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Posts posted by DusK

  1. Man that happens literally all the time. Constantly!

    Some people are dicks and say mean things, and they forget about it later like it never happened. The dickees, i.e. the people who were the victims of it, never forget that kind of stuff. NEVAR. I'm interested in making good music as much as the next guy, and having people hear it, but I just can't bring myself to work with people who are/were mean. It sucks all of the good vibes out of it. Everything is just tainted by that past wrongdoing.

    This is why the only reply I gave that PM was a laugh. A physical one, I mean. I never even bothered messaging him back. :-D

  2. Not so much strange as sociopathic, but one guy who insulted my music for about a year non-stop PM'd me on another forum asking me to do a song for some game he's making. This guy constantly called my stuff "garage band," implied numerous times that I've never made a good song, all kinds of crap. Then he turns around and asks me to make him some free music, as if none of that ever happened. Who the hell does that?

    Also, lol hypnosis.

  3. I don't know if Capcom is the best example, since they really just want to monetize people who remix their music.

    I'm pretty sure people didn't buy SSFIITHDR just to hear the remixed tracks that they could get for free. And I'm pretty sure people aren't buying the SF25th Collector's Set just to get their hands on a disc full of remixes also available for free. And I'm pretty sure that a $150 collector's set being given for free to each and every one of the musicians that are on the remix and original discs on that collector's set is a sizable expense for Capcom.

    So really, they're losing money if anything. Voluntarily, of course.

  4. I agree with this entirely. Going that route was ultimately effective AND he deserved it. Fuck him. And no one needs to waste time arguing otherwise.

    "Oh, but don't tell his mom, he might get in trouble with her, that's too much, that's not right."

    This asshole stole over 200 OC ReMixes across 5 different websites, AND sold them on Bandcamp for prices as much as $15. And when he was initially caught, he decided to try and delete and block people from revealing it to keep whatever money he got from it coming. Fuck that, fuck him, and fuck his apology.

    Now this is the sort of no mercy treatment I can get behind. :-D

  5. So, I've had this side project ever since my live show days called From The Forest Itself. It originally started as just straight metalcore, then added some synth elements, then changed all of that stuff to chiptune and lo-fi synth elements. So now it's a fusion of metalcore and 9-bit-ish chiptune stuff. Chipcore.

    To cut to the chase, I released two demos recently to give people a taste of my upcoming as-of-yet named EP. The finished tracks will most definitely be more polished than these WIPs.

    So here they are. Give 'em a listen, I'd appreciate it. If you like it, please Like the page on FB so I can feel loved in a sort of Generation Y way. And if you didn't like it, hey, thanks for listening anyway and giving it a chance.

  6. I've fully removed all I've put online and deleted all the account who concern music I didn't want to hurt anyone by doing this

    and I want to apologize about what I've done.

    I know I should've never done that but I've done it and I know words won't fix it.

    I hope that with the fact that I've stopped everything now, this story'll be over and that you won't involve my family in this thing cause it wasn't my intention

    Yeah, because profiting off of other peoples' hard work is something people do when they don't wanna hurt people.

    Oh well, seems to be over now.

  7. OverClocked ReMix as the guild name with OCR as the abbreviation.

    I agree. Straight to the point, and everyone who knows about who we are will know who we are and what we're about in-game the moment they see our tag and guild name. It just works.

    Yak's Bend sounds fine to me. Keep in mind that if anyone chooses another world for whatever reason, they can still be in the OCR guild thanks to GW2's guild system. So that's cool. :)

  8. One thing I've wanted since Melee:

    Stock-stamina matches. You set the number of lives, and you set how much HP each life has. You can reduce an opponent's lives either by knocking him off the stage or depleting his HP. (Timed stamina matches with unlimited lives would also be good.)

    I think my friends and I would only play this mode if it existed. We've always liked stamina mode, but its "one life" nature means that it's always over way too quickly even with the HP maxed out.

    This would be pretty awesome.

  9. I'm not too fond of the idea of "Noob & Expert" or "Novice & Star" or however you want to put it. I don't think people should consider themselves "noobs" and likewise I wouldn't consider myself an "expert" or a "star", not even close. I'd be more comfortable calling myself a novice, and learning from someone who may know a thing or 2 more about production than I do. I mean no offense to anyone who would consider themselves an expert, I'm certainly not suggesting that they are arrogant or whatever, I just personally don't see myself ever considering myself an expert, not unless I'm supporting my family financially with music. So eh, that's just my opinion.

    Oh, I wouldn't either. I doubt many OC ReMixers would. But really, the name's just to distinguish between people who have been doing this and are good enough at it to be posted, and those who aren't at that level yet. The goal is to help them get there, with some competition sprinkled in, I think.

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