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Posts posted by WillRock

  1. I've decided to give this site/forum another chance. I know I'll never make the approval of the judges because they are SUPER biased, and there's no chance they'll ever let push-the-limit mixers like me into their circle. Screw waiting for 3 months just to have your mix rejected for some stupid, meaningless reason. FAIL.

    But enough complaining about stupid people; I've come here to share my music with people who appreciate it. Fellow mixers who read posts like this and search for the good remixes of songs they love without bias or particular favor to one style of mix.

    I present: Koume & Kotake. A favorite of mine from Zelda: Ocarina of Time.




    Tear it apart like the douchebags you are who can't appreciate the good stuff when it slaps you across the face. ****ing elitists.

    And no, I'm not trying to troll, I'm trying to make a point, and share my music with people who appreciate it for what it is.


    Thats quite a sad and narrow view of OCR :(

    Calling us "douchebags" and "****ing elitists" and expecting us to listen to your music afterwards isn't a good way to present yourself. I'm inclined to just not bother listening to it because you're showing 0 respect for a site that frankly, only wants to see you improve as an artist. If you can't take constructive criticism, or appreciate that your music doesn't fit the standards (which doesn't mean its bad by any means) then don't take offense at the fact.

    Regarding the 3 month wait, thats because OCR gets ALOT of submissions, and there is a waiting list. Please don't bash ocremix because your mix doesn't get on the site, or because of impatience, its distasteful, and disrespectful.

    Now for your remix - Its actually very good. I enjoyed it. A little heavy on the compression but very good production overall. The arrangement wouldn't make it on ocr (Its boarderlining on source usuage from what I can tell, and you need more variation on your mix overall) however, the remix is good stuff, would sound great in a club I expect.


    Hey, this mix has alot of METUL which is cool with me. Love the arrangment, its really brutal, and has alot of punch.

    I'm hearing source which variation, and lots of it so i'm going to assume its all there, seeing as the judges liked it before. Where this falls a bit short is the production. It doesn't seem compressed to me, so i'm going to assume either you'd fixed that or my ears are broken - I hope the former.

    I love the intro, but the guitars that come in at 0:20, they seem to get lost in the effects slightly, i'd bring them out more with some treble. They sound better with the drums and bass. The kick, like people have said, sounds mid heavy. Bring down the mids, and up the treble of the kick, that'll get you more realistic sounding kick. The machine gun style isn't going to fly either, you need more velocity change ups on your drums. The kick could use bringing down as well exactly, its alot louder than the rest of the drum kit.

    Ok, so kick aside, you need to work on your mixing. at the moment, this sounds rather muddy. You need to give each instrument room in the mix to breath, and at the moment they are all fighting for the same space. Also, the bass end seems a little strong to me? I'd like clarification here from someone else, because my headphones are pretty bassy. The synth sounds a little vanilla but i'm happy to let it slide :P

    Nice work man, you gotta spice up and clean up the production a tad but you do that and this will be good to go - assuming the arrangement is as good as I think it is :P


    [X] Too conservative - sticks too close to the source


    [X] Low-quality samples

    [X] Drums have no energy

    [X] Overcompressed (pumping/no dynamics)


    [X] Not enough changes in sounds (eg. static texture, not dynamic enough)

    [X] Pace too plodding

    Generally i'm against using this checklist - in some cases like here however, its useful.

    This should have a stuff you did right thing to balance it out but w/e.

    Regarding what you did WELL - the mixing is pretty well done - there aren't many sounds or changes in sounds as the track goes on, but what you used was mixed well enough. The sequencing was also creative and enjoying to hear :) The structure was ok enough, the different parts were obvious and it flowed.

    Now to explain the checklist points:

    [X] Too conservative - sticks too close to the source:

    The arrangement sticks too close to the source atm - you need to do some more variation in your track - more variation in the leads, the chords used etc is a VERY good one to do, while keeping the source recognisable. Something else you could do is add a solo maybe - i'm a sucker for solos and you could pull one off.

    [X] Low-quality samples

    As you can tell here, the biggest problem you have here is the production. The samples, don't get me wrong, they aren't terrible, but they could be better. Experiment with more daring samples, not just chiptune sounds :D

    [X] Drums have no energy

    The Drums lack alot of punch, Bring out that kick more, make the drums more beefy!

    [X] Overcompressed (pumping/no dynamics)

    Sounds like its pumping to me. Bring down the compression on the master just a tad and it should solve the issue.

    [X] Not enough changes in sounds (eg. static texture, not dynamic enough)

    This is one of the biggest issues. You have a sparse selection of sounds, which don't change throughout, as well as a lack of change in dynamics (no breakdown sections for example). It gets taxing to listen to. My advice - experiment with new sounds as the track progesses - the more the merrier - and add a breakdown in the middle too keep things interesting.

    [X] Pace too plodding

    And finally... the pace does plod on a little. You need more variation in your drums to fix this, and the breakdown I mentioned earlier should help.

    As you can tell, if you want to get passed the judges, you got alot of work to do! Good luck man :D

  4. First thing I have to say about this is that you have a very nice arrangement :)

    Props there. I think that generally this is very mid heavy which makes it ever so slightly piercing on my headphones, and some of the samples are a bit weak - the piano for example.

