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DJ Max-E

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Everything posted by DJ Max-E

  1. HOLY COW! FINALLY I CAN CHAT HERE! OKAY! Now that is out of the way, hope to hear some goodies from the Sonic Brackets!
  2. lol I get Ocean Base. And a whole lot of people joining. Maaaaaan... back to the sonic remixes and mashups.
  3. Count me in. Do we just say what team we want to be in and pick our zones here, or will there be a sign up page for that?
  4. Looks very interesting, I'll be downloading this.
  5. Hello everybody, I was going to post here last night but seemed like there was an issue getting in this thread and it took me to a blank page lol. I used to be here before, but I had an issue with my email address and had to cancel it (Long story, don't want to get to it) My name is Michael, 21, and I go by the name DJ Max-E / MaxieDaMan on YouTube. I'm a Freelance Music Composer & Music Producer, I've been a VG Remixer for almost 5 years (December 16 marks my 5th anniversary) and have been a producer for more than 5 years. I'm currently composing for 2 school projects, an Indie Game entitled, "Breeze In The Clouds" with 2 amazing composers, "Alan Gee" and "Aivi Tran", and a fan game entitled, "Sonic The Hedgehog: After The Sequel". I'm also currently in college for Video Game Design & Development and I am pushing to pursue a career in the Video Game Industry as a Music Composer. DAWs I use are both FL Studio & Logic Pro 9. I used to have Cubase, and I barely remember how it works. As much as I have my name out there on YouTube land, I will be registering on different forums and getting into as much as I can so I can benefit myself, musically, and share my love for video games altogether. Links will be on my signature, and I'll also post here. YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/maxiedaman BandCamp: http://djmax-eproductions.bandcamp.com SoundCloud: http://soundcloud.com/djmaxeofficial Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/DJ-Max-E-Productions/120998187972446 Hope you like what you see, and I hope to be more active around here on OCRemix.
  6. Haha, for sure man. I got like a bunch of other requested collaborations with other people as well for the next year. Man I got so much on my plate
  7. Hey! It's DJ Max-E! I thought you would have an OCRemix Accont lol

  8. One of my entries for the Music Tribute that got picked and placed on the Fan Made Mix CD for the SF25th Anniversary Tribute. Hope you enjoy
  9. Hello everybody. For those who don't know me, I go by "DJ Max-E". Thought I showcase one of my albums here that I made around the ending of 2010. Eleven Tracks for Eleven Dollars. I wish I could add more information about my album, but I rather let my music speak for itself. http://djmax-eproductions.bandcamp.com/album/dj-max-e-productions-presents-space-grooves Hope you like what you hear
  10. Dude I never knew this was going on. If I wasn't so sidetracked with school / somebody should've told me about this sooner, I would've joined this competition. Listened to all the remixes and they sound so amazing! I look forward to hear more. - DJ Max-E
  11. Well I got something 4 u. I made this a few months ago. Sonic Advance 3 Ending remix. Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8n-xCdwnMc I like your remastered version of the song. Keep up the good work.
  12. Thanks, I'll remember that next time.
  13. it's jus youtube being crappy. lol
  14. Like I said in my other thread, my SONGS are gone from my mp4 and I'm trying to get them back.
  15. A tribute to Ibuki from Street Fighter 3. I combined her themes from Third Strike and 2nd Impact to create this. I know that NativeDialect has created a Ibuki mix called Deaming Ninja for the 20th anniversary of Street Fighter tribute album project, and since I'm part of it, I made a few as well. Ninja Moon (Ibuki's 20th Anniversary Tribute): http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=ivyI_fuW4lk If you want the high quality version jus click on this video link and you'll find the high quality version on the description. Here's the Street Fighter 20th anniversary tribute playlist for more mixes from NativeDialect, Kariu, Jelehu, and more: http://ca.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=0C38116D6DEE4AE0 Feel free to rate/comment/etc. Enjoy.
  16. HORRAY FOR CRITICISM! lol naw. when it comes to criticism, it's like, "oh no...here it comes........" I wish I could edit the mix, but I can't. my dad reinstalled the cpu. Plus, everything (all of the mixes I made on FL Studio 8 ) on my MP4 are gone because of the computer. I'm tellin you, my cpu is corrupted, 4 life. lol
  17. well well well.....we meet once again, NativeDialect. lol Great mix by the way.
  18. I made this remix about 2 or three weeks ago (dont remember). One of my favourites from Sonic Advance 3. This mix wasn't difficult to do at all, it jus took me about a day or 2 to finish it, because of lagness on my computer. stupid lag... City Lights mix: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=tG9pjYsuG7A Route 99 Act 3 OST: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=hFqOaVHvWM8 Feel free to rate/comment/etc. Enjoy.
  19. Hey Djpretzel! Happy Birthday!
  21. move the channel number up or down depending on which channel yur instrument is in.
  22. Hello everyone. I'm new here. My name is Michael (DJ MAX-E) and I do alot of VG remixes jus in my spare time cause I have school work to do as well. As you can see, I've made up to like 45-60 remixes, maybe (2much to count), and I've posted most of them on YouTube. On YouTube I'm known as MaxieDaMan. Anyway, I have a link here that goes to my Sonic 2 Remix Playlist. I have more mixes for SF3, Sonic advance 3, Sonic Riders and more. Also I'll be moving onto Sonic 3&Knuckles next week June so stay tuned...oh and I use FL Studio 8. Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=F00BAEEEB1FAD6E7 If it doesn't work, then here's the link to my channel: http://youtube.com/user/MaxieDaMan Enjoy them. ^___^
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