H. Guderian
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Everything posted by H. Guderian
I actually like most of the non-UC shows, X, TurnA were fun for me. To be fair though, Lyle showed up long Niel died in Season 1. He's at the graveyard one time in the background. It was a planned kill-and-revive, and I feel Lock-on's end-of-series story was one of the better ones, actually dealing with loss, revenge, and pulling some neat things outta his hat. I agree with the -massive- wasted potential among most of the cast though, Marina features prominently in every opening as a love interest for Setsuna back to the first opening of season 1 though there's less chemistry there than between... ...Something with low chemistry. Anyways, still enjoying Mazinger for this season, despite a...boring 3rd episode, I have hope. FMA remake is cruising along nicely. I'm busy so a slow season isn't a bad thing. as for Escaflowne? I keep getting interupted when I watch that show, but if that is only 26 episodes I almsot keep finishing it, haven't ever gotten past 19 episodes. I'll have to borrow the DVDs off my sister.
Yeah, but I squealed like a fan to have Amuro back in the RX-78 in the last episode. I for the most part enjoyed the tail end of 00, but I'm about as angry at the show as I like it. Unlike SEED/Destiny which my hate for it can probably melt through steel. I mean, the end had a lot of plotholes, useless equipment, and characters fading into obscurity doing nothing, but it did an overall nice job. This season has slim pickings, so I'm staying with FMA, Mazinger Z, and Spice and Wolf II slated for the end of April, S&W2 is likely gonna be my favorite from the season.
One thing I know about the game is the sense of achievement I got figuring out each Colossus, the first time I jumped out of the way of the 1st Colossus' hammer, when "Counter-Attack" played when you managed to race along on the horse and make a leap of faith to just merely hang onto the side of the beast as it raised into the air... How tired I was to reach the final battle, holding R1 so tightly as to not fall off, smashing down the Square button with full force to communicate my dislike of these creatures. All those things on the first playthrough just don't seem possible in the movie. A lot of the experience I received was based on my sole interaction with the game. If anything this is a movie to view alone or in limited company. Talking about, 'well it -could- be done well' stands in the face of the people so far working on it. Did they actually get actors? Might this wind up a CGI project? Saying that SotC might be good if it followed Wall-E might make sense if it was the same Pixar team to do it. Thats the one hope I have. My second hope: Kow Otani gets brought back for the soundtrack. At least even if the movie is lukewarm and doesn't blow we'll at least be assured a nice soundtrack.
What old game would you most like to see revived?
H. Guderian replied to Soul Splint's topic in General Discussion
Truth said above. I would have wanted the Close Combat series on PC revived. They touted Company of Heroes to be spiritually carrying the Close Combat feeling. They were very wrong. I still wait a proper return of the Close Combat mechanics and feel. -
why do you play other people's music?
H. Guderian replied to xRisingForce's topic in General Discussion
Well, for other mediums like mentioned with sculpting and painting I do believe that carrying on a specific design, theme, or visual style arrangement can apply to that realization category. Its all fairly vague. But why play other people's creations? Why emulate their style? Immitation is the best form of flattery. If I made a great work of art in any medium I'd certainly want people to love it so much as to want to get closer to it via replication. -
What old game would you most like to see revived?
H. Guderian replied to Soul Splint's topic in General Discussion
Bubble Bobble, of course. A new Duck Hunt would rock too. The Shining series moved from strategy to Action RPG, so technically it hasn't really gone away. -
I resisted closets at first, and I'm not against them, but I don't think they should be the primary solution to everything. I know in some games some players play terrible when they join me on Expert and their only saving grace is that they're not a hinderence when in the closet. There is still some strategy when closets are involved usually involving the safe exit of all the players. You only need a boomer to shut them back in the closet when the tank comes. While not against closets I think their number should be toned down. I like having my decisions varied closets or other locations of equal or greater advantage.
Never give up trying! Sometimes the people who work there already have loads of swag and there's the off chance someone else hasn't claimed it. If you can't get it immediately a week after the product goes on sale they either have to trash the display or give it away. For them its a weekly occurance, its like buying meat on Sunday. They're looking to dump inventory, thats the 2nd sweet spot to ask at.
Yes, mine display reminds me a free T-Shirt comes with pre-order. Though it is a sticker over the cardboard, but I dare not attempt a removal. Edit: You cans score tons of swag this way at game stores, my friend also has a PS2 display kiosk and one for the Cube of XBox. Its like..his hobby to track these things down.
