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Everything posted by Sensai

  1. Thanks for the games tonight...my pyro is starting to adapt to the non-backburner...it takes time. And now I REALLY will be without internet for a bit. It cuts off tomorrow and I won't regain it until Thursday or Friday at absolute earliest. So, jee jees until then.
  2. You guys are making my lack of TF2 even more painful.
  3. Last night when I played (sadly, not on OCR), I was kicking some serious ass as spy. Figured I'd let you guys know so that when you get stabbed in the back, you'll know from whom the love is coming from. Also, I don't think I'll be on TF2 for a bit for a few reasons. Firstly, I'm moving and won't have internet for a bit (probably next Friday or so) and even when I get it, I'm going to be unpacking/etc. Secondly, I think I'm getting re-addicted to DnD. Anyone else here play?
  4. I'm DLing right now, but I need to ask a question beforehand: what bit rate are the .mp3 files and do they come pre-labeled? If the bitrate's poor, I'll just go ahead and download the .flac and convert them myself. [Edit:] Answered my own question. For those curious: -in the torrent, the .mp3 files are correctly labeled and, at least the first two, are 320 kbps. -on the tracks page, the .mp3 files are correctly labeled and, at least the first one, is 160kbps. I'll add this to my list of 'Always Seed' torrents (which currently includes everything else OCR has given me. Thanks! Lookin' forward to hearing it!
  5. Thanks Atmuh. I'm glad to know there's a special place in your heart for me. /shrugs and sighs
  6. Yes, yes...the plan's all coming together now!! But seriously, I'm glad I'm not the only one who's noticing this. I understand people love Dustbowl (I used to love it as much if not more than a lot of people), but it's a little ridiculous.
  7. I really don't like Badlands all that much. :-/ I'm not sure what it is ('cause I used to at least a little) but I just can't stand it anymore... @ Atmuh: Sorry if I offended you mate...really didn't mean to if I did.
  8. I'm pretty excited about this movie, truth be told, but still very wary of it. How could they possibly fit all of Watchmen into a movie without it being at least 4 and a half hours long? Oh well, fingers are crossed. Also: if you haven't read the comic by this point, I'd seriously suggest it as it's an amazingly psychological book. If you don't take my word for it, it's one of Time's top 100 novels of all time.
  9. We had a pair of guys who pretty much emptied the server (right before the restart) because they were blocking one of Red's spawn in 2fort and making all red players unable to open the doors. We finally got a votekick going around, and we managed to kick one of them...who immediately joined again. They both stayed, and came back AFTER the server restarted...and left when there were only 3 people left. .........
  10. I've never been able to listen to music and play at the same time...I dunno. It's just something I can't do anymore. /shrugs Also: I love your new sig Xerol. (I was getting my ass handed to me earlier tonight, so for anyone who was there...may I please have it back?)
  11. Thirded about the sniper's secondary being shyte. And good for you Rambo. Truly remarkable, and most commendable. @ Choccy: Did you get it working? You figure out how to play with us? And I'm back! Meaning, I'll probably play tonight!
  12. So...I don't think I'm going to be able to make it to Rambo's last night (I think it was yesterday, but if it's today, I'm still SOL). Sorry mate. When are you getting back or whatever's causing you to not play? Also: I'll be glad for the new blood. It's always fun to watch somebody grow from not-too-great at a game to wow-he-kicks-ass.
  13. /tear @ lack-o'-sex @ Dhsu: I know what you mean. I've recently started playing some servers with a few other people (I'm sorry, I'm stopping, I swear I'm coming back!) and I've come to the conclusion that the Internet is a harsh place. Seriously, people are assholes. I'm glad that the OCR server is up and that I'm welcome there...'cause it's like Mayberry compared to the Chinatown of the other servers. (Wooh, obscure movies and TV show references!)
