 8-bit to chiptune seems kind of... I wouldn't say pointless, but I generally perfer to hear non chiptune takes on chiptune sources. halc (Halc? start of sentence, w/e) really made this work however. Rhodes with chiptune is nice. Tons of cool personalisation in this as well which really makes this more than just your average chiptune remix, but its halc, We expect nothing less from the master of chiptunes :P

    Track 4: Jaroban and alot of other people - My Greatest Rival

    Going to be honest here. Didn't really like this one. Its that sort of cringe worthy cheese that just makes me turn off what i'm listening to. Not to say its a BAD remix, because its not. Its a pretty unique take on the source, purposely reminiscent of the opening theme from the anime. The execution was lacking in parts of this tho, the drums sound weak, and the rhythm guitars don't cut through nearly enough. Some nice playing from fishy, but would have liked it to be more upfront. Maybe I have a weird sense of humour but those issues, coupled with the WAY cheesy vocals kills this one for me. Sorry guys!

    Track 5 - Protodome - Rain Prayer

    Like many people here, protodome made his start on the project. He'd been around the forums a bit, done some compo stuff on the forums, but it was when he joined this project that I really started to see how talented this guy is. This is a fantastic blend of jazz and chiptunes, somewhat liberal at points, and some might find it plays around with the source a little too much, but personally, I love what he's done with the theme. One of the highlights of the album :)

    Track 6: Prophetik - Viridian Vibe

    This one is all about the sax. Some really soulful and passionate playing on display, but the repeative background instrumentation makes me :(, could almost be one of those home keyboard autostyle backing things, with the one bar background looping. If you ignore the background and listen to that sax tho, you'll get memorised in its rather hypnotic style.

    Track 7: Cerrax - Out of antidote

    Oh god this source. One of the rather weird sources from the pokemon soundtracks that I reckon caused people like vig to revolt against the soundtrack.

    Can't say that due to the sample choices, as well as the iffy source to begin with, I really like this one all that much. Some mixing issues doesn't help the matter - too loud leads at the end etc. Me not liking this is not exactly Cerrax's fault mind, as there is only so much you could do with this source to make me enjoy it :P

    8: Protodome and Level 99 - Hope to see you again soon.

    After cerrax's rather aggressive remix before, the pokemon center theme hits in what is probably the perfect style to remix this source in. Level 99 shows stylstic diversity and protodome shows some impressive vocal work - +1 to protodome and level 99 skillz.

    Its liberal at points, which caused the judges to reject it through what I felt was from a technicality. Shtyjdgfgts.

    9: Fishy - Battle For The Badge

    The title tells you pretty much whats coming here. Fishy hinted at some kick ass hard rock in game on, and my greatest rival showcased some of his very precise playing technique, and a dazzeling legato technique. While this track doesn't show too much in terms of legato playing (altho tho intro arpeggio guitar parts are SICK) this really shows that fishy can rock, and has some downbeat breakdowns for good measure. Kinda sounds like dream theater at points, which can only be good. This is more hard rock then heavy metal tho. Standout stuff from Fishy. This was also one of his first mixes, thus proving he is 10X better than you.

    10: Protodome - On the origin of the species

    Gotta love protodome by this point, and if you don't then there is something wrong with you. More jazzy goodness, but the shortness of the source and the remix, as well as its repetitive nature doesn't make this stand out too much. Some nice ideas tho, and a cool ending :P

    11: Ben Briggs - Drowning Blue

    Chiptune God Ben Briggs tackles the SS Anne theme. Of course, its fantastic stuff. Sometimes I find it hard to tell halc and chthonics styles apart, but Ben seems to go with more risky arrangements than halc, while halc has more pristine production. Great stuff here tho, altho poor ben got the short end of the stick with an unpolished version of this remix making the album by accident :(

    12: Rozovian - Spume

    Rozovian was another up and comer as this album was in the works, like Protodome, Fishy and Level 99 before him (tracklist wise)

    Rozovian has shown in the past he is very adapt at doing both ambient music and more upbeat electronic stuff. This one is hard to push a style at however. It starts of ambient, then hits with an upbeat Synth Rock beat. Really fun stuff, and worth the listen if you like ambitious arrangements.

    13: Tweek - TEEM.ROKIT

    Most of you have heard this as this has been posted on OCR already. That said, this is probably one of the most solid tracks the album has to offer. The drums sound fantastic, and the source has been really well handled (another one of those weird pokemon sources for me)

    I feel like this one plays it a little safe - it never kicks in like I expect it to and oh does it tease you. Its too bad because I was expecting an epic finale and didn't get one :(

    Still, an album highlight, download this one.

