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Everything posted by FireSlash

  1. We're not sure at the moment WHAT we're going to do, hence the brainstorming. A lot of ideas have been thrown around for the second server, but the key is that if the second server isn't used, it's pointless. So we'd ideally want to produce two configurations that cater to the opposing forces in the community, however that may be. Alternatively, we can run a single server like we do now, and "hold" the other for events (like TF2 Tuesday, scrims, etc)
  2. To clarify, the "customs" server wouldn't be ONLY customs, it'd be similar to our current mapcycle (stocks we like plus customs mixed in) only with a few more customs in the rotation. For instance, that server might have glacier, furnace, and follower added to the rotation, one or two stocks taken out, where the "stocks" server would be ONLY valve maps. I also support te idea of the stocks server being team talk, with crits. There's always votecrits. This would basically break down into a "semi serious" server and a "fun" server. Since we currently have both of these segments on the OCR server, and they tend to clash, I think separating them is a good idea. I'd also like to throw out the idea of not running stats on the "fun"/customs server. We also need to sit down one night and do a real load test on the server to check for ping issues. If possible, I'd like to do this tonight.
  3. 95% chance of me going 5% chance of one of my diabolical world domination devices splitting the earth in two before Jan 1st.
  4. 7-11 EST also fine for me, as long as I have a bit of notice.
  5. just a heads up I've found that hlstatsCE counts team kills pretty badly. I've got a post out on their forum about this since I don't see any way to remove the penalty in the admin panel. Once that's done I'll reset stats again. edit: lol done. I only reset ranking though, everything else is intact.
  6. I disabled it temporarily because I've not gotten around to importing the geolocation database. You have to do some weird finagling to get it imported properly and I've been sorting out optimizations first. EDIT: ok, fixt. Locations are only checked during the connecting event, so some will remain unknown for a bit, new ones should be accurate.
  7. psychostats is now dead. I've switched it over to hlstatsx CE http://ocrstats.fireslash.net/ I'd like to look at switching over to sourcebans. Since we may have multiple servers soon, a global ban list that covers all community servers would be fantasmic in my opinion.
  8. We were using OTHER TEAM IS BABIES as a refuge server during the second lag attack. just use 'fireslash.net' as the IP if it happens again. Hopefully this is the last time the server freaks out though.
  9. No dice. I can only pull data that valve lets me peek at, and none of those are available
  10. I've added a bit to tf2stats.net for bettter player stats. It requires you to flag your profile for scanning though, which is effectively just joining this group. After two days it'll have collected enough info to show a player stats page like this: http://tf2stats.net/player_stats/FireSlash Instead of just this: http://tf2stats.net/player_stats/demomenz Those stats are collected across all servers, so they might be interesting to those of you who play on servers other than OCR.
  11. Out of random curiousity, why kill the www. domain? Is there some kind of deep dark SEO reason, or was it just a stylistic change?
  12. I agree. This should really be done.
  13. Voting for the COA, + sign me up for one. COA needs more solider though. heck everything needs more soldier. edit: I remember that. That sticky kill was just paranoia and luck. Mostly paranoia.
  14. Trackable or not, unless someone adds it to the plugin, this discussion is moot.
  15. If you want to suggest actual achievement ideas that we can create using the new plugin (when it's finished)... Weapons Names Backstabs (this can also kills that weren't backstabs) headshots (Also can track bodyshots) Dominations Revenge Kills Steam ID Current Map Class so things like team switch and admin slay can't be tracked
  16. This is a pretty positive step for Nintendo. The DS's 3d hardware was horrific. The 3d core used a very stripped down variant of openGL, and even worse the small vram size and limitation of only being able to attach to one screen pretty much made any 3d application a living nightmare to code. I'm honestly surprised how many developers jumped on board. The Nintendo dev kit must have been pretty sexy.
  17. How did this get derailed? Stop taking atmuh's troll bait. I'm going to look into installing this: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=920671, I know we looked at installing it before, but this version might not have the same bug.
  18. http://steamcommunity.com/id/FireSlash fireslash@fireslash.net
  19. sending monies now linkspast.
  20. http://www.enterthegame.com/menuitem.asp?ID=48 Should be able to help you out. Keep that ref number and kill message handy.
  21. I'd also like to jump in on the 4 pack action.
  22. Join flooding? Really? Lets not do that again, or you might find your ban magically extended.
  23. For those still getting waffle textures, do this: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\<your steam>\team fortress 2\tf\maps Delete all of the mapname_particles.txt files. you can quickly do this by sorting by file type and deleting all of the .txt files. None of them are original. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\<your steam>\team fortress 2\tf\particles Delete custom_particles001.pcf C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\<your steam>\team fortress 2\tf\materials\particles delete everything. That should solve your problems.
  24. No, but I'd really like to. Psycho isn't actively maintained anymore, and I'm not sure how accurate it is anymore with the recent updates. It still seems to be correct, but I can't say for certain, or for how much longer. The tf2 branch is still in experimental I think
  25. psychostats ranks just like hl. You can even get cool forum signature things if you want. also hlstats isn't wasting 300mb of database on my server
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