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Everything posted by Sensai

  1. I'm not even sure that this is still open or whatever, but I've been seeding since I've downloaded these. I think I'm at about an 11:1 ratio of seeded:downloaded...and every once in a while I'll upload at something silly like 2 megs per second (college internet is kinda odd). So, jeah. I don't plan on deleting mine any time soon, either.
  2. Just got done lookin' around HLStatsX. It's actually incredibly interesting. I account for about 1/6th of all Axtinguisher kills on the server (33/185). I'm honored. Not as interesting, kinda saddening actually, I accout for about a 10th of the backstabs on the server too (352/3667). I need to play other classes more.
  3. 9 ubers in one life? God DAMN, DarkeSword...you're some kinda Medic messiah.
  4. Hole. Eee. Shit. Cyberpunk + tons of Scouts - Gravity - Guns (only melee) = Best thing ever. Seriously. Have not had that much fun on TF2 in damn near forever. So amazing.
  5. I missed a few pages of text, so I'm going to be commenting on some things that are FAR in the past. I'm flattered that my namewas up in there with Vahn's, although it was probably 'cause you just read it. And you're right, I agree with you on this point. Crits are good for putting in the surprise and all that into fights. I'm not against the idea of crits, I'm against the fact that if a soldier doesn't shoot a crit once every 4 rockets, he'll likely be surprised. Crits should not happen as often as they do (we're talking about soldiers here, and to an extent engineers). Pretty much every other class' crits I'm completely fine with, but these two classes seem to crit about 25% of the time. Really? I get 0 satisfaction from killing someone with a crit, usually apologizing to said person. It's completely unfun for me. Why would it be? Oh, sure, I got lucky and you got screwed. Haha, great times! Heavies have to spin their gun up, which takes about 2 seconds, right? At least a second and a half. Soldiers are able to shoot a rocket at you that does a ton of damage. Heavies are much easier to take out by spies, snipers, pyros (for me, at least), etc. That lack of mobility while attacking is a BIG deal. Simply sticking a medic on the heavy does not make it a busted combo, either...it just may mean you have to focus fire on them a bit more then we're used to. You must be the luckiest person ever. I'm not getting killed at 50%, but I honestly would say about 35% if not a little higher. Same. I'll point it out to someone who'll laugh about it with me even if I were dead regardless (you, Bahamut, other crit lovers), but I try to keep my bitching to a minimum concerning crits.And Atmuh, hurry back! OK, I'm done. Such a long post, sorry about that.
  6. a) I really hate not being able to get on and play a few minutes regardless of what time it is. People really need to learn the new server and start flocking to it like they used to. I know that all this is long gone and past, but I think it was kinda pointless to reset the stats. I understand that people were really far ahead of others in terms of points, but who the hell cared? Colin is the only person I've seen who really cared about points... And, since apparently a lot of people did care (enough people to reset the stats), why didn't you change the way the points were awarded?! It's just going to happen again and again... [Edit:] Ack! Sorry, this post was devoid of anything positive or at least not-bitchy. Um...sunshine and lollipops!
  7. Removing crits doesn't mess up Soldiers. There are plenty of no crit servers that I play and they're all perfectly fine; all the classes act like they're supposed to and you never feel completely robbed of a good kill. Also, in competitive play, there are no crits. There are usually 2 soldiers per team. If you're only keeping crits in to 'save' soldiers, that's silly. If you're keeping them in to make the game less predictable, that's fine...you just have to keep in mind that people will complain about them, myself included.
  8. I've always enjoyed Arena, but I think the way to do it perfectly is as follows: Alltalk on + Brushfire in Spec + Commentary. The result is epic.
  9. Atmuh, that's a really cool sig that you made for Brushfire. I like it a lot. And I'm glad we have a server now (again). What was wrong with the old one, again?
  10. Half Life (pretty much the entire series) Super Mario RPG Most of the Zelda games. Legend of Gaia (Time, if you're not in the US) That's all I can think up off the top of my head.
  11. I think, for the recapping thing....well, I'm not sure. The idea is to make it a difficult thing to do for the team that just capped, but the odds are that they're going to be there regardless. Hm... /shrugs And Cave is not better than Badwater. Cave is probably amongst the worst custom maps, IMO.
  12. It goes MUCH quicker than I thought it was going to... OK, here are my suggestions for Epsilon: ~Fix the ladders. (We've talked about this already, though, and it's not likely to happen, haha.) Same goes for the correct CTF animations, etc. Onward to stuff we HAVEN'T talked about. ~It may be a good idea to make it so that the intel can only be capped if your team is in COMPLETE control of the point (i.e., if red has the intel and is running back to a red controlled point that blue is currently capping, they shouldn't be able to cap the point since it's well on it's way to being blue's). ~The doors are pretty buggy. They don't seem to like opening. ~This probably wouldn't work, but what if everytime the intel was capped, the point had to be recaptured? As it is, it seems the basic strategy is rush the point and get it, then wait around while the scouts go to grab the intel. Rock'n'Roll Martian says that he thinks it might need to be thinner. He also pointed out that you can't actually get up to the point without going left...which didn't really make much of a difference to me, but it's something worth noting. He also points out that there are a lot of windows in the point room, making it absurdly easy for Demos to spam things in there. I agree with most everyone else in that it is incredibly scout dominated right now. Also: the new server is really, really rubber-bandy. [Edit:] What was wrong with the other one?
