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Posts posted by DusK

  1. This is one of a very small number of remixes that I freaking love while having never heard the source track. I've known Dj Mokram works wonders with world instruments since we made "Zenpyo!" together, but with this track, there's really no doubt that this guy knows how to make remixes that are so different from what we normally see in VGM remixing, and it's all the more awesome for it.

  2. I'll likely do what I did last year for E3; tune in for Nintendo's conference, then watch lazily as various sites report on the rest. Honestly, the Wii U's the only thing coming out of E3 that I'm really interested in. There are a few games I'm looking out for, but I'll just watch vids on YouTube in a week or so.

  3. Seriously, SpiDoL, what you're asking for is for OC ReMix to be just as intolerant of other worldviews as you are. I really don't think that's gonna happen. Thankfully. I can't imagine this place being run by bigots. That would suck.

    Actually, I might be wrong on this, but I think the top management of this site consists of those oh-so-awful atheists that you refuse to coexist with.

    Sorry, but this place is filled with a lot of different artists and fans of different creeds and calls. And as a tolerant Christian, I wouldn't have it any other way.

  4. Did any of these artists put pieces in for the official SF25th Art Tribute hosted by Capcom? Have any of these people received word that they're in the artbook? It'd be really cool to know, just so I could get a sneak peek at what's to come.

    I really liked a lot of the art in that tribute. I used Kurasato's Fei Long art for a while on my Facebook page while I was reppin' Fei in the WWRR. A lot of really awesome pieces on that site of yours.

  5. i know that bioware vs. mojang

    Wasn't it Bethesda vs. Mojang?

    Anyway, I don't know a whole lot about the subject, but for uneducated noobs like me, there's Wikipedia!


    Infringement may occur when one party, the "infringer", uses a trademark which is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark owned by another party, in relation to products or services which are identical or similar to the products or services which the registration covers.
    I think you're in the clear, considering the two "products or services" in question are nothing alike. Don't quote me on that though; that's just the gist I'm getting from this.

    If anything, forwarding him off to a lawyer you know (if you know one) as your "legal counsel" and letting him school this guy might get him off your back.

  6. No, I sent a YouTube link too. For all of my entries, actually. Personally, I'm a bit surprised they chose the one they did, considering the two I sent afterward were quite a bit better imo.

    Really, I think being picked for being the disc involved a lot of different criteria. It sounds like they were trying to get a lot of different themes and genres covered, and I think having a long song might have kinda had an influence on their decision as well; mine was only 3:20, which is modest, but a 5-minute track takes up a lot of real estate on a 70-minute disc. Having a remix that encompassed two themes probably helped quite a bit in my case as well.

    Just speculation of course, I don't really know what criteria they used for choosing the tracks.

    Apparently, they're done sending out invites for the remix disc, but if they get a large enough number of people that can't send in the necessary info, they may approach some others, but vibe I'm getting from the email is that I wouldn't hold my breath on that.

  7. Sounding much better. I am noticing a bit of clipping in some places, notably when some big crashes happen, like the one at 0:13.

    Bass might be a tad high. It's nice and clear as far as tone, so I think turning out down a bit to make it a little more level with the rest of the instruments would do this mix some good, maybe help out a bit with some of that clipping. Not by much; Maybe 1 or 1.5 dB.

    The outro seems a big sudden. It sounds like it's going for a ring-out and fade, but it just kinda drops. It feels awkward.

    Other that that, this is a damn sexy mix. I'm sure the mod that checks this out will find a few more nitpicks, but I think I touched on the more noticeable issues. This is pretty close to hitting the front page imo.

  8. Omg I'd LOVE to make a progressive track out of Bravoo Man; I've JUST started listening to it, haven't even hit any of the other tracks, but I've been needing to get back into complex time sig's, and this source sounds like just the thing to do it

    Mikeaira has a tentative claim for that source. Maybe I could persuade you to choose another? I'll let you know if it frees up.

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