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Kenogu Labz

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Posts posted by Kenogu Labz

  1. 2s complement of an 8-bit value would overflow to -128 after 127, not -256.

    Let it be known that Kenogu Labz (Nathan Armstrong) is a dumb.

    But, since it was previously stated that the maximum was 255, it could be assumed that (for whatever reason) the value used could be a signed 9-bit integer. No, that makes no architectural sense. Yes, it was only made to be humorous. Slack it off, eh?

    Also, I'd be in for concurrent gameplay to get all those lives. Time paradox ftw, though, since everyone would have to be playing all sections of the game simultaneously. Talk about a concurrency nightmare..

  2. Yeah, as previously noted, due to architectural purposes, you'd end up hitting 255 lives. Then you better hope the 'lives' value doesn't wrap around to 0, or worse, a signed value (-256).

    Pretty hilariously awesome job, there.

  3. I had a great idea for the next Zelda:

    The trailer opens with an animated landscape. The Nintendo Logo flashes on screen, followed by the Studio Ghibly logo. It proceeds to show a beautifully animated Link walk through the forest, castle town and eventually into the castle. He sees Zelda and the King of Hyrule standing there. He takes a deep breath, and for the first time, speaks:

    "Gee, it sure is boring around here..."

    ...and proceeds to merrily kidnap Zelda, cackling madly all the while. I'd play that.

    I saw the tail end of the Kinect presentation. I find it to be striking that no-one's realized what they've done technologically; it's actually quite fascinating that they've managed to shrink what is effectively motion-capture technology down to this scale, and with fairly good precision. If Ubisoft's fitness demonstration showed nothing else, it was how relatively precise the system can be, compared to, say, the way Wii Fit detects body movements. Does it work better? Is it really any more flexible? Will we see some totally awesome Elite Beat Agents action with it? Guess we'll have to wait to find out.

  4. I thought this event was moved to RED to prevent this kind of shenanigans. Part of it comes from the fact that RED isn't really labeled as an 'event' server on the servers list; I know I get confused between whether RED or BLUE is the main server. Perhaps some clarification is in order...?

  5. pSX can run most games without snafu; VIII should play through just fine, as long as you have a good bios. Same with IX. ePSXe might work too, but takes longer to get set up.

    Make sure you have good images, or rip them from your own CDs if you keep having trouble with a certain spot in the game.

    Also keep in mind that these two are still being worked on, I think, so some bugs may have been fixed, while others may have been introduced. It's probably worth another shot if you tried it a year or two ago.

  6. Like I said earlier, awesome stuff! It's got your usual side, with a great grungier twist. I especially love the aria vocals; Libera Me's singer performed a fantastic aria, there. Bravo to Rich and Rachel for the awesome performances, too.

    You do realize you can put this in Community Discussion since you're a posted mixer, right? More people will see it; not many people venture into the back-alleys of 'Original Compositions'. And it needs to be heard, cuz then it'll be remixed. And the cycle goes on!

  7. It's also easier for us to make fun of him that way.

    A vital weapon indeed for any OCR regular.

    EDIT: Holy cow. Lag is ridiculous, as you saw tonight, Fire. Maybe time to fire some e-mails?

    I mean, it's up to one MASSIVE lagspike per 10 minutes. Oftentimes kicking everyone on the server.

  8. There's always airsoft. You don't need all the gear, just safety glasses, and the pellets are cheaper (I think). They sting/make a popping sound when they hit, so you notice it like in paintball, but without the same bruise potential. Just don't shoot anyone within a 10 meter range. And if this matters much, airsoft guns tend to look more like real guns a lot of the time; paintball guns, not so much. Not sure if you can rent airsoft equipment; maybe do a search in your area. Here's an article (airsoft-biased) on some of the differences you can expect. I got my first pistol for ~$40, and used it for years.

    • If you're looking for kinds of games you can play with either paintball or airsoft, the simplest is Team Elimination: limited number of respawns per player, last team standing wins. Just have players pick one of two (or three) kinds of objects from a hat, and divide into teams of like object/color.
    • Another good one's Capture the Flag, and its variant, Steal the Bacon. Bacon is good for quick rounds: place a single flag in the middle of your area of play, and try to get it back to your respawn. Generally, these games have infinite respawn; just make sure the points a little wider apart than in Team Elimination.
    • Another goodie (but a toughie) is Regicide. Each team secretly selects one player is the King, who is then left defenseless (or with a very weak weapon). When the round starts, the King hides (along with any bodyguard he may want, though they can easily give his position away). If either King dies, game is won by the other team. Make sure you set a time-limit.
    • A variant off of regicide is Foxhunt. A group is selected as foxes and hides in the area; everyone else tries to clear them out. Limited respawn for the hunters, and foxes can only die once.
    • Counting Coup: Rack up kills against the other team in a limited time! Each team starts with an empty bucket at their spawn. When you get killed, go back to spawn and place a rock in your bucket. If an opponent manages to reach your bucket without being killed, he can place two rocks in the enemy's bucket! Once the time limit's up, bring the buckets together. The team with the least rocks wins.

    You will definitely need to have markers or armbands to set teams apart. Also make sure you set up firm bounds of play, if they're not already set; the one person who makes a mile-wide arc just to kill your team from behind can easily be a game-breaker.

  9. It's only half a minute, there's no harm done, and it's always great to start a round with a liberal dose of blood decorating your home base. Plus you get to let off steam vs. teammates.

    EDIT: Server still has the same lagspikes, with all the plugins out.

  10. Not bad, there! Nice lines. :D

    If your lens cap isn't staying on, don't try to jury rig something; you're more likely to end up scratching your lens that way. I think they sell extra lens caps (though for a relatively high price).

  11. That's why that rule is present, and everyone should be aware of it; if no-one minds, it's not a problem, but if it's disturbing someone's gameplay, or they just don't like the music, it can be quickly stopped. This does rely on the integrity of the players, though. If the rule is consistently abused, it may be worth considering removing the privilege of allowing music to be played at all.

    But I'm not an admin, so meh. I'm pretty notorious by now for mic-spamming soundtracks, I'll be working on limiting the amount I do that in the future.

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