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Soul Splint

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Status Updates posted by Soul Splint

  1. http://www.teamfortress2.fr/achievements.php?eng

    Just go through the steps. You can save the picture or save the URL.

  2. No prob. Good luck fitting a custom pic if you were planning on it, it wouldn't do it for me.

  3. Hey, I will add your FC for safari this evening. Mine is 4184-1304-8565. I have ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, and don't know the third one yet).

  4. I'm usually on around 8 p.m. as well, so that should work out if you're on. I'll let you know what you've got tomorrow.

  5. Hey--do you guys have a rough idea of when we can expect the physical copies of Serious Monkey Business? I only ask because I recently moved and will need mine sent to an address different from the one on my Paypal account. Thanks!

  6. Hey, just let me know a good time for you today (or whenever) that we can do some trades. I think I have three that I need to trade right now (Kadabra, Haunter, and Scyther). My code is 4184-1304-8565. Thanks!

  7. Thanks bro, but I've only bro'd from the best, and that's the OC Fito group. Are there particular goals or reasons that you want a PT?

  8. Sounds good. I'll plan to be on at 8 p.m. EST.

  9. Ah, a problem near and dear to my heart. I also "suffer" from lack of sore boobies after chest day. But, (if I may) keep in mind that soreness is not necessarily an indicator that you had a good or bad workout. Also, I found it really helpful to look at some form tweaks on chest exercises that I thought I was doing correctly.

    Pretty much every guy out there looks at the bench press and thinks, "How hard can good form be? Just get under the bar, touch your chest and push it up." But you and I both know there's way more to it than that. If bench press is part of your chest work, are you tightening your core and glutes, retracting your back muscles and pulling your shoulders back, "pulling" the bar toward you rather than letting it fall, and trying to bend the bar outward as you reach the top of the press?

    Things like this totally changed where I was sore after benching, in a very good way. I don't mean to give unwanted advice, but I can really identify with your struggle here.

  10. Sorry, I forgot all about him learning new moves. You made exactly the right choices! Thanks for your help, let me know if you need to do some more trading in the future. If you are into breeding, I can get you some dittos with good ivs. Thanks again!

  11. Tsup, I will add your 3DS code this evening. Mine is 4184-1304-8565.

  12. Hey, I will add you to my 3DS list later today. My code is 4184-1304-8565 (ghost safari).

  13. Hey, I will add you to my 3DS list today. My code is 4184-1304-8565 (ghost safari in Pokemon X).

  14. BTW, I'll be on IRC so we can coordinate as needed (if needed).

  15. Hey, I will add you to my 3DS list this evening. My code is 4184-1304-8565. I'd love to have the other two starters eventually, but right now I'm trying my hardest to get access to a safari with ditto or at least have someone trade me a 4, 5, or 6 IV ditto.

  16. Hey dude, I clicked on the link to buy and download Club Kong but I can't find it on that Loudr page...am I missing something?

  17. Hey, guess you missed my question to you in the sale/want thread. Do you still want Brutal Legend for 360?

  18. Hey, was there a specific trade you were wanting to do recently, when we were both on? The Scyther I sent you is ripe for breeding (nature, ability, good IVs) or were you just wanting to get some random stuff? I had to sign off rather quickly, but I'm down for trading specifics if you want. (Incidentally, I'll be needing some help soon with trades to make some of my competitive team-members evolve. And if you have a larvitar you want to send me I will reciprocate with something you really want, if I have access to it...)

  19. Ah, that's nice of you. I'm pretty sure I don't have a Munna...is there anything you are looking for, for breeding or otherwise?

  20. Well, if you have the pre-evolutions (I know you have a Scyther!) and the trade items needed for their final stages, I'd be happy to be your trade buddy to get them. I'll be wanting to evolve my own pokes to get a Scizor, Gengar, Alakazam, etc. pretty soon. I don't think I can help out with Articuno though, as I don't have one either. I should be done breeding what I'll need by the end of next week, I hope.

  21. Hello there, will add you to my 3DS list later today. I am 4184-1304-8565, also playing Bravely Default.

  22. There we go. Just tried it in a different browser, and it worked. Thanks! Will buy and download tonight.

  23. Hey, I will add you to my 3DS list later today. My code is 4184-1304-8565.

  24. Sounds simple enough.

    I will be semi-available between 12 and 4 on Sat. (today) as well, so we can try it then. By semi-available I mean it may take me longer than I hope to send the messages due to other responsibilities, but I don't think it will be a problem. My friend code is 202150906489. So I assume we'll both send a message, read the received message, go back to ds menu and re-set the clock, then re-connect inside FF3 and send another message, rinse, repeat?

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