  13. Baha, awesome move in putting Epsilon in the official rotation. Looking very forward to it. I'm sad to see all the Arena maps go...well, I'm just really fond of the color green and thus, Lumberyard.
  14. Look forward to trying it out, Zephyr. I really don't mind working my way back up, as long as my kill to death and overall stats are kept on there.. Oh, shit. They're not. I wasn't even trying to be a douche, either, I honestly thought I saw that they were still on there. Now I'm kinda irritated. I understand setting the whole points thing over again at zero, but was it necessary to take out all the other stuff too?
  15. Not sure I like that the stats were reset, ESPECIALLY if the way that this time around will work is the same as last time. You are going to modify how many points are doled out, etc, right? Or are we just going to reset server stats every so often...?
  16. You don't like Badwater, Atmuh? At first I didn't really care for it, but it's grown on me a bit... One map I'm not particularly fond of is the PL Dustbowl map...it's cool and everything, but everytime I play it I feel like I'd rather just play Dustbowl (which is a BIG deal, considering how much that map is 'meh' for me).
  17. This.Also, @ Tensei/Rambo: i lolled.
  18. My roommate (Rock n Roll Martian) said something similar to what you said Xerol a while ago. I wasn't sure whether to believe him or not (as it seems as if it would bust the game a little) but apparently he was spot on the money. Thanks for the explanation, Xerol!
  19. About sticky camping... I've never really seen a problem with it. Sure, it's likely to get you a kill from the get go, but what's it matter? Just have a scout run out there and die once and then everyone can charge... Or, since Pyros can now move the bombs, just have them blast it back if they can. I dunno. It never seemed to me to merit a ban because it's a relatively insignificant thing...but it never bothered me that you did have it banned, though.
  20. @ Chadly: Congrats and thanks for getting a mic! Yay! To answer your question, I actually use Caps lock...and have yet to have any complaints with it at all. The only odd thing is that occasionally I'll type like this: hAHAHA, CRITS SUCK. But...eh. It's right there where I need it. Then again, I use Q for crouch and my pinky for the A button (very similar to the way most people hold their hands on a keyboard normally). @ Bahamut: With the little play experience I've had concerning competition...it's amazingly different. Pretty much you leave your mic on the entire time you're playing and tell your team everything that's going on. But you've already got that down (not saying you talk alot, but you're great at the communications thing). It's definitely interesting. Everybody is. :-/ Who'd you play in Melee?
  21. @ Atmuh: Are we talking Melee or Brawl here? I used to play Melee competitively...but absolutely detest Brawl. Given, I was never really 'serious business' about it to the extent we're talking. @ Bahamut: I'm glad you joined ZUZ. They, well, the 3 that I talk to (Wish, Vahn, Seldon) seem like a good group of guys. One of the other ones, the name eludes me, seemed like....well, annoying, but the 3 I know seem cool. It does strike me as odd, though, that they just let open the flood gates like that. No offense meant or anything, but they recruited 3 people in the course of 1 game...?
  22. I love Medics generally, especially ones that are not all silly-like (see earlier post about that). It really does help if they have mics, though. In fact, pretty much everything gets better if you (edit: and your team mates) have a mic.
  23. As far as I'v seen, Engie, Medic, and Spy are the classes that produce the most points. Engie's are just fuckin' silly with it, too... Speaking of points, I've decided that I really don't care as much as I used to about them. I think I lost some REALLY high amount of points today (~1000) due to a few factors (trying out Soldier, Gravelpit about 4 times, my Demoman, the ZUZ players). But it's cool. [Edit:] Also, I'm with Tensei about the Flare Gun. I have yet to hear anything that says 'Oh, wow, that WOULD be worth a shot.' Generally when I point this out, the 21 pyros on my team tell me that it's good for snipers...but that's a load of shit. Any sniper worth anything would be far enough away so that they would have ample time to move out of the way, even while in scope.
  24. Quoted for truth. Honestly, I'm torn. I use iTunes (I'm one of the guys suckered into it due to iPhone and iPod) and even have an iTunes account ('cause of my iPhone...gah) but I would rather obtain music from Amazon or even Rhapsody over iTunes due to the DRM, somethign that I'm just opposed to. But...this is _free_ Diablo III music. Decisions... [Edit:] Yep. Not downloading it. My principles won out in the end. I'll just get it later.
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