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Posts posted by WillRock

  1. Any video game can be remixed on OCR.:tomatoface:

    actually, quote from the sub standards:

    Games that are shareware, freeware, or personal projects may or may not be accepted at our discretion. We strongly recommend arranging music from commercial releases to avoid any problems.
    I actually asked some staff about this, I was told it was dealt with on a case by case basis. So it might be worth sending tracks you aren't sure fit the standards to one of the judges so they can tell you if its going to pass.
  2. I will always hold that White Lion's cover of Radar Love is more interesting to listen to than Golden Earring's original.

    Cover (can't find a good version without the music video).

    Vito Bratta is one of the most underrated guitarists of all time... a little too talented for white lion I reckon.

    you really got me now

    The Kinks (original) -

    Van Halen (cover -

  3. What the fuck just happened in this thread? O___o


    As a Remixer who took a long time to finish a track here, my view is this: I make music for OCR for free. I don't get anything other than exposer as an artist.

    On the other side, I have rl, where I have to juggle university and doing paid work with OCR stuff.

    Basically... OCR will come last, and if project directors don't like that, then they can cut me. Emu in this case didn't, he could have done, but decided against it. I kept in contact with him at all times and told him about progress when it came, and the fact I took as long as I did means the end project is all that much better. Basically, I have more important things to worry about than OCR atm and while i'll tell people how it is, its up to them what they will do regarding my situation.

  4. For me the source content lies from 1:05-1:33 (source melody usuage with some minor variations) then 1:40 to 1:57 is the Chorus Melody. 2:24-3:03 is the source slowed down with melody usuage,

    Chords at the end are different to the source - the second chord in the 4 chord sequence is changed from the 3rd to 1st, but its recognisable enough to me.

    My feeling is that its the intro thats the problem source wise, and while its liberal, you can tell its suppose to be spring yard imo. I could.

    Overall, I'd count at the very least 1:30 of source material... I have a feeling it would probably have passed the panel but this probably should have been judged, rather than DP in my personal opinion, due to the liberal nature of the remix. That being said, I do enjoy this remix. I can see both sides of the argument but I think there is enough connection to the source for those to hear that are looking for it.

  5. Well all a time signature does is to tell you how many beats there are in a bar, and what notes they are. The top number tells you how many beats in a bar, and the bottom number tells you what those beats are worth.

    For example... 4/4 is 4 quarter notes per bar (crotchets), thats the most commonly used time signature.

    This is a track in 3/4 (3 quarter notes in a bar), the blue danube waltz

    - listen to it from 1:51, because the bottom notes are all quarter notes, you can count along with them 1 2 3 1 2 3. Thats an example of a 3/4 time signature anyway.

    Quantizing, like neblix says tho, is just lining up the notes to the nearest note value you specify. Like say you have 8th notes value selected in the edit window of your DAW, quantizing will lock all the notes you've played slightly off the beat to their nearest 8th note.

    Hope this helps you in some way :D

  6. Its all about intervals basically. I work out stuff by ear all the time - never really learnt to do it, I've always been able to with little effort.

    The way I do it is I memorise the tune I want to learn, and then with each note I successfully figure out, I just work out the interval in my head for the next note. Usually I can do it instantaneously but sometimes it requires more thought to figure out. Thats how I make all my music, everything is by ear. There is trial and error involved, sometimes i'll get a note off but that helps me figure out where the note is I want to find so its all part of my process - trial and error.

    So yeah... learn your intervals, what a 1st-3rd interval sounds like, what a 1-5th sounds like, what a 1-6th sounds like. Once you've got that down... I'd try and work out the melody of an easier song, like... lets go with something traditional and say... the melody line of "when the saints go marching in" which doesn't have more than a 3rd interval difference between two notes, which makes it easier to figure out than many songs. Then try going with something a little harder maybe.

  7. ohh i see. no plan to expand to lead or maybe?

    You know, if you want a dive bomb that badly, just pitch bend a sustained note in shreddage accordingly. I actually did just that in one of my guitar ocremixes, because I didn't have a floyd rose trem to pull it off with my guitar, at least not without putting the tuning of my guitar completely out of wack. Worked quite well for me.

  8. So overall, a better instrumentation, and more eq manipulation? Im not sure what the click is that your are referring to......I don't here it, could you give me an example of where it starts?

    Also, I make remixes with garageband, would you happen to know any good compatible syths I could use for it? I've really been looking for a decent guitar font; its really hard to run across those; as well as a techno drum kit.

    The click is most prominent when the bass is doing that solo section at 2:00, and it seems to click every time the bass note hits which is why I thought it was the decay that was causing it, its throughout the mix generally.

    I'm a reason user, which is self-contained, I use my synths in that, so I wouldn't be able to give you any good ideas of synths plug-ins but I've heard Zebra is a good plug in to try, i'd start there. You should check out this thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4556

    Guitars - good time to mention shreddage, its the best rhythm guitar sampler i've heard. As for guitar leads... get a guitar? :P

    For techno drum kits... can't really help you with plug ins there either but I do have some advice for you regarding sound design for drums - layer different drum sounds together, five snares sound better than one, and it allows for different timbre combinations when writing your drum parts, helps make them sound more interesting.

  9. lol my bad. I looked at that site originally but couldn't see how to download it... thought you had to like... sign in or something.

    There is this weird clicking going on throughout, not sure if its the decay on the bass or something... its very distracting, but the bass isn't as loud as in the youtube version. Production has alot of issues, mostly stuff I mentioned in the post below, that would stop this from being ocr passable. Arrangement seems good enough to me tho like I said some sweet ideas, and a pretty cool intro imho, but the production needs an overhaul.

  10. This starts off pretty well with the minimalist approach... not going to comment too much on production at this point, but the samples seem rather generic and bland to me, not to mention the mixing is off - drums too quiet, bass too loud, seems slightly muddy overall. You got a link to the MP3 you can send? Youtube compresses the audio in its videos, which makes this hard to Mod Review. Have a look at some hosting sites such as Mediafire and Tindeck. http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/ is also a good choice.

    Arrangment seems to pretty cool to me at first listen. You host the MP3 somewhere and I'll give this a more indepth listen :)

  11. I'm pretty agreeing with everything Nutritious is saying here - dissonance, close to the original, and mixing issues.

    However, I reckon you could kill two birds with one stone here, because atm, you have a dissonant remix thats close to the source. If I was you, I'd try to make this remix sound more coherent in terms of a clearer scale, get rid of the dissonance but keep the rhythms intact. That would solve pretty much all your arrangement issues.

    Regarding production, sounds are nice, but you need make some more room for the large amount of sounds you have going on. Drums sound a bit weak for the huge, yet somewhat simple synths you have going on right now.

    This needs work to get to ocr, but its def doable :D

    Good luck man.

  12. Yeah, the drums (very sparse ones at that) and melody are out of time with each other and they are pretty much the only things in the mix save a few random nes sound fx placements that sound like they come from the megaman games.... yeah I'm afraid I can't dig this one anyway I look at it, sorry man. I will say nice source choice tho :)

  13. well, unless they're all making only project mixes, they can post them normally in workshop and flag as mod review. otherwise, PM's will suffice.

    Agreed. Generally, projects have some form of quality control to ensure the majority of their mixes get to the best of their potential anyway.

  14. Yeah just IM us. Its a bit pointless to make a forum that only workshop mods can see, and if this was implemented, DJP would have to make it so that you can make threads in the forum but you can't see any others without permission... I don't know if thats even possible, its way too much trouble to make a forum for what - 5 of us, when you can just IM any of us directly. Its not like the 5 of us are hard to contact :P

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