  14. /settles in to read the thread that has come down to a whole bunch of fighting Look what TF2 is doing to us!! /reads [Edit:] Done reading, but apparently the conversation is closed. If no one objects, I'd still like to give my two cents: I think that this was just blown outta proportion. I think that Bahamut was a little upset that the team was losing when they should've been winning (something I can totally sympathize with) and there's Atmuh, playing a class that coincidentally has 2 other people already playing it. I think that Bahamut kind of went off the deep end a little because Atmuh is...well, Atmuh (voting for gravity and friendly fire all the time, haha) and it just escalated. I'm hoping that people sleep on it and wake up to some great epiphany. Also: I like that rotation, as I'm pretty sure that it was the one I made! I'm happy!
  15. I really think that the main problem with pyro (pre BB, mind you) is that the flame's are not NEARLY consistent enough. Like, I can be in a group of people and holding down the burner and swinging about like mad...and no one catches on fire. And as long as we eventually get to play Castle, that's fine. It's a big place, but tons of fun.
  16. That is either a MASSIVE exaggeration or...I dunno. Really poor luck on one of our parts.
  17. cp_dustbowl cp_gravelpit ctf_well cp_steel (or whatever it's officially called) tc_hydro pl_goldrush cp_castle4 (Seriously, this map is amazing. We really, DESPERATELY need to check it out.) ctf_turbine Yes, I know, Goldrush and Dustbowl are only on there once. I'm growing tired of them and this is my fantasy rotation, so shove it.
  18. Well, just give it to people who you know won't abuse the power.
  19. Yay for changemap! Maybe now we won't have to play Dustbowl 24/7 anymore! Also: can they please get a votekick option? I know it seems like I'm obsessive about this, but there really needs to be the option for it.
  20. Aaaaaaaaaah, I just got done playing with a hacker. So much fun. Sad thing is, he was absolutely terrible. He was 100% critting with his scout, and couldn't take my combat medic (a.k.a., only Ubersaw) on. Ahahaha. Also: are the mods fixed?
  21. Reading over the patch notes: ~Players killing themselves will now give a kill credit to the last enemy who damaged them Look, Bahamut, Rambo, they added something to make it so that I still get points when you guys decide to a'splode yourselves. MWAHA. ~Removed health bonus from the Backburner. I'm probably the last person you expected to hear this from, but I'm glad to hear this. The Backburner is just stupid overpowered, and maybe now I can play Pyro without feeling guilty for their being 234098109243 other ones at the same time.
  22. Nope. Joined 'cause of the music and eventually ran into the server. I love TF2, so it just clicked. This IS however the only thread I check consistently on here. And @ zircon: That made me laugh really hard. @ DarkeSword: I'm not sure why people don't like that map either. I really enjoy it (although I prefer Turbine).
  23. I'm with Effef. If it's at all possible to have 24/24 and then kick someone when a paying person wants to join, I'm for that. Whatever that method is. Seeing as I don't think that's possible, my support goes behind the current way. I think it's fine to have 23/24 all the time. Also: we NEED a votekick. Please.
  24. I'm getting kinda tired of Dustbowl...it's just a little old hat by this point. That being said, I did get 42 kills in a single life on the second stage of it, on defense. T'was amazing. Thanks to the FRACKIN' AWESOME medics on my team on that rotation (I think it was warmeatball healing bonzai and PosiBolt healing me). It seems like most people are getting tired 2fort, too. cp_dustbowl cp_well pl_goldrush ctf_2fort cp_dustbowl cp_gravelpit pl_dustbowl_b4 tc_hydro cp_dustbowl ctf_turbine pl_goldrush And this looks fine to me, except the fact that for a little bit it's Dustbowl, map, Dustbowl, map, Dustbowl...which'll get boring. [Edit:]
  25. Jeah, Colin is a little prick sometime, isn't he? On the subject: Can we PLEASE get the ability to votekick people? I know it's been brought up before in the server, but I REALLY feel like it needs to be something that is paid attention to. We really need it sometimes. :-/
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