One thing I suggest, is that if you like any new or upcoming games - ask after the release if anyone has dibs on the dispaly standee. I have a 6ft tall cardboard Metroid Prime 2 display peice, my friend gave it to me after he managed to get an even better one. Such things are hard to purchase, due to the rarity. Its certainly a novelty thats a step above the rest.
Possible New Zelda Aler--BZZT FALSE ALARM
H. Guderian replied to Bleck's topic in General Discussion
Well if its a time-traveling Zelda game there's no reason we can't have both a modern and fantasy Zelda game. Infact, why just two time-worlds? Old-now-future settings... I'd have to side with this not being a Zelda title though With how TP felt and crushed my hopes I'm not sure I want a new one. -
I actually won't play the game at all unless my friends want to. l4d with friends is a seperate game than l4d without friends, moreso than most other multiplayer games.
For them it might be late hours, but for some this update thingy came right during peak hours. I'd direly love to see something new and some fixes to the greifs and explits found ingame thusfar.
The Blog Sega doesn't want you to read
H. Guderian replied to Toadofsky's topic in General Discussion
There seems to be either love/hate for SA2 Battle. What'd I like? The Chao thingy was kinda fun to mess around with, and the Sonic/Shadow stages were (usually) good. The bosses blew up until the last two (oh and the Egg Golem thing, mostly because it was the last boss' first form dumbed way down). Sonic suffers from a design team thats exhausted and a fan base that is inexhaustable. Take a trip voer to a site like DeviantArt and on the front page there's a good chance you'll see a fan-character to pollute the further Sonic universe, and they're typically just recolors. Something inspires the young ones to sign onto these games in droves and unless that is addressed these things will still sell so that Werehog will hardly be the last outrage. Nutty new-wave fanbase... -
Yeah, I think the NM finale is the hardest. DeadAir...so easy. Death Toll's finale has a essentially a free win. Blood Harvest you can likewise glitch out the tank. No Mercy is likely hardest due to the lack of Exploits and the ability for specials to encircle and attack from cover. The BH and DT finales are exploitable, DeadAir just has that corner to hide in where all enemies have to run up a long slope at you. Oh noes... So yeah, 3D NM enviornment. Try fighting the tank and not only have a smoker, even for a moment latch onto you and you can fall down a level or two, take fall damage, become completely seperated, heck, being punched off the roof in general. I was very resistant to closet camping when people first started doing it, it essentially renders hordes ineffective given that there's something closet-like nearby at all times. Closet camping also ties in with the ability to just have a few people on melee duty.
NekomimiMusic, a blog about anime and anime music
H. Guderian replied to OverCoat's topic in General Discussion
They're pretty nice remixes, though the quality feels lacking, musically. I like the concept and direction they had though. -
Recommendations for Anime from 1985-1992?
H. Guderian replied to Meteo Xavier's topic in General Discussion
MD Giest is short, though I didn't walk away with anything other than a fear of trying any amazing physical feats for fear of harm. Votoms is a rather nice addition to the mecha genre, same designer for MSG I think. The machines are actually, you know, machines, and expendable. Not some big secret weapon or beam-spam. Its a nice watch so far. (Haven't completed) -
Recommendations for Anime from 1985-1992?
H. Guderian replied to Meteo Xavier's topic in General Discussion
Zeta was '85. Double Zeta was not nearly as bad, and there's even worse in the UC timeline alone. The weakest Gundam series is probably SEED/Destiny. The first half of ZZ was such a radical departure, the 2nd half was a closer return to the Zeta stylings, and I found it more enjoyable by that point. As for Gurren Lagann's 'tropes' (common story element themes/elements) I can say one thing: Every genre has its stupid common themes. I got into an arguement once and had to point this out, that any genre of anime you go into has horribly stupid commonalities. And so there was nothing good about GL then? The mecha weren't unique in design? very few shows had a better eyecatch, the opening and its variations were also very well done, the animation ws clean and smoothe as well, there was little 3rd-rate animation in the whole thing. I mean, we're watching anime because we also like animation and voice acting I assume? If we wanted raw story there are books after all. GL is faaaaaaaaaar from bad. Check out actually bad shows before slamming one of the best in its genre. Note: If you hate the mecha genre...I mean, even the real robot genre is usually a cluster of "That new model is fast!" and "I'm out of ammo!" Still enjoyable of course, hardly makes them bad. (and yes even non-mecha anime ahs 'tropes'.) -
Recommendations for Anime from 1985-1992?