    14: pu_freak - Clash of the titans

    I made a track called clash of the titans but he penned this first so i'll forgive him.

    Solo piano stuff, which is an interesting choice given the source, that altho goes on a bit too long, is a pleasant listen. Some of the piano playing feels slightly loose at points but its nothing that detracts too much. Not one of the best tracks imo, but not the worse either. Give it a shot if you like piano solo mixes.

    15: Rozovian & WillRock - Blue Haze

    My Album Debut! If you guys want some insight to what inspired this remix, then I'll fill you in. I was playing Pokemon one day and I thought to myself, what if articuno had flown over route 1 and frozen the whole route, changed the climate, and of course, put a blanket of haze over the route. With that image in mind, I made this remix, and got rozo to help me with sound design, mixing, and some arrangement perks :)

    Successful? I think so :D

    That concludes My thoughts on Disc 1. Disc 2 coming soon.

  8. I think this mix has flaws that most other mixes get NO'd for today... A re-vote considering the age may have been good to make sure the song was up to quality standards. It's a good arrangement and source and I know Fishy is still around, to let this go through with 2006-era production is a shame... I do think it's a good arrangement so don't get me wrong there

    Was that an inside joke or something? Hehe.. I didn't see the post in particular you might have been referencing :-(

    A re-vote? Why would you want a re-vote? if its passed, its passed. Besides, even by todays standards, this would probably pass.

    It passed when it did, we know fishy can do better, but instead of saying "oh this could have been better if he'd done it with his skills today", think of it as showing how far he's come as an artist, and HOW MUCH HE KICKS YOUR ASS even when he'd just started :P

    Ok so... the mix. I've had this for longer than most of you guys, and I can say that it stands the test of time well, its a keeper - i've still got it :D

  9. It's awesome this project finally came out and I think this project has been the starting point for a lot of the newest generation of mixers.

    THIS. For me, this is one of the most important projects in ocrs long history in the sense that so many artists make their start here. I did, fishy did, protodome did... you know what scratch that, this project just got invaded by a bunch of british newbs :P

    Seriously tho, this project is where it all really kicked off for me, and I know i'm not the only one that applies for. I think people like damned, prophetik, and everyone else who helped direct and make this project a reality deserves a big thank you from all the mixers involved. So, I'd just like to say thank you damned. Was along time coming, but if it wasn't, then I don't think it would have the same impact on everyone involved that it did.

  10. I'm actually quite honored to get in the debut post for this album. It was the first album I joined, the one i've contributed most to (MMX doesn't count since more than half of those were GMRB mixes).

    Also, being a game of my childhood, these games really meant alot to me, and was great fun remixing them. Not to mention, this project was the home of my first attempts at various styles (namely rock music) and also the first time I ever did a collab (with rozo)

    This collab was a bit of an experiment in style change ups mid remix. Not done anything like that before, and working with Protodome and halc was alot of fun.

    Also, protodome and halc get credit for coming up with the title and putting in that infamous quote in the intro, both things I consider master strokes in making this remix more appealing (I think) and stuff I would NEVER have thought of adding myself.

  11. youtube is on its way out man. Nothing uploaded after 2009 gets any views unless its partner videos. Hate to be negative, but thats the reality of it. Its like a bad joke. Youtube is made so random people can get their own videos out to an audience, and now, its all about disney and lady fucking gaga. Youtube has long since lost its original vision.

  12. Umm... by the way. I just noticed that TEEM.ROKIT was played in the trailer.

    Is that just how old this album?

    haha you have NO IDEA how old this album is do you :P

    and if there is any incite, the damned wanted to release it when I joined iirc... then protodome joined. The rest is history.

  13. Obviously, trying to talk sense and logic about this is pointless. If you wanted to do the stuff that was left off the album, why does that necessitate a re-release? Couldn't you just do it and, you know, submit it yourself, like normal mixes?

    This. No point releasing an album thats already technically been released just so you can have a mix or two on it when you could easily make them and sub them like most people would.

    Liking the games and music is fine, its the same of all of us, but this really isn't necessary.

    If this had been seen as an unfinished project, then maybe, but everyone was in agreement it was basically done in the thread and on top of that, you still have to finish final fantasy. You say its nearly done? Finish that then, instead of restarting another technically finished project in the meantime that frankly, doesn't even need restarting.

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