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Posts posted by WillRock

  1. Just listened.

    Not 100% sure how source checks out yet - grr at long source tune, I'll stopwatch it at some point later.

    Generally this sounds pretty solid to me. However, Level 99 brings up some fair points, those drums aren't getting the job done for me. They lack punch and don't quite drive the track as they should imo. I'm not sure if you've done this already, but if you haven't, it might be worth layering drum samples together, like 3 snares, each one covering a different part of the frequency spectrum to make a more whole sound. I didn't think the drum reverb was problematic like stevo was suggesting because I thought the reverb on the drums fit the stylistic aesthetic you were going for.

    Regarding Panning, I I hear it, didn't really bother me so much, but it might be an idea to listen to level 99. Generally, hard panning something too much is a bad idea, I remember Zircon posting that hard panning anything, if not for a very specific reason, is just going to make your mix sound if not lopsided, then not centered at all, and that can be very distracting. Not that the judges would no you solely for that, but coupled with other issues it might be a problem.

    Regarding your drums, what did you do at 2:08? sounds like you turned on an EQ or something, those highs are distracting, particularly in the crash and ride cymbal, that needs fixing. Clap is also too loud, in contrast to the quiet kick :P Also, bring out that solo in that section, let it shine :P

    I think generally this is very solid, and very close, just fix those few things, and i'll get back to you on source usuage, but it seems to check out from first impressions :P

    EDIT: ok I've just done a source check. Seems to be pretty liberal as a remix, there is alot of original material thats not directly related to the source, particularly in the first 40 secs or so. You might want to make some source references in those first 40 seconds, just to be safe.

    Also, picked up some new crits for ya, fancy that - The leads at 2:40 are too quiet, it also seems like they are lopsided to the right a little too much, you might want to fix the panning on those leads, make them more centered - for example - first lead 15% left, second "response" lead 15% right. Makes things more balanced :)

    Generally, that section seems unpolished compared to the rest. Don't get me wrong, its not bad, but production wise, it seems to stickout compared to the rest of the track for the issues I stated earlier so thats your main "fix it up" section for me regarding production. Hope this info helps, its closer than perhaps i'm making out, but fix all these issues and i'll say you're good to go.

  2. Ok guys, here's the deal. I'm doing a University Assignment on how to set up and run an internet based label. you guys know any info on the topic regarding how to set up and run it? Anything you can add would be a great help!

    Thanks! :P

  3. You pretty much just answered your own question.

    It's kinda popular here, I think it's because the people who've been on this site longer like DarkeSword have been using it.

    The reason FL is popular is because its cheaper than most other DAWs, has - according to most users of FL - a superior piano roll, and free upgrades is a big bonus. The reason you don't hear about it anywhere else is because its not got the same reputation as other DAWs like Pro Tools or Logic, and some argue that other DAWs are simply better, which is a false statement, as people like Zircon and halc have proved FL can stand tall with any other DAW its competing with. Basically... (and do correct me if i'm wrong here) its more popular as an underground DAW, you don't see it used as much professionally, with some exceptions of course. Regarding how popular FL is here, its more popular than any of the other DAWs on ocr for the reasons I stated above, which is why it has its own sub-forum.

  4. That'd be sweet dude. It's in Reason 5 however, BUT it only uses devices from Reason 4 and below. Give me a little bit of time and I will just convert the song to Reason 4 no problem. Do you use any other sequencer besides Reason? Bc we could always render tracks to audio and midi and use another host. Converting the track to Reason 4 will prob be the easiest though. Thanks dude. :)

    Thanks for comments dudes!

    I use Reaper and Pro Tools so that wouldn't be an issue for me :)

  5. Hey, arrangment seems much more varied and interesting, good on you for fixing that stuff up. Nice breakdown section as well.

    Agreeing with the others regarding the sub-bass - you need to fix that. Also, seems like it might be a tad too compressed but bringing down the sub-bass might fix that, I dunno.

    Regarding your breakdown, I disagree strongly with emu that its overlong - seems pretty short to me - however, its a nice idea, but you really need to work on the transitions. It doesn't help that they are so different, it lacks coherence and flow. Not saying it shouldn't be there, but I think you should work some of the piano instrumentation and strings etc, into the mix before your breakdown, for some instrumental variety in your main sections, and to give a bit more of a connection with your breakdown. That bell sample isn't the best either, might want to work on that.

    Oh, nice synth solo ;)

    Regarding the bland synths... I don't think its too much of an issue, adding vibrato would help, but thats not necessary, since the sequencing and use of portamento is pretty creative.

  6. Its very ironic this mix was posted with one of mine, because back some months ago now, when "stevo's beard" was made on facebook, he got more fans than my WillRock page, and I, in a fit of rage, declared war on "Stevo's Beard".

    Stevo, in retaliation made this mix iirc, to show me who was boss.

    So yeah... Awesome mix stevo... may the war continue *shakes fist*

  7. I think i'll chime in here

    First off all, regarding my remix, I'll admit, its not totally believable. That said, I think I do a good enough job with what I have to work with. I used to be a pianist at one point, so I have a vaugue idea of how a piano should sound when its played and I think my remix does a fair enough job. Ghetto, I understand you are somewhat a perfectionist as far as piano goes in music does that doesn't mean you should bash guitar sequencing and say its much easier because its not, by any stretch of the imagination. In fact its just as hard, because you have to emulate the way a guitar is played, which is harder to do with a guitar. You can add vibrato, harmonics, as well as how you hit the note (the pick noise etc). Its so complex no one has perfected guitar sequencing near to the point of piano.

