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    Kirkland, WA

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  1. You should also vote for it on greenlight if you have a steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=110272647
  2. I'm bad at dota But oh god playing Zues is gives you the most smug feeling in the world when you nail 3 fleeing heros with your ult from two lanes over. Mix with refresher orb for extra smugness.
  3. With every new album I usually poke around the mixes a bit until I find one I like, and that will be "the track" that makes me download the album. This was that track. I've spent so much time on this one track I don't think I've even covered the whole album yet.
  4. Patch graphics hit at the 3:00 mark
  5. Patch day. Time to blow up some interbus customs offices
  6. I still have mixed feelings. The sig/res combo on most BCs doesn't really lend itself to BS sized guns. Maybe BS autos, but the tracking might not add up. But I suppose we'll see. If the price is right they'll probably outright replace welpfleet.
  7. Looks like winter's buffing the hell out of dreads, hybrids, and adding t3 BCs. Maybe gallente will stop sucking. Who knows.
  8. he was moving a bunch of plexes to somewhere else, probably his home system, or somewhere they're selling for more. He probably thought he was save because he was in high sec. The problem with that is that you can still suicide into most haulers and have a friend/alt take the loot. Furthermore, the whole thing is retarded. Plexes don't take any cargo space, so he could have used a much faster or more agile ship. He also didn't fit a tank at all. The slow speed of the bestower basically opens it up to be easily scanned down by high sec gankers, and the lack of tank makes it an easy target. When you consider the payout, you could gank in a BS or T3 and still make a profit. Hell you could have ganked in a dread and you'd still double your investment. Tip of the day: Don't move plexes.
  9. I should point out the steam version is NOT a 30 day trial, its a full 30 say subscription. There are several minor differences, the biggest being you can't train a bunch of skills on a trial. also, don't be this guy.
  10. By "nothing else to do" I meant nobody else to fight. The current supercap situation makes it pretty much impossible to attack into anyone with more supers than you. Since the delve region's uncollected mass of clowns don't individually own enough supers to just blob them (nor do they trust eachother enough to deploy them together). It's one of the few places we can still get good fights.
  11. Eve is a terrible game. I don't see how anyone can enjoy high/low sec. And null is only fun because we basically just pick random people and fight them because there's nothing else to do. Its OK though MM didn't want that sov anyway.
  12. Go mine some ice in gallente space. I hear thats a safe thing to do right now
  13. I was playing veno because I can just sit on a lane and push quietly. The spawns also work as good scouting on alternate lane paths so I can see a gank coming and gtfo. I'll try one of those heroes though.
  14. Does anyone else here have a key? MM takes ages due to the small pool atm. Pretty fun though, even as someone who's terrible at dota.
  15. Is that some yin-yarn I hear? :3
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