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Everything posted by Sensai

  1. Filling it out now and also interested to know the results. This is a good point to take into consideration. Just wanna make sure it doesn't get overlooked.[Edit:] I opened your quiz and read the part about it being specifically for people who play games, so I guess that is aimed solely at gamers. Also, if you need another interview, I'm more than willing. PM if you need it.
  2. What exactly does that do, Chadly? And I finished downloading the maps. Both me and Hank should be on tonight for custom map night, ping permitting.
  3. I joined the new group. Huzzah!
  4. Oh Powerlord...curse you (but at the same time, thank you). I'm download all those maps right now. Hopefully it'll be done sometime before tomorrow night.
  5. So many <3s. Thanks a ton. Dunno how long it'll take, but I'll have 'em all downloaded before Wednesday night. Thanks a ton.
  6. Damn Powerlord, you're quick. I had just started that download...but now it's gone. Could you please try to put it up quickly? Me and Hank/Martian/the really good sniper dude are on REALLY bad internet...we're probably going to need a day or so to download the .zip.
  7. ......DOT DOT DOT DOT DOT....... Yes, and now we're all paying for it. On the plus side, I'm going to schedule some events. [Edit:] @Xerol: I can't get the torrent to work. I'm not sure if it's my school blocking torrents (I don't think it is, but it might be) or what...but jeah. Not working.
  8. @ Xerol: Yes, you can copy certain files over and it should greatly reduce the amount of time it takes to download TF2. That's the only way I was able to download/install it on my crappy internet connection without it taking 2 weeks. And I also agree with you about the Medic. That's the first class I played and it's honestly, IMO, the best to start with because it a) teaches you one of the unique classes, teaches you about the strengths and weaknesses of the heavier classes and c) makes you useful to your team.
  9. Wow Chadly...that sucks. I feel much better now. And tonight, I'll likely be playing...WITH GOOD PING! (going home for the weekend)
  10. Everything about the first one sounded good, too. It was one of the more over-hyped games in the recent times. That being said, I really liked the first one. And Mirror's Edge. Maybe I just have some odd taste in videogames. Wait...what? Also, here's a picture of the new protagonist. He doesn't look ANYTHING like Altair. Nope. No way.
  11. I really liked that Avante map earlier today. It was so....green. It's so nice to see green. @ Xerol: That's such an amazing idea. Now if only my campus hadn't JUST BLOCKED TORRENTS. Man. This college is so awful, internet wise.
  12. @ Bahamut: Yes to custom day. That'll be a ton of fun. And I would say yes to OCR only days...but I'm not sure if there are enough people to fully populate the server. @ everyone about Quake sounds: I find it hard to believe that you guys STILL download sounds. You know you can turn all that off really easily in the options right? Seriously...I don't think I've downloaded sounds from servers since, well, I dunno. I guess it would have to be Counter Strike 1.6.
  13. Watchmen and now Shadow of the Colossus... ...man. I'm really not liking Hollywood recently.
  14. Lookin' forward to Baha's micspamming of that DKC 2 project. Yay micspam!...that being said, I'd prefer there not be an all out micspam day. I enjoy it sometimes from the usual people, but having an entire night devoted to it? Eh...not for me. Any night would be great for a custom map/OCR only day. Any day at all, really. Also, I wanna nominate cp_egypt to be put on the rotation. That map is a lot of fun, if a little (and by little, a lot) defensive sided.
  15. Was going to point this out as well. I've said this a few times, at least 4 to Tiddly alone, but Downtown is a TON of fun. Absolutely a blast. We need to play it quite a bit more. I'm skeptical about the changes that Garian highlighted (I really like the amount of out-of-doors that's in it), but I'm glad to hear it's symmetrical now. Also, is there a list somewhere of the current map rotation? I suppose I should check the first post, I'll do that now.
  16. The next class to be updated has been announced! And...it's not the least played one this time. So, not the Spy. Instead... The Sniper. http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=2394
  17. Been streaming a few songs. Some of them are pretty good but some really miss. Either way, very interesting.
  18. @ Powerlord: I don't think Valve would VAC ban someone for that, as you could just as easily claim your internet was going haywire, etc. And (I think I'm just being optimistic here), I don't think anyone would grief servers like that. I mean, when people grief it's to hear people whine about it...no one's going to grief a server in this way.
  19. I used to really like the stats; I really enjoyed seeing kill to death ratios and how many times I've killed whoever with the ax. So, I understand people coming from this angle. That being said, recently, I've just started playing on more of a day to day, game to game basis. The ideas that GMan and DarkeSword have put forth both seem like great ideas to me: they both allow people who care to find out if they really want to and allow others to completely ignore it if they so choose. I don't know anything about hlxstats, but if either of these are possible it seems like a happy medium. [Edit:] Just read back a page. If you can disable the in game announcements, that would be great.
  20. Penises. Asked my highschool English teacher. So...penises, if you can believe a random guy's highschool English teacher.
  21. OK. Got my computer built, got a mic, got all the scout achievements, apparently the OCR server is a full house... ...and for the past 2 days, the lowest I've seen myself ping the server is 500.
  22. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooo......... I'm building my computer tonight, and I should be up and playing TF2 and the likes with you all tomorrow. Can't wait to beat on the Scout. Hooray for my new computer!
  23. I'm putting together my computer tonight! Meaning, I'll probably be playing this and TF2 tomorrow! Huzzah!
  24. And here I was thinking they were waiting for MY computer to get fixed. ....jeah, it broke.
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