H. Guderian replied to Meteo Xavier's topic in General Discussion
Gurren Lagann follows Gainax's tried and true standard of offering fanservice and srs-bizness at the same time. While not in as even dosage as some other works they've done. GL is jsut a good show, the production, the animation quality, the writing, the acting, the pacing and characters are also good. So what part of it is ~bad~? Just because you don't like it doesn't make it bad, especially when nearly ever individual aspect of the show is at the top of its game. Also, am I one of few who watches even a bad show from start to finish to make sure I know the whole deal? -
How about Price? I know I've bought a few games purely on the factor that they were like $4.99, despite hearing absolutely nothing about it.
Recommendations for Anime from 1985-1992?
H. Guderian replied to Meteo Xavier's topic in General Discussion
Essentially, anything under Gainax's banner is typically good, from Wings of Honneamise, Aim for the Top! Gunbuster, up to the mid 90's with Shin Seki Evangelion, and FLCL, to our more recent Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. The last thing they did was assist with animating someone else's show, I think A-1 took over after that? I forget the title, but it debuted in the recent Fall season... Speaking of Sakamoto, wouldn't Escaflowne be near the tail end of the timescale we're in? If you don't like a show size it also comes in a darker, movie version. -
Recommendations for Anime from 1985-1992?
H. Guderian replied to Meteo Xavier's topic in General Discussion
Each Macross is like...a different beast. Macross 7 is music heavy. Infact, there's an emphasis on love triangles and music in each one. I like each Macross seperately and for different reasons, Macross II however, was terrible. Worth noting, Harmony Gold licensed Super Dimensional Fortress Macross and put it under the name Robotech, while adding two compeltely unrelated shows (Super Dimensional Calvary Southern Cross and Mospeda) and changing the names around and claiming it to be one big universe. Another Macross note: They compressed the entire story into a single movie version. Which brings me to another note: Zeta Gundam has been compressed into 3 movies as well that are actually really recent. Movie versions tend to look a ton better as well, plus not eat up your time as much. If you like space ships, characterization, and space-opera drama, I recommend the massive Legend of the Galactic Heroes. For a bit of Shonen, I'd suggest "Touch!" (1985) which was pretty classic and one of the most popular anime. So much! So very much in so much time~ -
I'd have to say a little bit in each category.I know I've picked up random games where all those elements are present, but rarely if there's one missing. It doesn't have to be epic graphics or a flawless developer track record, but its gotta be registered in my mind.
Recommendations for Anime from 1985-1992?
H. Guderian replied to Meteo Xavier's topic in General Discussion
Limiting yourself to OVAs and movies really narrows the quality pool. You should post what genres you're into as well. There's also a ton of OVAs that are part of a larger story. Just as an example, fitting your criteria would be both Gundam 0080 "War in the Pocket" and Gundam 0083 "Stardust Memory", though they're both from the Universal Century (UC) timeline. The UC timeline starts back with the original Mobile Suit Gundam (1979), the classic Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam (1985) ZZ Gundam (86-87). Victory Gundam in 1991 ends what there is for UC Gundam I can name merely offhand, the movie Char's Counterattack (1998-9) is a good movie but is enhanced by knowing a few of the relationships and terms, as it is the end of early-mid UC. I haven't personally seen Gundam F91, but I heard it felt very rushed so I can't recommend it. 8th MS Team is 1994, and is very good for standing its story alone in the UC timeline. As for what you're looking for, Gunbuster (1988) is 6 episodes from a brand new studio we now know as Gainax, which is probably some of the most concentrated goodness in 6 episodes thats really hard to match, a bit of fun, and bit of awesome. I wholly can't recommend that enough. Yoroiden Samurai Troopers and Dancouga I'd also recommend, they have OVAs, they're both late 80's, but they're both 36-ish and 50-ish episodes a peice. I can't think of more right now, but I'll surely be back. 13 episode shows were rarer back then. -
]Syntax Error[ Gets Shut Down By Nintendo C&D
H. Guderian replied to JackKieser's topic in General Discussion
Oh won't anyone think about Warranty? IP issues aside, crackin' a Wii open violates your warranty whch is a direct financial loss, and when 12 yr-old Jimmy breaks his Wii trying to get cool new characters he found in a tutorial online, Mr. Jimmy's Mom is gonna be furious to find out the warranty was voided in a hacking/modding attempt. These cases may have already happened, it possibly could be the reason why this resulted in a C&D, if not this reason alone justifies a C&D.