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Posts posted by WillRock

  1. If you are trying to get FF1 finished and released now, then why not focus all your attention on that until its done, or even released, and then do this? No one would have any problem with that, and you'd still get the release of a great album you wanted... so its not that it wouldn't happen but it would just be postponed so ocr isn't overrun with finished projects.

    Also, the "no more projects" debate is actually coming from people who care the most about projects, and people who want to conserve resources.

    I'm going to assume that regardless of what I say tho, you'll still go ahead with this :P

    If thats the case, I got a few questions: How many songs are you planning on making for this project and is joe cam getting a call on floodposts when this releases?

  2. Take what I say with a grain of salt man but I think this is a bad idea. How many albums are you trying to release at the moment? 6? I really think you need to slow down and focus on one, rather than taking someone elses project and saying "give me ocr quality songs so I can release this AS SOON AS POSSIBLE with as little effort as I can"

    I mean... really dude, considering just how many albums are about to be released on ocr, you adding to the list really isn't helping matters. I think you should drop this for now, slow down, and focus on FF1 and make it a grand and epic project, rather than trying to release 6 that will quite frankly, seem like rushed efforts and there is really no good reason for it.

    If you do decide to carry on with this, then good luck to you, but I just thought I'd say that, and sorry if it offends anyone, or if i'm talking out of place, but it needs to be said imho.

  3. Gotta say, overall this is a nice listen. Seems somewhat unpolished at points with some strange choices (the panned kick drum, and it generally seems unbalanced at points with everything coming out of the left speaker) but nothing strong enough to make much an impact on the overall listen. There are some nice samples here, one or two of them seem slightly low quality but if you were going for the "old school mcvaffe" type sound, you NAILED it. Not to mention, this being your first jump into the style, and not just a new style, but something COMPLETELY different, you've done a great job ;)

    Personally, I'm just happy to see you do something different man, as good as your chiptune stuff is it was starting to get to the point where it was like... "ah another standard halc chiptune mix". Not that its a bad thing, but nothing really stood out to me, and this change of style makes this one stick out hugely in my mind, and reveals alot of added depth to your capabilities and growth as an artist. Keep this up man :D

  4. I'm not really heated over the dude making the article (hey, he won't go reading the thread about this, I'm sure). I'm just a little disappointed that his sources ignored everyone else whom were putting effort in it (don't know who it is, won't make any assumptions), time assumptions included (I looked at that, already). It represents a rather not-nice mindset about non-posted peeps, is all, if attempts by non-posties are simply brushed off as nothing real significant.

    Yeah, I'm venting 'bout it now and probably won't think anything of it the next day, but read between the lines of that source, there. Intentional or not, it's not a very nice sentiment coming from there.

    I won't go on about it (ranting about it will make me an ass, really), but I just want to point it out.

    Don't worry about it man. I know how you feel. Really :P

    That said, he said as far as he'd been told - I assume by larry - 2 remixes had been done. That probably means only two at that point were passable, which could mean any of us. I wouldn't take it too personally. Heck, you want, just tweet the guy your remix, I know zircon did ;)

  5. Aww HORSESHIT!!

    I'm assuming he's talking about Zircon and Willrock, in that case (since they're the first two to respond), but what about the other people to send their offerings to the PICO gods above? I'm counting not one, but two people who've also announced finishing remixes on other tracks from that system that are not getting a nod, here. What, efforts from non-posted mixers aren't a 'true' enough attempt to remix a track? :?

    No grudge against those involved, but that sorta' hurts, man.

    Relax dude, more will probably come, its just zircon and I practically gave in our tracks at the same time (assuming he IS talking about me as well as zircon) and first of everyone afaik. Zircon beat me by a few hours iirc :P

    That doesn't mean that other peoples efforts won't be just as appreciated. Also bare in mind this was posted 2 weeks ago, so some others might not have even finished their tracks at that point, which are done now.

  6. I'm detecting a shitload of sarcasm here, but I will say that if you guys want to find a good soundfont/vst/whatever for genesis sounds, what I use is a good start, but its very limiting due to the fact they are sampled, and not the literal synthesis the Genesis uses. I would recommend looking into the real thing if you are hardcore into emulating genesis sounds, but the soundfont I use is probably the next best thing (to my knowedge, there may be better things out there)

  7. My biggest issue, aside from the fact that I make music with a laptop, is that...uh, I use the demo version of FL Studio. I haven't bought the actual thing, and I'm too big of a noob to pirate anything. So, I don't think there'd be any purpose in installing all those vstis or whatever them things are called.

    so that's why im looking for a soundfont. thanks for the link, btw.

    The version I use is a soundfont man ;)

  8. Perhaps in a perfect world. That's just such a dogmatic response. Firstly everyone's listening systems are different and anyone who owns more than one pair of headphones will have the "wow, this song sucks on this pair" effect.

    Secondly, whilst trying to keep the EQ all perfect is preferable whilst mixing, the listener has the joys of being able to do what the hell they like. If you want more bass, turn your subwoofer way up. Grating high frequencies? Trim the high EQ. Heck, even the WOW setting on some media players and headphones - go for it if YOU like it.

    I dunno, songs are to be enjoyed, not necessarily clinically analysed.

    Hmm, I gotta say I can see both points you and Neblix make but you are right that you can pretty much do what you like with tracks in your library.

    What I will say is that if you end up going to far into EQing and WOW effects, it'll sound good for some songs and bad for others, regardless of your headphones/speakers so unless you want to end up changing the EQing for every song in your Itunes/winamp whatever its better to leave it alone.

  9. Yeah people have pretty much said the jist.

    Basically the term muddy means that the different instruments in a mix are undefined and lack clarity.

    When you make a mix, you want to give each instrument its own space so you can hear all the different instruments as clearly as possible. If for example you have a mix with a loud and clear lead, but you strain to hear all the different instruments in the background, then your background mix is muddy.

    Reverb as Protodome said can be a reason, if the reverb is particularly excessive. A lack of EQ or bad EQing can contribute to the problem because if you have two instruments that take up similar spaces in the frequency spectrum or similar "roles" - like two basses at once - they can both end up fighting for the same space in the frequency spectrum. I like to think of it like a jigsaw puzzle, all the pieces have their place in the mix.

    Ways you can get around muddiness is:

    EQing - like I mentioned before, changing the frequency range of certain instruments can help. Say you got a strong bass but you got another instrument - say a polysynth for example - thats bass heavy which is mudding up the mix? Bring down the bass frequency in your polysynth instrument to make room for the bass instrument.

    Panning - if you have two instruments in similar frequency ranges, you can pan them both slightly to each side, which can help balance out the soundscape.

    Mixing Levels - just changing the levels of certain instruments can help. If everything is at the same level, they all fight for the same "attention" in the mix.

    Hope this was helpful in some way. Not sure I mentioned everything but hope this gives you an idea.

  10. This makes no sense. All doing a lonewolf project will achieve is making you more busy, so you can't help out with community ones.

    I think he means that if more people did solo projects, then the rest of the community wouldn't have to worry about it in the sense that they can't join projects they don't make themselves. At least, thats what it sounds like he's trying to say. The whole idea of doing albums in ocr for me tho is that its a community effort. Its not really a community effort if all you do is make solo albums for ocr to release just because its convenient for you.

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