    I'm just saying that any instrument is hard to seqeuence well. You have no idea how hard it was for me to get my piano mix to the level it was, and while it saddens me to see Ghetto pick it apart, I'm glad he sees the effort I put into making it sound as realistic as I could. The same goes for any instrument. Alot of people often complain about the quality of any organic instrument, be it violin, trumpet, guitar or even a flute. Every instrument has its own qualities that makes it sound natural and emulating that is hard when it comes to sequencing for anything. Don't assume any instrument is easier than another, because thats not the case.

  8. Catchy stuff. Can't comment on the arrangment but I gotta say I like the feel you got going on here, cool electronic chip stuff mixed with some organic instrumentation. I dig.

    Production is flawed in some aspects - its overcompressed, very bass heavy, and that weird piano sample thing at 0:34 is too loud, not to mention this generally seems muddy in the mids, everything seems to bleed into each other around 1:30 onwards. I dunno, seems to me I've heard you do much better production than this :(

    Nice arrangement tho, really catchy stuff, altho links to the sources would be nice :D

    Basically, I reckon you need to fix your production flaws if you decide you want to submit this, but you know the standards better than me so w/e.

    That said, I enjoyed it, nice work :)

  9. Welllllll mostly becuase they have nothing to do with the game. I wrote them in response to stuff I was going through, but I mean, I dunno do lyrics always have to go with the game in question?

    Not that i'm aware of... Fans of the game might frown at that tho :P

    Considering the source melody isn't long at all, in fact it isn't there i would almost count that intro I have as source as well. But hey, its up in the air at that point. Maybe I'll get ahold of someone to run an official stopwatch on it. lol (are you that official someone?

    Okz I'll stopwatch:

    0.00-0.19 - source riff - Repeats throughout over vocals.

    0:36-0:52 Source Melody

    1:10-1:26- Source Melody

    8 secs source usuage from guitar solo in first 2 bars of every 4...

    2:35-2:51 Source Melody

    Try as I might, I can't hear melody source in the verses so I didn't count them. Source usuage total 1:14 out of a 3:14 remix. You need at least 50% to hit the pass at OCR which would be 1:37 secs of clear source. The source riff is used throughout but you might not get credit for that due to the fact its in the background with little to no variation (bar the bridge section), so as this stands it probably wouldn't pass on source usage alone and coupled with other problems, wouldn't pass the judges I reckon. I know some judges go by feel (does it feel like the source is connected enough) rather than stop watching and I reckon you might get away with them but you need to put in more connections to the source just to be safe. Having the source melody for soley the chorus probably isn't going to cut it, you need something at the verses as well.

    If you want my advice, This is a good mix you could get alot of variation out of using the "verse - chorus" structure... you could have a variation on the riff in the background in the verses for example, or make the vocal melody more connected to the source in the verses as a means of variation. Hell, you could put in lead guitars with your second verse playing the lead chorus melody, that would work. theres lots of things you could do to rack up that source usuage, and once you've fixed that, just polish up the production and you're done. Its got some ways to go but you can do it :D

  10. You asked for a Mod Review so here goes:

    Pretty nice source, and pretty cool take on it. Not familar with the game at all, but do the lyrics have anything to do with the game? Just an observation that they don't seem to be from where i'm standing.

    Regarding production, this seems pretty mid/bass heavy atm, Drums are also a bit quiet, bring them up a little :)

    Your vocal performance might not be quite there... you tend to go out of tune at points, its particularly noticeable when you overdub your vocals with harmonies and it brings down the enjoyment for me somewhat. Might want to work at perfecting those vocals of yours, because you have a good voice for your style :)

    The main melody is mostly prominent in the chorus, but there seems to be alot of liberal sections as far as source goes. The guitar solo is also passable, but not perfectly executed. I think the main problem with this atm is that it seems unpolished, generally in vocal performance and production, as well as playing it liberal with the source melody. Sure, the chords are there all the way through tho... That would get you bonus points, the guitar playing is tight, and the bass is awesome. I think this needs some TLC before you submit, but its close.

    Basically to sum up - more connections to the source melody would be nice, tighten up your vocal performance, and work off some of the mid range in your mix so it sounds more balanced.

    Good stuff :)

  11. I like links awakening so you get a review! ^-^

    The feel - you nailed it.

    The arrangement - would like to hear more melody, seems like mostly chords with hints at the melody so far but other than that, I like!

    The production - needs work, its unbalanced and there are a few iffy samples... the piano sounds midish for sure.

    Keep on working on this one, its got a great foundation for an enjoyable mix, ocr worthy or not.

  12. Ok I'm listening again :P. Not going to base it on OCR standards since you don't want that so I'll listen to it purely from a subjective standpoint.

    I still think the overcompression shows in the lead, but w/e its nothing that kills the mix. The production is nice, that kick is nice and strong. I like the sound choices... I think it gets a bit repetitive, style choice or not.

    Nice mix tho, probably wouldn't download it myself based on preference but I can see some electro-house junkies that would :D

  13. Rest your ears (i.e stop for a while), listen to music on lower volumes... stop if they start to rattle again... pretty basic stuff but if you're worried you're damaging your hearing, stop doing the thing that you think is causing it, and go to doctor if it persists :)

    Others will probably come up with better solutions, i'm no expert by any means whatsoever.

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