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Posts posted by DusK

  1. Another "star" signing up. Preference for metal, punk, and other aggressive rock arrangements, but can do, and have done, lighter stuff as well. I'm stronger at rhythm guitar work than I am with leads, and can make some br00tal breakdowns. I use FL Studio, but my preferred collaboration method involves bouncing WAVs and MP3s around. Available to chat most days, screen names are on my profile, and my Steam ID is ItStartsAtDusK.

    I'm capable of meshing rock and synth elements, meshing world and orchestral elements with rock, or can just straight up rawk.

  2. Because many of them think they're better at certain aspects of their music than they actually are, and have no intention of improving.

    Because many of them think that their music is God's gift to the world and, as such, no collaboration should be involved and you should just play what they write.

    Because many of them aren't interested in the music so much as the limelight, booze, and chicks, and their musical abilities suffer for it.

    Because many of them lack the drive to be musicians; they want all of the rewards with none of the work and time commitment that comes with it.

    Because many of them are completely absent of any of the cooperative qualities necessary to effectively play music with other people.

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