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Everything posted by DusK

  1. I can't believe you guys are putting so much thought behind this. Sam's a good director, and WarCraft's full of good source material. I don't really see how anything bad could come out of that.
  2. Can I get some recommendations for good headphones to use while recording drums? My band's drummer isn't used to metronomes, so we wanna record everything else over a fake drum track before we do drums, but he'll need something that will actually give him sound over his drumset. Every pair we have is crap, and I don't wanna blow a bunch of money on something unless I'm sure it's gonna do the trick. Links away?
  3. I recently did a punk remix of Emerald Hill Zone's BGM. I plan on improvements, and I need some crits. http://www.myspace.com/fromtheforestitself
  4. How? Ample means it's a large amount, considerable also means it's a large amount. Where are you getting "small portion" from?
  5. Crossing my fingers for MGS4 for 360.
  6. 4 notes. 4 notes, only 3 of which are consecutive, are the same per refrain in that section. Joe Satriani's an idiot if he thinks 3 notes are are a "substantial portion" of his song.
  7. DusK


    'Twas a joke, Liontamer. I was referring to the obvious fact that Star Control is not nearly as well known as Street Fighter.
  8. DusK


    Well, it also says HD Remix is "the first major video game with a completely fan-made soundtrack." Everyone's heard of Street Fighter II, but what the hell is Star Control?
  9. I get this problem on Vista 32. Bugs the crap out of me.
  10. This technique is employed heavily in hardcore punk rock, in case you wanted to hear it in a louder setting.
  11. I'm currently at 1, for lack of drive to transcribe the remainder of the song.
  12. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you also hate Soul Calibur 4. What justifies all your hatred for these fantastic games?
  13. Ok, it's available for download. Keep in mind, it's not the quality that I've been working towards. I just wanted to hear how the song would sound with real instruments. It might be relevant to your interests to know that I plan to redo the entire soundtrack eventually.
  14. Vinyl's too old for a youngin like me. All I have on vinyl is a single split by Haste The Day and From Autumn To Ashes.
  15. Yoda shouldn't count in the first place. And I don't see guard impacting as a bad system. Using a parry or an impact to give yourself an advantage is crucial to not only weapon based fighting, but fighting in general. I like it better than DOA4's counter system because you have to do more than just press back and guard at the same time to do some damage. And I beat Kilik almost all the time. Kilik is one of the most vulnerable characters to guard impacting because of his staff's travel time at long ranges. And most players play him like 80% vertical, so if I side-step frequently and use moves that flow into sidestepping, I end up winning.
  16. You try that against someone who actually knows how to guard impact correctly and you won't even get a hit off. The fact of the matter is that SC4 does take skill. Just because you faced one person who is obviously terrible at it doesn't mean it's a "button mashing T&A fest".
  17. I posted a remake of "Night of the Mutants" on my MySpace Page. Keyword being remake. It's basically the same song with real instruments.
  18. Hmmm... Let's see... One time, I was recording a screaming vox track for a metal song I was working on, and my cat ran up to me and started meowing like crazy. I stopped recording to pay attention to a very worried cat. And there was another time I was recording for a competition project involving vocals (an atmospheric peice that could only consist of the phrase "There was a hole here, it's gone now,"), and I got an Xfire message during the recording session and didn't notice my mic picked it up until I had added delay and mixed it with the main vocal track in Audacity. I was too lazy to record that huge chunk again, so I left the beep in there. Other than that, not too many problems.
  19. Haste The Day changed their lead vocalist and they got better. Killswitch Engage changed their lead vocalist and they got better. The Vandals changed their lead vocalist, and they got better. Usually, it's for the best. But there will always be die-hards that whine.
  20. I wouldn't think that it would be nearly as played out as death metal. And Stryper's sound isn't exactly comparable to most of the bands on Solid State.
  21. 'Cept for that fact that he's not.
  22. I've never been a fan of death metal. I like my awesome music to have an awesome message accompany it. Which is why I prefer Christian metal. Haste The Day, As I Lay Dying, Still Remains, Demon Hunter, etc.
  23. Lead vocalist, actually. Tim Lambesis. Pretty chill guy.
  24. Very, very nice piece. Though I might be a little biased in my opinion, seeing as how Darkness of the Unknown is my favorite video game composition of all time.
  25. Well, my main problem is that the sounds won't play in FL Studio either, making it impossible to make music.
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