    Like I said tho, the arrangement is really cool, and you have alot of very neat ideas, and a very colourful soundscape (rich and varied textures from a vast combination of instruments)

    I think the overall balance needs to be fixed before you sub this - the track lacks punch, and seems unbalanced in the frequency range of the mastering like I've said, altho the mixing is good. Fix that and i'd say you're good to go.

  5. Haven't read many of the posts here so this may have been touched on, but as a reverb maniac, I use reverb TONS in my mixes, and it used to make them very muddy. A tip to right that problem is use a reverb that has EQ settings, and take out the Low frequency of the EQ as appropriate. By saying that I don't mean "do this for ALL reverb" but EQing reverb can work WONDERS on a muddy mix. Just my 2 cents there.

  6. Very nice. The compression is mostly dealt with i'd say. I think you have alot of bass frequencies clogging up your bottom end at points, and sometimes your backing instrumentation gets lost, due to overcrowding, altho only slightly... might be worth trying to clear stuff out. However, I'd say this is solid enough to pass. I'd sub it, but it might be worth putting in some extra polish first just to be sure :D

    Just bare in mind that you need 50% source usage to pass, you hit that and you shouldn't have too many problems I wouldn't have thought.

  7. Just posting it here because I'm sure there's someone around here who remembers me as that horrible 13 year old remixer from the WiP Forums and I wanna say that I haven't been sitting around. :P

    Everyone remembers you as that horrible 13 year old remixer from the WIP forums? I wouldn't call you that. You're that horrible 15 old remixer from the WIP forums :D

    You've heard my opinion on this tho, chill-blahblahblah-epic-blahblahblah-chillagain-blah.

    Aww yeah.

  8. First off, i'll say nice source tune - wanted to remix this one for a while myself :P

    This is a pretty cool take on the theme. I'm hearing what I think is deadmau5 influence, but i'm not totally sure seeing as Ben Briggs (chthonic) and halc are currently doing the whole deadmau5 thing (or so they say, I don't listen to his music) and this has some similar characteristics with their music which is what i'm basing that on :P

    This mix reminds me of Spoiled R0TT3N - Ben Briggs.

    On to the critique - good mixing, and a really creative arrangement, props on that solo at 0:56 onwards. However, I think this has a few small flaws production wise. The first is over-compression. Its not too noticable and is somewhat needed in the whole electro-house thing you have going on but the execution could be better. I think you need a stronger kick than what you have right now because the compression is more noticeable without a powerful kick to drive the track and the more rock style drums at other points in the mix doesn't quite fit with the amount of compression you have going on right now. The compression is especially noticeable at 0:57 onwards, and other similar styled sections like it.

    The style transitions work well btw, I don't find myself alienated at all by the variety in styles shown here.

    I think this plays it a little safe with the basic waveform synths you have, but there is some more diverse sound design that saves it. I think the drum samples, while passable, could be better tho.

    Arrangement seems a little liberal at points, but I'm cool with it as is. Nice work there :)

    I think this just needs a little more polish on the production, namely the compression, and maybe some more complex sound design, and then it should be ready for submission imo.

    Nice work!

  9. Sup Jewbie.

    First off - nice source tune, gotta love Naruto.

    It depends on how you treat the rest of the mix source wise, but the intro you can get away with as far as source usuage is concerned imo.

    Sounds like everything is slightly over saturated in reverb atm, but other than that, the production sounds crisp, and really tight. That first lead you use (the one you use as a call and response with the flute - sound slightly too detuned to me, but that won't bother most people. Not going to comment on the flute as its just a place holder for awesome.

    What you have right now is a good base. Expand and variate, and you'll have yourself a winner for sure! :D


    That aside, pretty good stuff what you got so far man. I think its a generally solid mix with some quirks.

    You got a good style going that is reminiscent of halc. You have some good variations on the source that work well and some generally nice and creative ideas that make this one really nice to listen to.

    A few things that stand out to me that should be fixed tho:

    The sine lead which carries the melody at 0:30ish is pretty strong in the mids, bring down the EQ around 500-1Khz so it doesn't sound so piercing.

    The volume gating at 1:00 is a nice idea but the execution leaves alot to be desired, it just throws me off completely, it almost sounds like the track pauses before each beat for a split second to me, throws off my sense of timing. Nice idea, but that bit needs work. You have some quite nice synths, but some of them leave something to be desired in the sound design department (like that bell lead at 1:50ish), altho I can fly with the fact that its a stylistic choice. The sawtooth writing at 2:35 is awesome as hell, but the leads get lost in the mix as the sawtooth gets louder. I'd suggest EQing the sawtooth to make more room for the lead to breath :P

    The transition at 3:09 is rather abrupt, I'd try and ease that slightly.

    The only other issue I have is that things get slightly muddy the busier the track gets, and it does go on a little (I started to lose interest after the 5 minute mark)

    The ending is cool but it seems to cut off abruptly, was expecting it to sort fade out longer.

    I'd say, its flawed, but its enjoyable. In its current state, I think its lacking too much polish, the arrangement and production are good, but there are some poorly executed transitions, and some unpolished mixing going on here that brings this one down slightly. I'm not positive this would pass the judges as is, but with some TLC, this should pass imo :)

    Nice work man :D

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